girl knight zero

Chapter 260 The Weird Forest

Chapter 260 The Weird Forest

"Follow me from now on, I will never leave you again." Donna said while stroking Xiaolong's head with tears in her eyes.

"Let's help it bandage its wound." Cang Ling took out the cotton wool and a bandage, and quickly treated its wound.

Donna took out half of the ration, boiled it with water and stirred it into a paste to feed Xiaolong, who ate it all.

"It's so cute." Everyone's hearts melted.

"Let's give it a name! How about calling it Xiong Jiu?" Lane suggested.

"It's really ugly. It should be named with a nice name, such as Bobo." Charlene said.

"Bobo is the name of a dog or a cat, let's call it Larry!"

"Larry is the name of a dog or a cat..."

"I decided to call him Buddy." Donna said as she stroked the little dragon. "I had a dog named Buddy when I was a child. I think its eyes are exactly like Buddy."

"Okay, let's call it Buddy!" The girls voted unanimously.

The next day, everyone took Buddy on the road.

Buddy is very well-behaved, lying quietly on Donna's back, not making a fuss at all.

"Donna, let me help you with your backpack." Seeing that Donna was having a hard time walking, Cang Ling said proactively.

"Thank you." Donna didn't refuse.

Now her body is getting heavier and heavier, and with Buddy's weight, it is indeed a bit difficult.

Cang Ling glanced at Donna's legs, both of her legs were now blue-purple.

No one dared to look at her legs, for fear of increasing Donna's psychological pressure.

Although Wolfe said it was fine, everyone knew in their hearts that Donna was going through a day now.

"I hope those medicines are useful, I hope Donna can survive..." Cang Ling prayed silently in his heart.

After leaving the mountain, a huge basin appeared in front of it, and the basin was covered with white trees.

When everyone went down to the bottom of the basin, they discovered that those white trees were not trees, but huge mushrooms!
The breeze blew, and countless white spores fell in the mushroom forest, like snow.

The ground was also covered with a layer of white spores, which looked fluffy and soft.

"My God! I've never seen such a big mushroom in my life. Have we entered the kingdom of giants?" Phoebe looked up in surprise.

"There's not a single night devil in here, so it's pretty safe," Kali said.

"Maybe Night Devil doesn't like mushrooms like me." Ryan laughed.

"There shouldn't be any danger here, right?"

Wolf looked up at the forest. The area of ​​this mushroom forest is quite large. If you take a detour, you will have to walk a lot more, and you have to climb the mountain. "Let's go straight out of the forest," Wolfe said.

Everyone lined up and filed into the mushroom forest. Seeing such a big mushroom on top of their heads made everyone feel very fresh.

"By the way, are these mushrooms edible?" Phoebe asked. "Roasted mushrooms are delicious."

Hearing this, everyone's mouths were filled with saliva. They had been eating rations for several days, and now everyone looked delicious.

"Mushrooms can't be eaten!" Sharon turned around and said, "Many mushrooms are poisonous."

"That's right, I've eaten poisonous mushrooms before." Martin laughed, "Then I saw a lot of villains walking on the ground in a line, just like us now."

"By the way, I have also eaten poisonous mushrooms, and I have seen villains..." Phoebe said hurriedly.

"Do you think these big mushrooms are all poisonous mushrooms, turning us into villains?" Ryan had a rich imagination.

"I want to leave a mark here as a sign of my visit." After speaking, Kali drew out her dagger and carved her initials on the mushroom.

"Stop talking, be careful not to suck the spores into your mouth." Sharon turned around and reminded.

Everyone stuck out their tongues and fell silent.

In the silent forest, the only sound left was the rustling of feet stepping on the thick spore layer.

The spores all over the sky fluttered down, dyeing their hair with a layer of white.

Along the way, everyone saw no creatures, neither night monsters nor mutants, not even insects.

But what was strange was that they kept seeing animal carcasses along the way, lying completely in the spore snow, with many hyphae wrapped around their bodies.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

The forest with only corpses, the silent forest, it seems like monsters are lurking.

After walking for more than half an hour, Wolf suddenly felt that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that they should have reached the edge of the forest, but there are still endless mushrooms in front of them, and the border cannot be seen at all.

"Captain, look!" Kali suddenly yelled out.

Wolff turned his head and looked, stunned. The mushroom on the left had a name engraved on it, which was the abbreviation of Kali!
"I carved this on the mushroom when we first entered the forest." Kali went over to examine it carefully and said, "Could it be that we walked back again?"

"Damn it, really! So we've been going in circles?" Sharon took out the compass and pointed in the opposite direction.

"The mushrooms here are all about the same size, and there are no obvious reference objects around. Maybe we deviated from the direction we walked." Cang Ling speculated.

Wolf thought for a while, and said, "Charlene, tie your spiritual power thread to the mushroom, and sense the spiritual power at any time to see if there is any deviation in the direction."

"Okay." Charlene immediately formed a thin line of spiritual power from her fingertips and tied it to the mushroom.

Everyone looked at the compass while continuing to move forward.

"Charlene, is there a bend in the thread?" Wolfe asked a few minutes later.

"No, it's still in a straight line."

"Fine, go on."

Ten minutes later, everyone returned to the big mushroom with their names engraved on it.

"It's impossible!" Charlene was dumbfounded. "I've been monitoring, and the line is straight, not bent at all!"

Wolf carefully looked at the thread in Charlene's hand, and it was obvious that the thread was connected into a big circle.

"It's's impossible!" Charlene broke down and hugged her head.

"Charlene's feeling can't be wrong." Sharon said, "It seems that there is only one situation, and that is that there is a ghost in this mushroom forest."

"Squad leader, don't scare people, okay?" Ryan said hurriedly.

"Could it be that these roe deer influenced Charlene's judgment?" Diego asked.

"Well, let's not walk on the ground this time, let's go directly from above." Wolfe said, taking out the claw hook.

"That's right, you don't have to worry about getting lost if you walk from the top!" Phoebe threw out the claw hook and jumped up.

Before jumping onto the umbrella of the mushroom, Phoebe fell down and hit the ground with a thud, knocking up the spores all over the ground.

"No...the mushroom is so muscular, it can't hold the hook..." Phoebe said, rubbing her butt.

"Get out of here and avoid the forest!" Wolfe made a decisive judgment.

Everyone nodded, turned around and walked back.

This spooky forest is so weird.

(End of this chapter)

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