girl knight zero

Chapter 21 The cruel world

Chapter 21 The cruel world

"No wonder there are always night demons jumping into the shield. It turns out that they are attracted by the spiritual power of human beings." Jiali said, holding her chin.

"As for why night demons are so interested in spirit humans, we are still not sure why. There are currently three speculations:
1. Devouring humans can obtain human spiritual power, this has been ruled out;
2. Spiritual humans can provide much higher energy than other creatures. This is the most mainstream view at present, and it is also proved by relevant experimental results;

3. Spiritual power can bring some kind of pleasure to night monsters, similar to alcohol or tobacco, making them addicted to it.This is a relatively niche argument, but more and more people support it recently..."

"Instructor!" At this moment Colin stood up.

"You just said that spirit beings can provide much more energy than other creatures... how did you prove this?" Colin asked with a pale face.

"Is this?" Heisen turned around and replied, "Someone has experimented with night devils of the same breed and size, and the night devils who devour spirit humans can maintain their satiety longer than the night devils that devour cattle and sheep, and can reach three times." to five times the time."

"Are all the above arguments... all in exchange for human lives?" Colin asked tremblingly, "In order to understand the Night Demon, we will not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of our compatriots..."

"I seem to have said just now that the human beings used in the experiments are all executed prisoners and slaves." Heisen said without changing his face.

"Even so, that's human life, right? Isn't the reason why we fight the Night Demons is to protect human beings? In the end, we regard human life so lightly..."

"Hey! Four eyes! Are there differences in the weight of human life? Or do you think death row prisoners are also worthy of respect?" Dewey said dissatisfied.

"It's good to let the condemned inmates contribute to all mankind before they die. It's better than executing them directly." Jiali said lightly.

"Leaving aside the condemned prisoners, there is nothing wrong with the slaves, right? They are miserable enough in themselves..."

"Look, you also differentiated death row prisoners from slaves. It means that in your heart, human life is also divided into ranks and ranks." Dewey mocked.

"No, I mean—" Colin was anxious.

"Okay, stop arguing, this is not the topic of this class, everyone will stop here." Heisen stopped everyone's discussion with a voice.

Colin blushed and stood there for a while, and finally sat down.

"Let's move on: the corrosiveness of the Night Demon." Heisen flipped through the wall chart on the next page.

"I still can't accept using humans for experiments. Why can everyone take this unreasonable thing calmly?" Colin clenched his fists, lowered his head and whispered.

"Colin, if we become knights, we may have to execute orders that endanger our lives one day. Will you obey the orders at that time? Or question the rationality of the commander's orders?" Cang Ling asked in a low voice.

"Huh?" Colin was stunned.

"In this world, many things are unreasonable. But this cruelty is the essence of this world." Cang Ling continued.

"That's right, you only have sympathy for human beings, but you don't care about the cattle and sheep buried with you. They are also life." Phoebe teased.

"Cough!" Kali coughed in a low voice, and Cangling and Phoebe hurriedly turned their heads and continued to listen to the class seriously.

Heisen turned his eyes from them back to the blackboard, and then continued: "The so-called corrosiveness refers to a special toxin carried in the blood of the night devil. This toxin can spread through the air, and people who come into contact with it will not respond. I didn't notice it, but the poisoning reaction will slowly show up afterwards."

Having said that, Heisen opened a scary wall chart with many inhuman patients on it.

"As early as more than 1000 years ago, people discovered that humans and animals who had fought with night demons would have lesions in their bodies, such as vomiting, nose and mouth bleeding, etc. The longer the contact time, the more severe the symptoms, and the most serious ones would lead to skin ulceration all over the body It fell off and the internal organs rotted. Later, it was found through experiments that this toxin comes from the blood of night devils, and they can contaminate all the substances they come into contact with, including soil. And this toxin can spread in the air, although the range is not large. "

"Is this why the battlefield is sealed and purified after each battle?" Anton asked.

"Yes. Although the toxicity varies depending on the type of night devil, as long as the land is corroded, it cannot be degraded naturally, and must be purified with a purifier. Those who have experienced night devil attacks should understand this better." Hai Sen replied.

Hearing this, Cang Ling clenched his fist unconsciously.

"Finally, night goblins are different from other creatures. They don't have a fixed estrus period, and they can breed offspring across races. This is the biggest reason why humans have been fighting night goblins for thousands of years and have not been able to wipe them out."

"Preference for human beings, corrosiveness, and lack of reproductive isolation are the three most critical characteristics of night devils. Those who do not have these three points cannot be called night devils, especially the last point." Hai Sen concluded .

"Then how did the knight protect himself from being corrupted when he fought against the Night Demon?" Diego asked.

"Knights will carry a purification agent made of tree velvet of life when they go out to battle, and they can purify themselves after the battle." Heisen explained.

"What kinds of night goblins are there?" Phoebe asked, raising her hand.

"Generally recognized by the public, there are seven types: S, A, B, C, D, E, and F, graded according to attack power from large to small. Among them, night devils above D cannot enter the shield of Alfons. But In fact, the classification of Night Demons is far from that simple. In addition to attack power, there are also multiple classifications based on different indicators such as types, characteristics, and races. We will elaborate on this later.”

"Will we be asked to memorize all the categories at that time?" Diego said from the side.

"Huh? No way? I hate endorsement the most. I made more than a dozen mistakes in the endorsement test of the admissions exam..." Yunque's face was covered with black lines.

After the class ended and returned to the dormitory, everyone chatted together to discuss the content of the class.

"It's the first time I know that there are S-level night devils, isn't that super scary." Tai Beisha said.

"I remember that incident six years ago was a B-level night demon, right? That would have been terrifying, so many people died." Yunque suddenly thought of something, "By the way, you guys are from Lu Nan County. Did you guys ever see night goblins? What did they look like?"

Upon hearing this, Cang Ling felt a sharp pain in his heart.

"I haven't seen it. My home is in Windmill City, far from the border." Phoebe replied.

"My house is relatively close, but the night demon didn't pass by us at that time. But later, many refugees came to our town, and they were unwilling to go back to live." Tabesa replied.

"What about you, Zero? Have you ever seen Night Demon?" Skylark turned around and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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