girl knight zero

Chapter 315 Weakness is a crime

Chapter 315 Weakness is a Sin
"I heard from my dad that she really has this plan."

"It seems that she is planning to firmly control the chamber of commerce in her own hands."

"The queen is going to nationalize some factories, including arsenals and mines."

"It's a wise choice." Louis shrugged. "It's much easier to make state-owned factories pay taxes than private factories. What does your father think about this?"

"He has no problem. Any deal is acceptable to him, as long as the price is right."

"It's a wise choice." Louis glanced at his pocket watch, "I'm going to a meeting, and I may not be back at night."

"Got it, I'll take care of the rest."

"Then please." Louis said, picked up his coat and went to the palace.

One month later, the follow-up matters have been dealt with, and the New Year is here, and the major knight orders ushered in a rare leisure time.

As a post-war reward, Edmund granted annual leave to the first team, and they were not on duty during the New Year.

In this way, everyone can take the opportunity to take a good rest and go home to visit relatives whom we haven't seen for a long time.

Cang Ling and the others first went to visit Squad Leader Sharon's grave, and then went to visit Vasily together.

Vasily was still the same, although he was missing an arm, he still looked imposing and muscular as before.

Because the administrative work is relatively stable, he took over his mother-in-law and daughter, and the family lived happily together.

Cang Ling talked to Vasily about his doubts about the civil war. He thought that Vasily would criticize her like Wolff, but he did not expect that Vasily praised Cang Ling in turn, saying that she has a heart for the bottom people.

"In the eyes of the queen, she only sees a whole country. She can't see a single individual, and she doesn't care about it. The same is true for nobles. Those who can truly understand the pain of ordinary people are those from the bottom like you. People." Vasily said to Cang Ling.

"I can't be like the Queen." Cang Ling smiled wryly, "Although I also know that everything has a price, I still find it difficult to accept ordinary people as ants like the Queen or the Duke of Downton."

"That's because you identified yourself with those ordinary people. Do you remember the incident in 1512?"

"You mean the first incident of the fall of the holy city?"

"Yes, the king at that time abandoned nearly 20 people and withdrew the defense line to the current national border. For those 20 people, this is undoubtedly a cruel and inhumane act, but if you don't do this, not only will you die Just 20."

"I have seen their graves abroad." Cang Ling lowered his eyes and said, "Almost none of them have full bodies, and they don't know their names. They just died in the wilderness. Thinking that I might be one of these people, I felt extremely sad.”

"When you become a leader one day, you won't think so, because you have to be responsible for the whole. For those at the top, the only factor that affects their judgment is cost performance, not the fate of an individual."

"It's really sad to be an ordinary person." Kali interjected.

"I think what the Quartermaster said makes sense!" Phoebe hurriedly chimed in, "Didn't it say in the book? The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. If you want to survive, you must become the strong, otherwise you can only let others arrange your own destiny .”

"What Phoebe said is very good." Vasily nodded, "Only the strong can control their own destiny. Although it sounds cruel, in this world, being weak is a sin."

"Thank you for your compliment! By the way, I have become a lot stronger in the past two years! I created my own meteor arrow, which can shoot up to ten bursts..." Phoebe jumped up excitedly when Vasily praised her, and began to chatter Jedi show off their various "brilliant performances" in battle.

"Weakness is a sin..." Cang Ling turned his head and looked out of the window. There was a row of salted ducks hanging on the shelf outside the window. Considering that one day I will become like the above.

Seeing this scene, Cang Ling couldn't help recalling the incident of chasing and killing the Greia black pig in Kangdun.

At that time, when everyone killed the pig, they were all excited and proud, and no one cared about the feelings of the black pig.

After entering the blue shield, everyone cheered collectively every time they killed the night devil, and stepped on the night devil's corpse to show off.

At that time, they were substituting as strong people, so they didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all, but when their positions changed and they became weak, their mentality was completely different.

"The strong don't think about the weak, because they have to compete with other strong people. If you want to get rid of the fate of being stepped on, you can only make yourself stronger. Complaining or trying to influence the strong with morality is useless " Cang Ling looked out the window and thought.

After Phoebe babbled for hours, Vasily, fed up with it, kicked them all out.

Everyone checked that the time was not yet eight o'clock, so we went to the train station together.

"I said, what are you going to do for the remaining few days?" Phoebe asked.

"I want to go back to my hometown, visit the graves of my parents, grandma and grandpa, and visit the village head by the way." Cang Ling replied.

"I'm also preparing to go home. I haven't been home since entering the hurricane." Kali said.

"Huh? Are you all going home?"

"Phoebe, aren't you going home?"

"I don't want to go back..."

"You should go home and see your parents! You haven't been back for almost four years, right?" Cang Ling persuaded.

"That's right, if one day you die, you won't be able to see him even if you want to." Kali said solemnly.

"I won't die!" Phoebe punched Kali, "Okay, since you all go home, I'll go back and have a look. Although I have a hunch that we will break up..."

"Your parents miss you very much. Don't they write to you all the time? They also sent things several times." Cang Ling reminded.

"Hmph, it's just pretending." Phoebe said arrogantly.

"I bet you will be warmly received by them when you go back this time." Cang Ling smiled.

"Thank goodness you didn't kick me out like last time." Phoebe curled her lips.

"Then let's split up! See you after the annual holiday!" Kali waved.

"Don't forget to bring back some sauce from your place, as well as the delicious ones made by your mother." Phoebe said hurriedly.

"You still remember... well, I will bring a box back." Kali said and ran to the platform.

"My train is coming into the station too. See you again, Phoebe. Be careful on the road." Cang Ling waved his hand and walked towards the underground passage.

"Do you really want to go home?" With only one person left, Phoebe stood still and hesitated for a while.

Whenever she thinks of her parents, deep resistance will well up in her heart.

But behind that resistance, there is also a trace of concern.

It rarely pops up at ordinary times, but every time it is injured or in danger, it will raise its head from the heart.

"Forget it, let's go back! If they still don't want to see me, I'll go to Kali." After thinking about it, Phoebe strode towards the ticket gate.

(End of this chapter)

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