girl knight zero

Chapter 288 Arrived at the beach!

Chapter 288 Arrived at the beach! (Thanks for changing the name and adding more)

"It's less than 80 kilometers away from the sea." Wolfe said, looking at the map. "If all goes well, we can arrive in two days. We can inform Felton and the others."

"Will Captain Felton wait for us? Will he let us go?" Martin asked.

"No, although Captain Felton is a bad person, he is always the most trustworthy, and he will definitely do what he promises," Phoebe replied.

"That's right, that guy always counts on what he says." Kali also said.

"You actually called your teacher 'that guy'..." Diego's face was dark.

"I'll launch the flare now!" Cang Ling took out the flare and aimed it into the sky.

"It was originally planned that the airship would be waiting for us in the sky, but now that the airship is gone, Captain Felton must have to stay on the shore. I don't know if he can see it from such a distance." Cang Ling said with some concern.

"Now I can only trust him." Wolf pointed the direction of the school to the sun, picked up his luggage and walked east.

"Miss Sterling, your luggage is very heavy, do you want me to carry it for you?" Rich gestured to Phoebe.

"Are you hungry? But it's not time for dinner yet." Phoebe handed Rich a piece of chocolate.

Seeing that Phoebe misunderstood him, Rich took the chocolate dumbfounded.

"This long-haired man seems to be interested in you." Kali said.

"What?" Phoebe startled.

"You can consider him, Phoebe." Cang Ling smiled, "He looks very nice."

"Pull it down! I don't like this type! They are short and thin, with curly hair!" Phoebe repelled.

"He's considered tall in Sundia... As for the hair, he actually looks pretty curly." Cang Ling glanced at Rich.

Rich's hair is light blonde, with some slightly big waves, tied casually with a rope behind his head. This is a common hairstyle for nobles in the Middle Ages, and it is no longer seen in Xinghai.

"Hey, don't raise your height in front of me, okay?" Ryan, who was half a head shorter than Rich, complained dissatisfied.

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed together.

On the way back, everyone encountered mutants again, which also overturned the conclusion that "mutants only appear in towns".

Rich was completely unprepared when he saw the mutants for the first time. When the mutants rushed over, the first thought that flashed in his mind was to quickly block Phoebe behind him, as for his own life. I didn't take it into account.

Everyone praised Richie for his courage and gentlemanly demeanor, but Phoebe, the Straight Steel Girl, didn't appreciate it. She thought Richie was underestimating her. After repelling the mutants, she ran to Richie and showed her Broken boulders with bare hands.

"Miss Sterling, you are so brave. I have never seen a woman as handsome as you." Rich thought that Phoebe was showing friendship with him, so he applauded and praised.

"See? I'm the strongest person here besides the captain." Phoebe said triumphantly.

When the others saw this scene, they couldn't hold back their laughter.

Afterwards, they encountered night monsters in the wilderness.

The Night Demon this time is different from the previous ones, it does not appear alone, but in the form of a group army, endless round after round, as if they have a grudge against them, vowing to fight them to the end.

"Quick, jump from here!" Wolfe said, pointing to a cliff six or seven stories high.

"Will you die if you jump from this height?" As soon as Rich finished speaking, others jumped down one after another.

"Duke Rich, please hug me." Wolf said to Rich.

Rich glanced at Wolfe, hesitated.

At this moment, a wild wolf jumped up and rushed towards Rich.

Without saying a word, Wolf hugged Rich by the waist, rushed to the cliff in a few steps, and jumped down without hesitation.

After the jump, before Richie had time to talk about the feeling after the jump, he was carried forward by Wolfe.

Because although the wolves did not catch up, there were night demons chasing soldiers in the air, and they were determined to compete with the humans below.

Everyone fought and ran all the way, finally escaped from the wilderness and came to the seaside.

As everyone didn't want to see, there was no Felton's ship by the sea. Instead, a bunch of mutants gathered in the port, waiting to "welcome" them.

"Oh my God, these Sandia dock workers didn't forget their work even after they died!" Ryan slammed on the brakes and stopped.

"Pay attention to your words, they are not 'dead' yet." Kali replied.

"We have to clean up these mutants." Wolfe said, looking around, "otherwise the ship won't be able to come in."

"How to clean it? They can't kill them." Martin frowned.

"Would you like to try using fire?" Cang Ling asked, "Didn't Mayer say that before? They are afraid of the sun. I wonder if they are afraid of high temperature."

"We'll find out after we catch a few mutants and experiment." Phoebe replied.

"Very well, this great task is entrusted to you, go Phoebe!" Ryan said hurriedly.

"I have high spiritual power, and I will definitely alarm them all when I get close." Phoebe hastily declined.

"I'll do it." Cang Ling stepped forward, "I can restrain my spiritual power and approach them secretly."

"Be careful, Zero. Just grab one." Wolfe agreed to Cang Ling's plan.

Cang Ling nodded, took a deep breath, slowly suppressed his spiritual power to the limit, and then touched it carefully.

Everyone looked at Cang Ling nervously, not daring to let out a breath, for fear that all the mutants on standby would suddenly activate and go into a runaway state.

In a private house on the pier, there was a child mutant. Cang Ling glanced at her and decided to bypass her.

Although she is no longer human, burning children to death still feels unacceptable.

After a round of selection, Cang Ling selected a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man stood blankly in the corner, the skin on his chest was rotten, exposing the ribs inside.

On the bluish-purple face, the eyeballs were nowhere to be seen, only two empty eye sockets remained, which looked particularly pervasive.

"I'm sorry, please come with me!" Cang Ling quietly leaned over from behind, then grabbed his arm and quickly tied it with a rope.

The man felt the attack and immediately began to resist. Cang Ling had no choice but to cut off his leg with a knife, and then carried the body back.

"Good job, Zero!" Everyone immediately ran forward and took over the man's remnant body.

Sensing their spiritual power, the man immediately became excited, biting the air with his mouth non-stop, and at the same time sending out information to inform his companions.

They took the man away from the docks and began experimenting on him.

 Warmly celebrate the birth of the first master in this book~Sahua~
(End of this chapter)

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