girl knight zero

Chapter 236 Wolfe's Deal

Chapter 236 Wolfe's Deal
"If I remember correctly, Xinghai passed the refugee restriction law 200 years ago. All refugees are prohibited from entering the country to prevent the mutant virus from entering Xinghai."


"It's the 'monster' in your mouth."

"No wonder the navy will shoot at us..." Yang's tears welled up, "We managed to escape from Sandia, but we died under the guns of the Xinghai Navy..."

Wolf took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was already past five o'clock.

"Listen, I'm running out of time, and now I have to confirm something with you."

Having said this, Wolfe walked up to Jan, grabbed him by the hair, and dragged him to the wall.

"Are you willing to make a deal with us? Don't ask what the deal is, just answer yes or no."

"If I answer no, will you run into me and kill me? Then arrange it like suicide." Yang asked in a low voice.

Wolf was silent for two seconds, and replied, "Yes."

"You want those blueprints, right? Do you want blueprints?"

"Just answer yes or no." Wolff increased the strength of his hand.

Yang's brain immediately entered high speed operation.

He has been here for 12 years, and although he has been kept under strict surveillance, he has obtained a lot of information.

The Xinghai people on this island are definitely not the government army, because the government army does not need to cover up their identities, let alone distribute parts to 80 factories to disperse production.

They must be rebels, rebels plotting a coup.

And the group of people in front of them is obviously not with them. They are probably from the government, that is, the regular army.

Now that they have discovered this place, it means that the government has taken the initiative, and maybe they will attack the island soon, and then he will be executed as an accomplice of the rebel army.

Even if he is not executed, there is no guarantee that the group of people on the island will silence him first for the sake of keeping secret.

Thinking of this, he immediately made a decision.

"I cooperate with you."

"Very good, you made a wise choice." Wolfe let go of Yang, and ordered Cang Ling to let go of the rope.

"What do you want?" Yang asked, rubbing his shoulders.

"I need drawings of all finished weapons, as well as production information. Also, I need a description of the characteristics of all your close contacts."

"I can't give you the finished drawings, because they will check them. But I can give you the drafts, which are no different from the finished drawings, except that they are not marked, but those who engage in military industry will understand it at a glance."

"Okay, find me now." Wolf escorted Yang to the office.

Yang rummaged through the cabinet for a while, and quickly sorted out 82 drawings.

Wolfe checked the drawings, rolled them up, wrapped them in tarpaulin and tied them up.

"Can I ask about your conditions?" Yang asked boldly, "I mean, since we cooperate, there must be exchange conditions, right?"

Wolf took a look at Yang and replied, "I will give you permanent residence in Xinghai."

"Really?" Yang's eyes lit up instantly.

"This is just my promise. In fact, you will get more than this. If these blueprints prove to be effective." Wolfe waved the blueprints in his hand.

"I guarantee it will be effective. You just need to take it to your experts for a look, and you will be able to produce it according to the drawings. In addition..." Yang paused, and continued, "I still have some drawings of large weapons, which I have never given to them. .If you can ensure my safety and allow me to settle in Xinghai, I will give you all the blueprints."

Wolfe glanced at Yang and said, "After we leave, you must do everything as usual and don't do anything unusual. We will definitely rescue you, but not now, but it will take a while."

"I know, I have been imprisoned for 12 years, and I don't care if I wait a few months or a year." Yang nodded.

"It's not enough for a year." Wolfe glanced at the time again, "Now please describe the appearance of all the contacts, and pick the key people, hurry up!"

Yang immediately sat down at the desk, took out a pen and paper and began to write quickly.

After 10 minutes, he finished writing.

Wolfe took a look and saw that he had written 18 people.

"Very good. Now please go back to your room. Remember, don't be strange." Wolfe stuffed the paper into his pocket.

"Don't you need my help?" Yang pointed to the filing cabinet, "Push the cabinet back for you."

Wolfe glanced back at the cabinet and said, "You'd better not try to escape. I will leave a subordinate on the island, and if you do anything against us, he will execute you immediately."

"Don't worry, sir. In terms of goals, I am the same as you. Although I don't know who you are yet." Yang hurriedly expressed his attitude.

Wolff glanced at him again, turned and walked to the filing cabinet.

After everyone climbed out of the hole, Yang pushed the filing cabinet back as expected.

"Captain, can we trust him?" Cang Ling asked after returning to the next room.

"I don't care if he's reliable or not," Wolff replied. "I just want to make sure he has our interests in common."

"The captain is right, interests are often more reliable than character." Phoebe said while pushing the cabinet.

"Did you come up with these words yourself?" Cang Ling smiled.

"No, this is what Kali said, let me borrow it."

"I'll just say..."

"Okay, let's go meet up with Kali and the others, they should be getting impatient." Wolfe glanced out the window, it was already dawn.

"Do you want to go back the way you came?" Cang Ling asked.

"No, jump directly from the outer wall." Wolfe walked to the window and looked down and said.

It was three minutes before six o'clock. At this time, except for the sentry, everyone else on the island was still sleeping.

Everyone nodded, jumped out of the window and jumped along the outer wall, and then quickly hid in the bushes behind.

At this moment, the window on the second floor opened suddenly. A person poked his head out of the window, coughed violently outside, and then lay down on the window sill for a while, before being helped by the maid went in.

Wolfe, who was hiding in the bushes, was stunned when he saw this scene. He froze, as if he saw a ghost.

"Captain, what's wrong with you?" Cang Ling noticed Wolfe's strange behavior.

Wolfe didn't answer, he was still staring at the window on the second floor with surprise in his eyes.

"Captain?" Cang Ling stepped forward and shook Wolf's shoulder.

"Do you know that guy?" Phoebe asked.

Wolf froze in place for a while, and suddenly thought of something.

Immediately he reached into his pocket and took out the piece of paper Jan had written him.

His hands trembled a little when he opened the paper.

(End of this chapter)

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