girl knight zero

Chapter 210 Rebuilding the First Team

Chapter 210 Rebuilding the First Team

"Splitting into teams? I don't know which team we will be in?" The newcomers immediately discussed.

"Hey, have you heard? The highlight this time is the rebuilding of the first team!" a inch-headed knight said mysteriously.

"Team one? Isn't that the team of Wolfe?"

"That's right, isn't his team wiped out? So it needs to be rebuilt!"

"No way? Then don't we have a chance?"

"Don't dream, the first team is the elite of the whole team, how can newcomers like us have a chance to enter."

"Not necessarily. Although the squad leader will definitely be selected from the old knights, the team members will be selected from the rookies. Otherwise, if everyone is poached away, other teams will protest."

"Did you hear that? Captain Wolfe's team is going to be rebuilt! Do you think we will be selected?" Phoebe asked Cang Ling and Kali excitedly.

"The first team tends to carry out the most dangerous and difficult missions, so they have very high standards for selecting players, and it is difficult for Wolfe to catch anyone who is not the elite among the elite." Jia Li said.

"Maybe we have less experience than the old knights." Cang Ling replied, "But our strength will never lose to them, and we are also elites."

"Yes, Zero is right, we are the elite, the elite of the elite!" Phoebe said with her hands on her hips.

"But having said that, Captain Wolfe recovered last fall, right? Why didn't he regroup until now?" Cang Ling was a little puzzled.

"You don't know about that." Phoebe hurriedly put on her qualifications as an old man, "After Captain Wolf came back, he accepted the next-door inspection for three months."

"Quarantine review? Why?"

"Because it's not sure whether he has recovered his mind, and to prevent him from turning into a beast again."

"Although Captain Louis pulled him back at the time, no one can guarantee that he will really recover, so we still need to observe for a while." Jiali explained.

"So that's how it is..."

"Hey, why are you still standing here? Go to the cafeteria and eat!" Bai Li shouted from a distance.

The three girls quickly stopped talking and ran to the cafeteria for lunch.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the quarterly meeting officially began.

The meeting was presided over by Sergeant Major Qi Ke, who first summarized the combat situation in the first quarter, and then explained the main work content in the next quarter.

"Because there are many new recruits here, and they don't know much about the latest battle situation on the front line, so I will first introduce the current situation to everyone."

Holding a red pen in his hand, Chico stood in front of a huge map and said: "Currently there are about seven leader-level night demons in the entire West, and about half of them have an IQ close to that of humans, and they have established 'countries' imitating humans. According to According to the information ahead, these high-intelligence night demons have taken the initiative to capture humans and coerce them to work for them. They have also learned human language and even mastered weapon manufacturing technology.”

Hearing this, Cang Ling couldn't help but think of the night demon that Dr. De once said tried to steal the military supply depot.

"The most worrying thing is... we found that some species with spiritual power appeared in some high-level night devils. Although they have not yet evolved into attack capabilities, this is undoubtedly a huge change. If this gene is in the night If it spreads out of the demon, it will bring about devastating results."

"The night devil also has spiritual power?" The new knights below were all shocked when they heard this.

"That's right. If night devils can use enhancements, then we won't have any way to break through their skins, and all our current attack methods will be instantly ineffective. It can be said that in front of night devils with spiritual power, human beings have no power to fight back. said Chico seriously.

"Night devils with spiritual power? These night devils must be pretenders, human hybrids!" Cang Ling thought.

"Therefore, the headquarters has three goals for the next step: one is to speed up the research and development of large-scale spiritual power weapons and strive for actual combat as soon as possible; the other is to stick to the control areas, especially the developed areas. If these areas fall into the hands of night demons, it will be greatly improved. The living conditions of the night devils have led to a multiple increase in their reproduction speed; the third is to do everything possible to wipe out the new species that have been discovered and reduce their racial spread."

"These high-level night demons will take the initiative to catch humans to breed offspring." At this time, Edmund, who had been sitting beside him silently, suddenly said, "They even consciously raise female young children. Obviously, they also want to cultivate Create a team that combines the abilities of humans and night devils, just like the pretenders."

"Like Jersey?" Bailey snorted.

"They are different from Jersey. Jersey is a cooperative relationship with humans. It only provides samples of night devils and does not know how to operate them. However, these night devils have certain biological knowledge and can breed hybrid night devils by themselves. We suspect that they It's the finished product of the base."

"Excuse me: How did the finished products escape from the base? Since the base has developed them, they will definitely be strictly guarded." Cang Ling raised his hand and asked.

"If they are pretenders, it will be easy to explain." Zico replied, "Being human can avoid surveillance and escape from the base. Of course, this also shows that they have superb learning ability."

"It's not easy for these guys to escape from such a tightly guarded base." Jia Li said with her chin resting.

"I just want to know, now that it has come to this point, is the Senate still insisting that 'night devils are not the main threat to human beings'." Phoebe said.

"Next, I will introduce the main tasks for next week. But before that, there is one thing to arrange first." Chico turned his head and glanced at Edmund.

Edmund understood, stood up from his seat and walked to the front of the stage.

"Because there are newcomers joining in this period, we will group the personnel first. The principle of grouping is to ensure that the strength of each team and the type of players are balanced, so some adjustments will be made on the original basis. I hope everyone understands."

After speaking, Edmund sat back in his seat.

"Let's start reading the list. First team!" Chico took out a stack of paper.

"One team?" The knights below immediately pricked up their ears, staring at the paper in Chico's hands with full attention, with expectant expressions on their faces.

"The rebuilt first team temporarily has two squads, the first squad leader Lyudmila, and the second squad leader Sharon."

Hearing this, all the knights cast envious glances at Lyudmila and Sharon.

"Has Lyudmila been selected for the Wolfe team?" Cang Ling said in surprise.

"Both of them are ranked in single digits. Captain Wolfe's face is really great. He can actually dig two single digits in a row." Jiali said.

"Next is the team members. The team members are: Rambo, Phoebe, Kali, Cangling, Diego, Charlene, Donna, Abel, Ryan, Martin..."

(End of this chapter)

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