girl knight zero

Chapter 299 Legal Contest

Chapter 299 Legal Contest
"Schroeder?" The ministers exchanged puzzled looks.

The queen took the document, and although she knew the contents, she read it carefully as if she was seeing it for the first time, with a shocked look in her eyes.

"Downton has betrayed." The Queen threw the document on the ground.

The ministers on the side showed real shocked expressions, and they were completely unaware.

"I'm not surprised by this." Louis picked up the document, "Everyone, prepare your weapons and fight, the war has begun!"

"Call all the elders immediately!" The queen strode towards the meeting hall, "No matter where they are or what they are doing, let them arrive here within 15 minutes!"

The heralds did not dare to neglect and rushed out immediately.

Soon, the elders galloped from their offices in carriages.

In such a hurry, Duke von Whiston even lost his coat when they sat down on the chairs, still panting.

The queen threw Schroeder's confession and the battle report on the table, everyone looked at each other, took the documents and passed them on to read.

The Conservatives already knew, but in order not to look suspicious, they put on a look of conscientious astonishment.

The reformers basically knew it too, and they also made surprised expressions in order not to make themselves look suspicious.

Just like this, all the 11 insiders present pretended to be ignorant. This scene was full of unrealistic sense of absurdity.

"Your Majesty, I think the Duke of Downton and his henchmen should be arrested immediately!" Feng Bianqi stood up and said righteously.

"We can't confirm the authenticity of this matter yet!" Duke Von Layen retorted immediately, "Schroeder's confession alone is not enough to prove that this matter is true."

"I think the night monsters running around in the street outside can prove Downton's plan better than Schroeder's confession." Duke Feng Junshan replied.

"Your Majesty, when did you get Schroeder's confession? Before the shield disintegrated, or after?" Duke von Whiston asked.

The Queen glanced at him and replied, "Before."

"Then is there such a possibility that someone will use his confession to create a disaster and put the blame on the Duke of Downton?"

"I don't think someone can make such a big move in just two days. I don't think the sudden explosive appearance of high-level night devils is purely accidental."

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask who arrested Schroeder and why." Duke von Riedermann spoke.

"It was Captain Lewis who arrested Schroeder on the grounds of accepting huge bribes from Downton and reselling weapons. These are all proven."

"Has the Royal Order already overridden the Supreme Court? Can the Navy's top commander be arrested without a warrant?"

"Of course not under normal circumstances. However, according to Article 7 of Chapter 102 of the revised Constitution, when someone tries to threaten the safety of the Royal Capital or my own safety, the Royal Knights have the right to arrest them."

"You just said that Schroeder's testimony was obtained before the shield disintegrated, so can we understand that when Schroeder was arrested, the capital had not yet been in danger?"

"Prince von Liedermann, you are the patriarch in charge of the judiciary, and you are a well-deserved expert in the law. However, I still want to remind you that there is a provision for crime in the criminal law."

"Your Majesty, I admire your familiarity and mastery of criminal law, but I also want to remind you that there is an essential difference between criminal preparation and criminal intent. According to Article 22, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Law, the definition of criminal preparation includes two aspects. One is the act of preparing tools and objects for committing a crime, and the other is the act of creating conditions for achieving the purpose of the crime. Does Schroeder have any definite evidence in this regard?"

"As I said just now, Commander Louis arrested Schroeder after obtaining evidence of accepting bribes and reselling weapons."

"If it's just accepting bribes or reselling weapons, rather than inciting subversion of state power, then the actions of Commander Louis have already constituted a crime, because he has no power to arrest Schroeder."

The queen was going crazy. She didn't expect that Duke von Riedermann would seize this loophole and chase after her. They really haven't got the evidence of the coup d'état by Downton's gang, and Downton must have noticed this, so they went first Do it, so that the Queen can hardly justify herself in front of the Senate.

Arresting people before there is any evidence from the other party, and after the arrest, a plot consistent with the confession appeared. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a conspiracy.

"Duke von Liedermann, the night devils are about to enter the capital, and you are still sitting here leisurely, investigating whether the actions of Captain Louis are legal. Do you think the night devils will also respect the law, and be obedient until we discuss the results waiting outside?" Duke von Wiles stepped forward to save the scene.

"Your Majesty, the night devil is only 40 kilometers away from the capital!" At this time, the captain of the royal guard also rushed in at the right time, sweating profusely to remind the queen to take refuge immediately.

"Your Majesty, please organize the defense first. I will keep an eye on Captain Louis' matter." Duke von Riedermann said meaningfully.

The queen glanced at Duke von Riedermann, and said word by word: "I will not leave the capital. If we can't even hold a small capital, then the whole country will fall sooner or later. I will always stay in Command here. In addition, the Hurricane Knights are already on their way back, and they will be in charge of defending the territory."

"What about the Knights Templar and the Blue Shield?" Duke von Whiston asked.

"The Knights Templar are responsible for guarding the Holy City, and the Knights of the Blue Shield will assist in the defense. At the same time, the Blue Shield will also draw some personnel to assist Hurricane."

"So you're going to hand over supreme command to Hurricane?"

"Does Your Excellency think there is a better option than a hurricane?"

"No, I have no objection, Your Majesty."

"Is Hurricane also responsible for the guards of the royal capital?" Duke von Riedermann asked.

"Of course not, have you forgotten the original purpose of establishing the Royal Knights? They exist just for this moment. You can take a look out of the window, Captain Louis' shield has been opened." The queen stretched out a finger , pointing out the window calmly.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and sure enough, a square physical shield could be vaguely seen outside, covering the entire sky city like a huge box.

This is another stunt of Captain Louis: the confinement room.

As long as he is still alive, no one can destroy this enclosed space.

What's even more amazing is that there is a door in this room, which allows people to enter and exit without unlocking the shield.

"How long can he last alone?" Duke Von Layen showed a skeptical expression.

As we all know, physical shields are extremely mentally consuming, and such a huge shield can't even last for 10 minutes.

"He will last until the day he defeats the Daredevil," said the Queen calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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