girl knight zero

Chapter 188 Accept Your True Self

Chapter 188 Accept Your True Self
Wolf actually hated his own origin?

Cang Ling raised his head in surprise.

"Everyone is destined to have a different starting point and situation when they are born. No matter whether you are angry or unwilling, the reality will not change." Wolf said looking into Cang Ling's eyes.

"I know this too..." Cang Ling avoided Wolfe's eyes, "I don't hate my background, it's just, it's just that when I work twice as hard, I can't even get half of what others have achieved At that time, I felt in my heart..."

Having said that, Cang Ling stopped, biting his lips tightly again.

Wolfe looked at her quietly, without speaking.

After being silent for a long time, Cang Ling raised his head and summoned up his courage to say, "You are right. I admit that I really hated my background and thought, 'If I hadn't been born in this kind of family, would my life be so bad? Same'... But my father was such a nice man, he even sacrificed his life to protect me and my mother. Every time when this thought comes to me, I feel so ugly... "

Speaking of this, Cang Ling's face flushed with shame.

"Listen, everyone will have negative emotions, which are also part of the self." Wolfe said calmly, "Learn to accept the true self. Only by accepting yourself and facing yourself can you obtain an equal personality with others."

Hearing this, Cang Ling felt her heart constrict suddenly, and Wolfe's words penetrated her chest like an invisible hand and hit the deepest part of her heart.

That place is deeply hidden by her, and has been hidden for 9 years, and no one has ever discovered it.

But now, Wolf found out!

In an instant, Cang Ling felt that all his shells had been stripped off, and he was exposed in front of Wolf like a naked baby.

Shame, low self-esteem, touch, surprise... All kinds of mixed emotions were intertwined, and tears burst out involuntarily. She hurriedly raised her head and clenched her teeth to prevent the tears from falling.

"Man is not a god, so be tolerant to yourself. Sometimes, you don't need to pretend to be strong..." Wolfe said softly.

Hearing this, Cang Ling's long-accumulated emotions finally burst, and she threw herself down beside Wolfe's bed and cried bitterly, choking her sobs and crying so hard.

At this moment, like a child who has been wronged and hid in her father's arms, she let go of all her guard and pretense, and only wanted to vent her emotions to her heart's content.

Seeing her crying, Wolfe couldn't help flashing his childhood figure in his mind.

At that time, he once cried bitterly in someone's arms like this.

Looking at Cangling, Wolfe seemed to see his former self.

Cang Ling cried for more than 20 minutes before raising his head sobbing.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Captain Wolfe, I've lost my composure." Cang Ling saw that Wolfe's bed sheet was soiled by himself, and hurriedly wiped away the tears and snot with his sleeve.

Wolfe didn't speak, he picked up his handkerchief and handed it to Cangling.

Cang Ling took the handkerchief, blushed and wiped it hard.

"Let me bring you a new bed sheet, I'm really sorry!" Cang Ling bowed his head and apologized.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Wolfe said generously.

"No, Doctor De told me to keep clean!" Cang Ling wiped the tears from his face, and hurried out.

After a while, she ran back with a clean sheet and helped Wolfe change it.

"I'm so sorry today, I showed you such a shameful look..." Cang Ling stood in front of Wolfe and said awkwardly, "But, I sincerely thank you for telling me this. I was always in a panic But now I seem to be much more open-minded!"

"Don't worry about your origin in the future. No one can choose their origin. The key is, what do you want to be?'"

"What do I want to be? I, I want to be a Hurricane Knight like you!" Cang Ling said hastily.

"Then go to achieve this goal. The acquired efforts are the part you can control. Don't affect the things you can change for the things you can't change."

"Yes! I'm going to train now!" Cang Ling said full of fighting spirit.

"Can I ask about your daily training methods? Especially spiritual training."

"Of course, I used to rely on spiritual power rings and battle exercises to improve my spiritual power..." Cang Ling told Wolff his training process in detail.

"Have you ever gone to Yugangkui? Has he tested your spiritual power? What's the number?"

"I remember the result of the last test was around 800G."

"When was it measured?"

"Well... it should be last summer, before the autumnal equinox."

Hearing this, Wolfe was silent for a few seconds and said, "Give me your hand."

Cang Ling stretched out his hand suspiciously.

Wolf tightly grasped Cang Ling's wrist, and injected spiritual power into her body.

Although she didn't understand what Wolfe wanted to do, Cang Ling still obediently remained motionless, letting Wolfe pour into her body continuously.

Soon, Cang Ling couldn't take it anymore, Wolfe's spiritual power far surpassed the pressure chamber!
In less than 5 minutes, Cang Ling was sweating profusely, his legs were shaking, and he could hardly stand up.

She looked up at Wolfe, who had no intention of stopping at all, so Cang Ling gritted her teeth and held on desperately.

After another 5 minutes, Cang Ling felt the bones all over her body were rattling. She couldn't control herself and knelt down on one knee, leaning on the side of the bed and gasping for breath.

It wasn't until Cang Ling cried out in pain that Wolfe finally let go of his hand.

"I have a suggestion, would you like to try?" Wolff asked.

"What...suggestion?" Cang Ling reluctantly raised his head.

"The maximum pressure value you have endured before is twice, but I think you can bear much more than that. I will increase the pressure value for you and force all the potential in your body to be fully stimulated, so that you can regain Realize the combat power during the underground battle and normalize it."

"Really?" Cang Ling was overjoyed.

"of course."

"How much is it going to be raised? Three times? Four times?"

"No, ten times." Wolfe said calmly.

"Ten, ten times?" Cang Ling almost fell to the ground in fright.

In Kang Dun, the double pressure had already made her almost collapse!

"Can I bear such a strong pressure? Will I not be able to bear it..." Cang Ling hesitated.

"No. I'm sure you can take it."

Cang Ling took a look at Wolfe, thinking that Wolfe would not lie to him. After all, he is the most powerful knight in the country, so his judgment should not be wrong.

"I'm willing to try." Cang Ling stood up and said.

"Okay, I'll train with you starting tomorrow." Wolff said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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