girl knight zero

Chapter 246 How to choose?

Chapter 246 How to choose?

"Oops, we have just arrived on the mainland. If we crash now, we will land in the jungle." Wolfe thought anxiously.

"Could you climb up and patch the hole!" Phoebe yelled, sprawled on the ground.

"Go up and mend it!" Kali complained.

"The matter has come to this point, it seems that a crash is inevitable, everyone, get ready for battle." Sharon stood up.

Before standing still, the airship tilted another 15 degrees, and they rolled to the stern of the cabin.

"James, find a way to go to the front left, where the plains are less dangerous." Wolf commanded calmly.

"The problem is that the propeller is crashed..." James said anxiously.

After thinking for two seconds, Wolfe shouted to the cabin: "Listen up, all long-range systems, immediately fire the aura bomb to the right! Use the recoil to adjust the direction!"

"Great idea!" Martin immediately climbed to the right window and fired a super-large aura bomb outside.

Immediately afterwards, Sharon, Phoebe, and Donna also joined the manual steering team.

This trick was very effective, and the course of the airship really started to deviate to the left.

However, the air leak was faster than expected.

In less than 15 minutes, the airship dropped to a height of more than 100 meters.

This height has entered the "dining area" of the bird night devil.

"This trip is too dependent on the airship, without horses. If it crashes now, it means that we have to walk nearly 300 kilometers. No, 300 kilometers is just a straight-line distance in the air, and the ground distance is likely to exceed 500 kilometers..." Wolfe stared I thought to myself.

"Captain, those night devils are here! It's a pterodactyl, a short-tailed pterodactyl!" Cang Ling shouted.

Wolf hurriedly ran to the window to take a look, and sure enough a group of pterodactyls flew over with glowing eyes.

They were originally chasing wild geese, but unexpectedly bumped into a group of spirit humans by mistake, their appetites were greatly stimulated, the dragon's heart was overjoyed, and they all rushed over.

"Phoebe, you are in charge of attacking the pterodactyl, and the others continue to turn!" Wolfe ordered.

"Yes!" Phoebe immediately turned the gun head, ran to the left to take down the bow and arrow, and it was a five-shot burst.

There was only a whoosh, and the five pterodactyls fell down together with a howl.

"Nice job, Phoebe!" Ryan said with a thumbs up.

"Captain, look, there is a village below!" At this moment, Cang Ling pointed to the front right and shouted.

Wolfe turned his head to look, and sure enough, he could vaguely see a village not far ahead, which looked quite big.

At this moment, the airship landed at a height of more than 30 meters, tripped over a big tree below, bumped in the air for a while, then hung obliquely on several trees and did not move.

"Is everyone okay?" Wolfe asked from the cabin door.

"It's okay..." Others came out one after another.

Wolff checked everyone, and sure enough, everyone was safe and sound.

"Kali, check your surroundings, and I'll confirm the location." Wolfe took out the map and looked at it carefully.

Based on the landing location and the surrounding terrain, Wolfe judged that this place should be near the Kemia Mountains.

"It's about 400 kilometers away from the Nadia Volcano, and it takes about two weeks to hike..." Wolf thought to himself, "It's too dangerous to go deep into the hinterland without an airship. How should I choose?"

"Captain, I have detected it. There are 237 night devils within a radius of five kilometers, but there are only 23 within one kilometer, all of which are below B-level. There is only one high-level one, which is three kilometers away from us at the direction of 8 o'clock. .”

"What level is the high level?"

"It should be A-level."

"Oh my god, more than 200 night goblins?" James had never experienced a battle, and he was almost shocked when he heard this number.

"By the way, there is one more James now. He doesn't have much combat power, and it is undoubtedly a burden to carry him." Wolfe thought to himself.

"Kali, are there no night demons in the village ahead?" Sharon asked.


"Are there humans?"

"Not detected."

"Captain, should we go to the village first?" Sharon asked.

Wolf thought for a while, and replied: "Everyone move out the supplies, take away as much as possible, and then go to the village to discuss the next step."

Everyone nodded, and hurriedly moved out all the supplies in the airship cabin, sorted out food and medicine first, and then each had a portion.

"Let's go!" Wolf put on his backpack, turned and walked towards the village.

The village in front was an abandoned place long ago, full of ruins and barren.

On the corner of the street, some bones were lying scattered, apparently the remains of the dead villagers.

"Fortunately, we came here during the day, otherwise it would be really scary to break in at night." James said, looking at the bones.

"There's nothing to be afraid of the dead. In San Dia, the 'living' is scary." Ryan snorted.

As soon as the words fell, a skull suddenly moved, and then slowly turned around.

"Oh my god! Ghost!" James hugged Martin in fright.

"Uncle, calm down, it's a snake!" Martin said calmly.

James bravely turned his head and glanced, only to see a snake come out of the skull's eyehole and crawl into the window.

"Uh, it's a snake." James shyly released Martin.

"Let's go to the church." Wolf said, pointing to the church at the east end of the village, "Zero and Kali are on guard."

"Yes!" Cang Ling and Kali immediately guarded both sides of the church one by one.

Wolf took everyone into the church, sat down and spread out the map to study carefully.

Soon, Wolf found the exact location of his current location on the map.

"This is Charon Village." Wolf drew a circle on the map with a red pen.

"How do you know?" Phoebe asked curiously.

"It says so on the sign in the village hall."

"Oh, really? I didn't even notice..." Phoebe scratched her head.

"The distance between Charon Village and the ground of Nadia Volcano is about 400 kilometers. We can go along this route and reach it in 10 days." Wolf drew a route.

"We have enough food for 30 days, and the budget is sufficient." Ryan laughed.

"Idiot! 30 days is a return trip!" Sharon glared at Ryan.

"Uh, when we get to the underground kingdom, we can get some more from them."

"They can't even eat by themselves, so give it back to you!"

"Although the food is enough for 30 days, the water is only enough for two days." Charlene reminded.

"There are water sources near the route I chose," Wolfe replied.

"Captain, did you expect that we would pass through the ground?" Martin asked with a smile, "You must have been prepared for planning the route so quickly."

"I have considered various situations and designed more than a dozen routes in advance." Wolf stood up and said, "Everyone, let's go now! If my calculations are correct, we can reach the nearby town before dark."

"Okay, let's go!" Everyone stood up full of fighting spirit.

 Thank you Qiyaozhisun for the monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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