Chapter 201
The annihilation of the Wolf team was undoubtedly a well-planned assassination, but it is unclear who was behind the scenes.

So, everyone carefully set up a bureau, deliberately let Wolfe go to the remote north, and stay there alone with Delang.

Externally, it was said that Wolff was seriously injured and now the North is recovering from his injuries.

If the envoy really wanted to kill Wolfe, he would definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Sure enough, not long after Wolf arrived in Lachesis, the northwest border began to change. There is evidence that Jersey's men began to move north.

Because Jersey has teamed up with humans before, if the other party wants to assassinate Wolfe, it seems logical to find Jersey as an agent again.

So, everyone secretly lurked in a town not far away, and Delang regularly contacted each other under the pretext of buying medicine to report the latest situation.

Everyone agreed that the other party would carry out the assassination before Wolfe recovered or even woke up, but what he didn't expect was that the other party was so patient and dragged on for so long.

However, now that it has been confirmed that Jersey was not the mastermind of the last incident, and that he did not seek to kill Wolfe, this matter is easy to explain.

It is waiting to see if Wolf's strength can be restored.

If Wolfe's strength is greatly reduced, there is no need to find Wolfe to join the group.

"So that's the case. I said, how can your group feel at ease leaving the two of you here." Dave suddenly realized.

"Doctor De, where is Captain Wolf now? Is he okay?" Cang Ling asked anxiously.

"He..." De Lang hesitated, "He has not recovered his human form, nor has his consciousness recovered. He is still in the cave, guarded by Captain Baili."

"I want to see him. Can I?"

"It's dangerous to contact Wolf right now. I'll ask Lyudmila for you tomorrow."

"Ok, thank you!"

The next day, De Lang really told Liudmila about Cangling's request, and after Liudmila relayed it to Bai Li, Bai Li thought about it and agreed to Cangling's request.

"When this girl was captured by Wolfe, although Wolfe didn't recognize her, he didn't kill her. Maybe her presence can help Wolfe regain consciousness." Bai Li said.

After hearing that Captain Bai Li agreed to contact Wolfe, Cangling immediately went further and asked to move to the cave.

"My injury is not serious, it's the same if I bring medicine to heal my injury there." Cang Ling prayed.

"Okay, if you don't think it's cold there." Lyudmila glanced at Cang Ling and agreed.

Hearing this, Cang Ling immediately packed up his things and rushed to Goddess Peak.

The cave where Wolfe was held was on the top of the Goddess Peak. It was located very far away, facing the sea, and it was completely invisible from the land side.

Because of the high altitude, the cave is extremely cold, and the transportation of materials is inconvenient, so there is no stove. Cang Ling felt cold all over his body shortly after he entered.

Soon, the place where Wolfe was held arrived. It was the innermost cave, which was transformed into a prison cell, covered with a physical shield.

Wolfe still maintained his beastly form, lying prone in the cage like a giant wolf, with a low breathing sound from his throat, and his eyes were red.

"Captain Wolfe, I'm Zero, do you still recognize me?" Cang Ling stepped forward and called softly.

Wolfe raised his head immediately when he heard her voice.

"I'm Zero, Cang Ling who fights against you every day!" Cang Ling shouted while pressing his shield.

Suddenly, Wolf jumped up from the ground, opened his mouth wide and rushed towards Cang Ling, but was stopped by the cage.

Wolf slammed into the cage angrily, roaring in his throat.

"It's useless for me to say it. He is no longer a human being." Bai Li folded her arms and leaned aside and said, "It's useless if you call him any more."

"No, Captain Wolf will never lose his mind, he will definitely come back!" Cang Ling said firmly.

"Captain, the battlefield has been cleaned up, and all the physical evidence has been sealed." At this moment, Lyudmila ran over.

"Okay, wait for the sergeant major to check and ship it out."

"By the way, Captain Baili, I have something to report to you!" Cang Ling suddenly remembered the matter of the brass product.

"You said."

"I found a special brass item on a night devil before during the migration tide battle. The day before yesterday, I found exactly the same thing on Jersey again!"

"You mean this?" Bai Li took out the brass product from her pocket.

"Yes, this is it! I thought it was some kind of jewelry before, and it was eaten by night monsters when they cannibalized people, but this time I found out that this thing is not jewelry, because it is deeply embedded in Jersey's leg Yes, this is definitely a weapon! And it’s a mass-produced weapon, otherwise it wouldn’t be so highly consistent in shape!”

"I also found this special thing." Bai Li said, shaking the object in her hand, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be—a bullet."

"Bullets?? Aren't bullets all made of lead or iron?" Cang Ling was taken aback.

"There are traces of gunpowder burning on this thing. It seems that someone is quietly developing new weapons."

"If this is really a new type of weapon, it should be allocated to Hurricane first, right? You haven't even seen it before, so... Could it be that the other party is not a Xinghai person? Is it from Sandia?"

"Who knows, this matter is getting more and more interesting." Bai Li sneered.

At night, Cang Ling wrapped his sleeping bag and thought about the bullet, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

If the Night Demon in Migration Tide flew over from San Dia, Jersey has never been to San Dia, has he?

How could it have bullets?
By the way, if Jersey is really the first "finished product" of the base, then this bullet is likely to be hit when it escaped from the base.

So where did the night devil in the migratory tide battle shoot?
The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and Cang Ling felt that there was a mystery behind it.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside, Cang Ling hurriedly got up, and ran out to see that it was Qi Ke!

"Is this Wolfe?" Chico rushed to see Wolfe as soon as he came to the cave.

"Yes, it has been completely animalized and lost its human mind."

"Wolf! I order you, restore the prototype immediately!" Zico yelled at Wolff.

Wolfe sprang at him in a rage, screaming and pushing the cage like hell with his paws.

"No, he can't recognize anyone now, and he can't understand our words." Bai Li said.

"If this is the case, the problem will be troublesome. Wolfe is the strongest person in our regiment, and he is in a state of complete animalization. Once he escapes, none of us can do anything to him."

"I'm not afraid that he will escape, but I'm afraid that he will hurt people after he escapes." Bai Li said, "The people in the Senate have been watching us all day, for fear that they won't catch us."

"If the news of his animal transformation spreads, it will indeed bring a lot of pressure to the queen. It seems that the only way to kill him is to kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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