girl knight zero

Chapter 207 Who was the savior back then?

Chapter 207 Who was the savior back then?
On the second day, all the new knights visited the headquarters, the Wall of Glory and the Knight Archives.

The Wall of Glory is a black brick wall, five meters high and ten meters wide, engraved with gold-plated names, all of which are legendary figures of the Hurricane Knights.

In the middle of the wall, Cang Ling saw the late NO.1 of the previous generation: Jaeger Wolf.

"Wow, there are so many famous knights!" A female knight raised her head and exclaimed, "I really hope that one day my name will also appear on it."

"The people who can go up this wall are gone, are you sure you want to go up?" Her companion said.

"I won't come here because I'm afraid of death." The female knight laughed.

After admiring the Wall of Glory, everyone came to the Knight Archives.

In the archives, everyone has a taste of the history of the creation of the Hurricane Knights.

The predecessor of the Hurricane Knights was a private night demon crusade team with only 3 people: the Hurricane Squad.

The three players are: Elsa, Lance and Mason.

At that time, Xinghai was in a period when the Night Demon had the upper hand, and there was a lot of negative voices in the country. The king was also forced to stop overseas operations and spend most of his budget on the reinforcement of the shield.

At this moment, the three members of the Hurricane Squad sold all their belongings, purchased a full set of knight equipment, and spontaneously went overseas to fight.

Everyone laughed at them as lunatics, who were stupid after reading knight novels, and said that they would definitely not come back alive.

However, to everyone's surprise, they not only survived, but also killed Atar, the largest boss on the border at that time, and successfully recovered nearly 500 square kilometers of land.

After the news came back, there was a sensation in the whole country. The three people were received like heroes, and they were also received by the king in person and conferred titles.

The Hurricane Squad, who had successfully become a nobleman, chose not to indulge in pleasure, but chose to continue fighting abroad.

This time the king provided them with support, and many warriors in the country spontaneously followed them. In the end, more than 200 people participated in the territory recovery battle, and the accumulated territory recovered was nearly 3000 square kilometers, which greatly boosted the low morale in the country.

When the Hurricane Squad attacked the Twilight Sea, two of the three founders passed away due to injuries. The king buried them in the Twilight Sea according to their wishes, and established the first holy city in the local area: Habitat moon city.

Later, the third founder was also buried here after his death, and he and his companions were buried in the Sea of ​​Dusk.

The Hurricane Squad they left behind was also officially adopted by the country, renamed the Hurricane Knights, and continued to use the Hurricane as its emblem.

The famous saying of Elsa, one of the founders: "The Hurricane Knight will never retreat like a hurricane, and you can still move forward against the wind." It has also been regarded as a classic by all successors and has been passed down to this day.

"It's amazing... Under such circumstances, he dared to go out of the country alone to fight. He really deserves to be a legendary hero!" Cang Ling admired him.

"You can still move forward against the wind, I want to tattoo this sentence on my chest!" A hook-nosed knight said excitedly.

"Then you have to do a hair removal first." A knight next to him said with a smile.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the knight's body hair was very thick, and the chest hair overflowed from the neckline.

"Hahahahaha!" Everyone laughed loudly.

After the visit, everyone has half a day of leisure time, and the formal oath of joining the group will be held tomorrow morning.

She thought that Cang Ling would go to training again, but this time she didn't rush to the training hall, but went straight into the archives room.

"I remember that Doctor De said that all the battle records are in the headquarters, so you only need to check the battle records of Cloto Village to know who the knight who saved me was." Cang Ling said while walking.

"I'm so excited, the answer to the mystery will be revealed soon." Phoebe held her chest, as if she was the one waiting for the answer.

"I hope he's still alive." Just as Kali finished speaking, she was punched by Phoebe.

After coming to the archives room, Cang Ling made a request to the administrator, and the administrator took them to the battle record area.

"The Battle of Cloto Village seems to be in 1686, right? These are the records of that year's battle, so please take your time to find them!" said the administrator, pointing to a row of files on a high place.

"This, so much?" Cang Ling was taken aback, this was almost catching up with Lan Dun's amount in five or six years.

"Put it back to its original position after finishing it." The administrator pushed a ladder, turned and left.

Cang Ling and the others climbed up the ladder, took the thick records to the table, and began to look them up.

"Wow, here is the record of attacking the S-class night devil! The Eastern Pterosaur! Wow, there is also the Isouda sea snake annihilation battle!"

Soon, Phoebe forgot the reason for coming, and watched various battles with great interest.

Cang Ling didn't bother to watch those battles, she searched through the date and found the Battle of Croto Village in the fourth record.

"Huh..." Cang Ling closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and opened the battle record.


Seeing this, Cang Ling nervously covered the list of Class 6 with his hand, then continued to take a deep breath, and slowly moved his hand down.

", this is a woman. also a woman...Kevin! There is a man! Wait, the age marked on the back is 37 years old,, in case he is the Louis regiment What about a baby face like that?"

Cang Ling continued to look down and found two more men, one was 27 years old and the other was 30 years old, both of whom were suspected.

At this moment, Cang Ling suddenly saw an extremely familiar name at the bottom of the list: Arsen Wolfe!

"No, isn't it? Captain Wolfe is also in that class?" Cang Ling suddenly shouted in surprise.

"What what? Captain Wolf?" Phoebe and Kali rushed over.

"This is the list that entered our village to fight back then, and Captain Wolfe was also on it..." Cang Ling turned the notebook over.

"Let's see... Really! And he was only 17 years old at the time!"

"I'm only 17 years old, so I'll be admitted to the Hurricane in the second year of becoming a full-time student." Jia Li said.

"Besides, I participated in such a big battle just after entering the Hurricane!" Phoebe said, pointing to the date, "February 2, isn't this just the end of the rookie training camp?"

"Sure enough, masters are different. We were not allowed to participate in large-scale battles until the second half of the year. Before that, we could only fight minions." Kali said enviously.

"Zero, could Captain Wolfe be your savior?" Phoebe jumped up to Cang Ling and asked.

"I don't know, there are four people here who are all qualified..." Cang Ling's heart beat wildly despite saying this.

"It's simple, just check their height and appearance." After finishing speaking, Phoebe ran to pull the administrator over.

 Thanks for the reward of Storm Ice Cream ~ Thanks for the monthly ticket of 8428 ~

(End of this chapter)

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