girl knight zero

Chapter 327 Tactics 2.0

Chapter 327 Tactics 2.0
Bayaki's striker had just entered the defensive circle of the first team when a huge explosion suddenly sounded ahead.

The sound of the explosion lasted for nearly 30 seconds, extending 300 meters from north to south. The entire flat ground was blown upside down, and the gravel and soil clods rose tens of meters high.

"They planted mines in the field!" shouted a striker. "Ambush among us!"

"Landmines can hurt our feet at most, but they can't hurt our lives." Baiaki said indifferently.

"My eyes! My eyes can't see clearly!" A striker suddenly wailed.

Baiaki hurriedly took a closer look. It turned out that in addition to landmines, there were also poisonous gas bombs buried underground. Once they were exploded, they would emit irritating gas, which made the night monsters unable to open their eyes.

"Go upwind!" Byakhee ordered.

"Damn it, they hid something in the bomb, it's all over me!" said a Night Demon, looking at him.

"It's a piece of iron! They put countless pieces of iron in the bomb!" Another night devil said while pulling out a piece of iron.

"It's all small tricks, nothing to be afraid of. Go north and avoid this area!" Byakhi decisively turned his direction.

"Sure enough, they have entered our encirclement." Cang Ling held up the binoculars and said, "Those bombs should cut their bodies, and if they are lucky, they can even blind their eyes."

"But it can't be fatal." Kali said while probing, "their number has not decreased, and all of them are still alive."

"It doesn't matter, we have a total of three lines of defense. If they break through one by one, even if they don't die, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced."

"What level is the leader of the opponent?" Wolff came over at this moment.

"Very strong, stronger than any S-Class we have fought against before." Kali replied.

"Leave the boss to me later, and you will deal with the rest."

"Captain, be careful, its strength is really extraordinary."

"I know." Wolfe said calmly.

Soon, the night devils entered the second line of defense.

This line of defense is a trench 20 meters wide, 15 meters deep, and several kilometers long. It is filled with barbed iron hooks. The iron hooks are all hollow, and there are blue crystals inside, which can store spiritual power and provide a certain strengthening effect. .

In addition, the iron hook is covered with an anesthetic. Although this anesthetic has little effect on night monsters, as long as it can make their movements a little slow, it will be of great help to knights.

The night demons didn't know how to use the formation, and soon the forwards all fell into the trench, screaming from being stabbed.

"What is this?" A night devil struggled hard, and a piece of flesh was instantly torn off by the barb, and it roared in pain.

However, most night devils were not injured by barbs, because they all have hard shells, and unless the hooks are inserted right into soft parts such as the chest, face, palms, and armpits, it is difficult to penetrate other places.

After passing through the two lines of defense, the number of night devils has not decreased, only a small number of injuries.

"These guys are really strong..." Kali said, "The trap we spent months making is useless."

"Most of them have coats, the third line of defense must be able to stop them." Cang Ling said calmly.

Sure enough, after arriving at the third line of defense, the night demons who hadn't learned the lesson stepped into the fire ring again, and the fire instantly burned along the tunnel where the fuel had been buried in advance.

Although night goblins have a hard shell/skin, they are very afraid of fire, especially the long-haired ones, which quickly become a big fireball, jumping up and down and howling crazily.

"Yeah, it worked!" The knights behind cheered.

"Bury them with earth!" Byakhi ordered. "Get into the ground!"

All the night devils turned into moles and dug wildly.

Their claws are very hard, and they quickly dug a large hole, and then burrowed into it, pulling the sand to themselves.

Soon, the fire went out.

"The leader is quite smart." Phoebe, who witnessed all this, snorted.

"Kali, is there any downsizing?" Cang Ling asked.

"Unfortunately, no. But dozens of them were seriously injured, and their breath was obviously weakened."

"Very good, as long as they can reduce their combat effectiveness."

"They are less than two kilometers away from us!" Diego shouted.

"Everyone, take the initiative to attack! It's our turn to play!" Cang Ling raised his knife and shouted.

"I'm getting impatient." Ryan jumped out of the bunker and got on his horse.

"Everyone act according to the plan, remember that the formation must not be chaotic!" Cang Ling shouted to the Blue Shield and Silver Knight behind him.

Blue Shield and Silver Knights nodded, got on their horses and followed.

"Knights, it's knights! They finally showed up!" The night demon striker quickly noticed Cang Ling and the others.

"Since they showed up, it means that there are no traps ahead, as long as you kill them, you can enter their territory!" Byaki said fiercely.

"Come on! Eat those knights!" The leading night demons rushed towards the knights like cheetahs.

Seeing the night demon attacking, the knights quickly divided into five columns, and then opened a distance to rush towards the night demon army.

The night devil's team was in a straight line. It was rushed by five columns and was quickly cut into five parts. Then each column formed an encirclement circle, enclosing the cut part.

This is the Plum Blossom Array that Edmond came up with, and it is specially used to deal with group night demons, so that the entire night demon army can be divided and defeated one by one.

At the same time, there are more than a dozen mobile troops on the periphery of the plum blossom formation to prevent the night demon from escaping from the encirclement.

More than 200 night devils and nearly a thousand knights fought fiercely on the plain.

At the same time, other teams also engaged in fire with the Night Demons.

Five airships supported them in the air.

But because the night goblins are extremely fast, the airship does not pose much threat to the night goblins, and the flying height of the airship also limits their attack capabilities. Once the altitude is lowered, it is easy to be attacked by the night goblins, and the machine will destroy people. Death.

After two hours of fighting, four of the five airships had crashed, and the air battle was declared a failure.

After four hours of fighting, more than half of the Blue Shield Knights were killed or injured.

Unlike Hurricane and Silver, they have been fighting outside the country all year round. They struggled to face A-level Night Demons, and this kind of fighting style was something they had never experienced before. Many knights were killed because they couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"Help!" A blue shield knight was grabbed by a night demon and threw it into his mouth with a plop.

While the knight was terrified, he did not forget to use his last trump card.

"Bastard! Even if I die, I will pull you back!" The knight shouted, pulled off his coat and ignited a ring of explosives tied around his waist.

There was only a loud "bang!", and the night demon's neck was blown apart.

(End of this chapter)

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