girl knight zero

Chapter 234 The Strangeness in the Chamber of Secrets

Chapter 234 The Strangeness in the Chamber of Secrets
Everyone walked in and found that it was a conference room.

The floor of the conference room is covered with thick carpets, and the walls are covered with exquisite wallpapers. There is a conference table in the middle that can accommodate about twenty people. The tea table and tea cabinet look very luxurious.

Wolf held up the fluorite and looked around. After making sure there was nothing of value, he walked to the window.

"I'll go down and check the situation." Wolf took off the rope and tied it to the window frame, and pulled the rope down to the window sill on the third floor.

After observing for a while, Wolf climbed up again.

"Let's go to that window." Wolf finished closing the front window, and glanced down at the back window.

"From here, you can descend to the next room, and then enter the target room from the next door." Wolfe instructed, "I will be the first, zero will be the last, remember to put the plug back in."

Cang Ling hurriedly nodded upon hearing this.

Wolf jumped out of the window, quickly climbed from the outer wall to the third floor, then used a dagger to remove the latch little by little, and jumped into the room.

Immediately afterwards, Phoebe and Diego also landed smoothly.

After they all went down, Cang Ling climbed out of the window, first carefully inserted the latch back, and then slowly climbed down.

After entering the room, everyone found that it was an empty office with a whole wall of filing cabinets, desks and chairs.

There was dust all over the furniture and the carpet smelled musty.

Wolf went to the filing cabinet by the window, and with a little luck, he dragged the filing cabinet out.

"There are filing cabinets on both sides of this wall. We can use this to create a hidden entrance." After finishing speaking, Wolfe drew out his knife, squatted down and cut a rectangle 50 cm long and 30 cm high at the corner of the wall.

When he was done cutting, Wolf inserted the knife into the rectangle and pulled the cut wall out like a fork of jelly.

"As expected, there is a file cabinet opposite, but you can get through it as long as you push the cabinet open." Cang Ling said after looking at it.

"I'll do it!" Phoebe immediately volunteered, sat down on the ground, stretched her feet into the square hole, kicked hard, and kicked the filing cabinet out more than a foot wide.

Everyone climbed in one by one along the gap and got into the sealed room.

"Wow, so many files!" Phoebe exclaimed holding up the fluorite.

There are cabinets on both sides of the room, and the cabinets are full of documents, and the desk, sofa, and coffee table are also full of documents, as if they have just finished working overtime and haven't had time to clean them up.

"Weapon blueprint!" Cang Ling saw a large design drawing hanging from the table at a glance, which seemed to be a heavy artillery.

"There are many here too!" Diego said, pointing to the filing cabinet.

Wolfe went to the file cabinet and looked. It was full of books and materials, with the names of various items that he hadn't seen written on them, such as scopes, silencers, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, etc.

Wolf took out a document that said the silencer was written, opened it and flipped through it, and was surprised to find that it was the black tubular object he had seen in the military supply depot.

"Captain, look at this!" Cang Ling, who was lying on the desk, suddenly discovered something.

Wolf walked over and saw that there were many complicated parts drawn on the drawing, and many words were marked on each of them, but these words were not Xinghai characters!
"Is this in a foreign language?" Diego leaned forward and asked.

"Is this the kind of writing we saw on stones in the underground battle?" Cang Ling asked Phoebe.

"This... I forgot." Phoebe scratched her head embarrassingly.

"No, this is the Sundia text." Wolf said after watching it carefully for a while.

"Santia characters?" Everyone was taken aback. Didn't Sindia perish long ago?
"I have studied Sundia, in order to study the original materials of mutants." Wolfe said while watching, "So I can recognize these words."

"Then have you seen the words engraved on the stone in the underground battle? Are those San Diawen?" Cang Ling asked.

"I've read it from the queen, and those characters are neither ancient Xinghai language, nor Saint Dia language, nor are they written in other countries. They are unfamiliar characters that we have never seen before."

"Maybe it's written by primitive people." Diego speculated.

"Those characters are not of the same system as ours." Wolf raised his head and said, "The academicians of the Academy of Sciences analyzed that it should be a kind of pictograph."

"Pictographs? What do you mean?"

Wolfe didn't answer, he continued to flip through the drawings below.

Everyone stopped asking questions after seeing this, and checked different filing cabinets.

"Wow, there are really a lot of weapon blueprints here, but most of them are light firearms." Cang Ling said while flipping through them.

"Here is the manufacturer's production materials! Take a look!" Phoebe took out a stack of orders and showed them to everyone.

Everyone took a closer look and found that it involved nearly 80 factories across the country, each undertaking the production of one or two types of parts.

"That's right. They disassembled the parts, subcontracted them to different factories for manufacturing, and then shipped them to the island for assembly." Wolf said looking at the order.

"If the parts are all disassembled and produced, the factory will not be able to find them. They can be said to be parts on a car or a lathe, and the factory will definitely not be able to imagine what the finished product is." Cang Ling analyzed.

"Guys, I've got a great idea!" Phoebe said excitedly. "We can copy these orders back so we can get all the parts without having to copy this complicated pile of drawings!"

"Without blueprints, you can't assemble it with just the parts, right?" Diego replied.

"Captain, do you want to copy the order?" Cang Ling asked for instructions.

Wolfe didn't answer, he quickly flipped through all the orders.

"These are not complete accessories." After reading it, Wolf closed the order and said, "Some key parts may be made by them."

"Uh, so we still have to copy these blueprints? But there are so many blueprints here, we have to copy until the year of the monkey?" Phoebe felt dizzy when she saw the documents in the room.

At this moment, Wolf suddenly raised his head, and then made a silent gesture.

Everyone hurriedly turned around and looked at the gate, but the gate was quiet and there was no movement.

After holding his breath in the silence for a moment, Wolfe whispered to Diego, "Look around."

"Will they be discovered by the other party?" Diego replied in a low voice.

"Only detect within five meters."

"Within five meters?" Diego looked ahead. This distance was exactly the distance from where they were standing to the gate.

"Why did the captain ask me to detect the interior of the room?" Diego slowly released the detection shield in wonder.

As soon as the detection shield extended to four meters, Diego's face changed.

He took a deep breath, probed again, and then moved his gaze to a tall wooden cabinet in the corner.

"Team, Captain... There seems to be someone in that wooden cabinet..." Diego stretched out a trembling finger, pointing at the wooden cabinet.

(End of this chapter)

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