girl knight zero

Chapter 332 The Queen's Prediction

Chapter 332 The Queen's Prediction

"The second is to speed up the interpretation of Gao Huan's writing." Edmund continued, "The weapons we have developed so far are less than one tenth. We can't even decipher the real sophisticated weapons inside. Yes, there is almost no combat history information related to night devils."

"To decipher Gao Huan script, we must find a second temple. This is not difficult, because we have defeated Shoggoth and Guge, and now their territory is ours." Hoffman said.

"Information on night goblins is more important than weapons." The Queen said, "Even if we can't find out their weaknesses, it will be of great help if we can find out how they were born. At present, we still lack an in-depth understanding of night goblins. "

"Night Demons have lived on this planet for tens of millions of years, which is enough for several rounds of evolution. Even if we find the information, it is outdated." Dian Yi shrugged.

"There are two directions of biological continuation, one is evolution, and the other is degeneration." Agatha replied, "I don't think the current night devils are stronger than the batch of 2000 million years ago."

"I don't know about the other night goblins, but the night goblins bred by Downton with advanced intelligence and spiritual power are definitely far superior to their ancestors." Louis said, turning the pencil.

Hearing this, the scene fell silent.

If Downton hadn't created these leader-level night demons, the prospects of Star Sea Continent would never be so pessimistic, and it would only be a matter of time before the entire territory was recovered.

Originally, human beings were about to touch the fruit of victory, but they were finally destroyed by human beings themselves. Is there anything more ironic than this?

"During this period, all Blue Shield's border teams have been dispatched overseas to assist Hurricane and Baiyin in stabilizing the newly recovered territory. We must ensure that the surroundings are in a stable state when digging the second temple." The Queen ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty. We will do our best to assist." Hoffman replied.

Although he promised happily, there was a trace of worry on his face.

The Blue Shield suffered too much loss in the civil war, and the current number of Blue Shields has dropped from more than 8000 to less than [-].

The leadership and middle levels suffered the most, and almost all of them were replaced.

"We can also send troops to assist," Philip said.

"The Templars are few in number, so they should focus on guarding the Holy City and assisting in the defense of the border," the Queen ordered.

"Okay, I see." Philip didn't insist.

"In terms of manpower, Condon's new batch of graduates are already in place, the number is more than 1000. In addition, a group of about 2000 people has been recruited from the Navy, adding up to a total of [-] people. These people will be given priority to supplement Hurricane And Baiyin, I hope everyone understands." When the queen said this, she looked at Hoffman.


"I know that the personnel allocated to you and the hurricane will be allocated in a ratio of 3:1. In addition, I plan to push the border line 200 kilometers west, so that the pressure on the guards outside the border can be greatly reduced."

"Are you going to build a new national border?" Everyone present was taken aback.

"Yes, I can't put all my hopes on Moon Rest City. Moon Rest City is within Sifli's territory, and it's far away to recover."

"Building a new holy city will cost a lot of money." Hoffman said in a low voice.

"For me, as long as the price/performance ratio is right, the cost is not a problem." The Queen said while glancing at Louis and Felton.

"I support you, Your Majesty." Louis immediately stated, "If a new holy city is built, the scope of the Shield of Arriphons can be expanded. With the Shield of Alfons, the land there can be sold for double or even Triple the price."

"I plan to complete the expansion in about 10 years. Before that, I still have to work hard everyone." The queen said to Edmund and Agatha.

"The new Shield of Alifons is really exciting." Philip smiled. "I will definitely buy a piece of land to support it."

"Let's end today's meeting here first. Edmund will be in charge of coordinating the specific matters, and I will only give a timeline." The queen glanced at the time.

"How many months are you going to give us?" Agatha asked.

"Within two weeks."

"Within two weeks? Complete the defense deployment of all newly added territories?"

"Yes. I know this speed is almost impossible, but you must complete it, no matter what method is used."

"May I ask why?" asked Agatha.

"If we don't occupy the newly added territory as soon as possible, then Sifley will definitely attack them. In fact, the ideal time in my mind is three days, but I know this is an impossible task, so I extended it to two Zhou. Remember, it is two weeks, and it can only be advanced, not postponed!" The Queen stood up and said.

"Yes!" Several regiment leaders stood up together.

After the meeting, Edmund conveyed the Queen's order to several captains of the Hurricane.

"The deployment will be completed within two weeks? Now there are 9 square kilometers of land outside the country?"

"According to the current number of knights in Hurricane and Silver, I'm afraid that 100 square kilometers will not be allocated to one person."

"It's crazy."

The captains talked a lot.

"Has the queen allocated manpower for us?" Wolfe asked.

"Yes, several squadrons from Blue Shield have been seconded, but they will be assigned to Silver first." Edmund replied.

"If it's just stationed along the border, it's not impossible." Wolf said looking at the map.

"Manpower will lean towards the border, but the interior cannot be ignored."

"Is the Queen so anxious because she is afraid of Sifli's attack?" Bai Li asked.

"That's what she thinks."

"What do you think, Commander?"

"Others think that Sifley will not make it easy, because we defeated Shoggoth and Gug." Edmund walked to the map, "But this time, I am on the Queen's side, and I also think that Sifley Li will make a move."

"What's the reason?" Bailey asked.

"Because Shoggoth is not dead." Wolff replied in a low voice.

"Yes. Shoggoth is not dead. It is likely to reveal our true situation to Sifli, including our actual combat power, numbers, and casualties. The reason why Sifli did not attack us before was because of the Our details are unclear, plus the pressure of several other leader-level night devils. Now there is only Hardy alone to the west of her, and we have suffered a lot from dealing with Shoggoth and Gug. At this time, attack us and seize Victory Fruit is undoubtedly an excellent choice."

"Is there any news from Madeleine?" Bai Li asked.

"Not yet."

"So we still have time."

"Even if there are, there are not many. We have to hurry up and figure out a countermeasure." Edmund replied.

"Looks like I won't be able to rest this year." Everyone sighed in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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