girl knight zero

Chapter 340 Undersea Battle

Chapter 340 Undersea Battle
At the critical moment, a huge figure appeared in the sky and descended rapidly towards Cang Ling and Diego.

Soon, the figure sank to the bottom of the sea, then picked up Cang Ling and Diego in one mouthful, and led them to swim to the surface of the sea.

"Captain..." Cang Ling murmured and passed out.

After being in a coma for an entire hour, Cang Ling finally woke up.

"Zero, are you alright?" Seeing that she woke up, Phoebe and Kali quickly surrounded her.

"Where's Diego?" Cang Ling asked hurriedly.

"He's fine, he passed out and hasn't woken up yet," Kali replied.

"What's wrong with me..." Cang Ling held his forehead, feeling a burst of pain in his head.

At this moment, there was a sudden cry from the side.

Cang Ling turned his head and saw several members of the salvage team crying loudly facing the sea.

Hearing their cries, Cang Ling recalled suddenly.

"By the way, we were attacked! The other party doesn't know what it is, and its figure is very huge. When I went down, Diego was strangled by it. Then I went to fight it, but passed out because of the too much movement. In the past." Cang Ling recalled.

"It was the captain who saved you." Phoebe said, "After he completely turned into a beast, he used his own weight to dive quickly. After finding you, he returned to his original shape and quickly rose up from the bottom of the sea."

"It turned out that the huge shadow was the captain, and he saved my life again..." Cang Ling couldn't help holding the necklace on his chest.

"The captain is out!" Ryan and Martin, who were standing by the floating platform, cheered.

Wolf jumped out of the sea and jumped onto the floating platform, wet.

"How is it? Have you seen the other party clearly?" Tebbury hurriedly ran over and asked.

"The opponent is the king squid." Wolfe said, "The body is hidden in the temple, and it may be that the temple is used as a lair."

"No way? How big is a squid?" Ryan was taken aback.

"Sailors have seen a king squid over 30 meters long at sea before." Wolfe said, "I don't know how long this one is, but the light tentacles are over 20 meters long, and the diameter of the sucker is 20 centimeters."

"Where are Yuri and the others?" a team member asked eagerly.

"I'm sorry. It's temporarily impossible to transport their remains up." Wolfe said apologetically.

Hearing this, the team members burst into tears again.

"Captain, is it a squid that attacked us?" Cang Ling got up and ran over.

"Yes, it regards us as intruders. The entire temple is occupied by it. If we don't deal with it, we will not be able to enter the temple."

"This is troublesome, it's not easy to fight underwater, and the opponent is so big..." Cang Ling fell into deep thought.

"Can you use mines?" Phoebe asked.

"Idiot, what if we blow up the cultural relics?" Kali gave Phoebe a white look.


"By the way, you can use an iron chain!" Cang Ling said, "Tie the iron chain to it, and then forcefully drag it out! Drag it to the shallow sea."

"It's slippery all over, maybe it's not easy to fasten?" Charlene said.

"Charlene, how strong is your spiritual power line at 20 meters?" Wolfe asked.

"Do you want to use my spiritual power thread to deal with that squid?" Charlene asked hurriedly.

"There are suction cups on its tentacles, if it is a thread, it can be fixed."

"Okay, I'll try."

"Anton, come down with me to help Charlene." Wolfe took a deep breath and jumped into the sea.

Anton and Charlene followed Wolfe and dived into the sea. Wolfe drew the squid out, Anton covered Charlene, and Charlene took the opportunity to tie the spiritual power thread to the squid's tentacles.

After tying it up, Charlene immediately swam to the square, using Huabiao as a support point, and tightened the spiritual force line.

The squid felt that he was being trapped, and immediately began to struggle desperately.

"You don't need to drag it out, just cut off its tentacles." Wolfe gestured.

Charlene nodded and increased the strength in her hands.

The squid's soft tentacles were almost like cheese compared to the night devil's hard shell, and soon Charlene successfully strangled one of the tentacles.

Just as they were clapping hands to celebrate their victory, the squid, which had lost one of its tentacles, became angry and spewed out a large cloud of ink.

The ink spread so fast that Wolfe and the others couldn't see what was going on, and fell into the darkness.

Fortunately, the lights of the four light strips could barely be seen in the darkness, so everyone quickly swam up along the light strips.

"No, that guy can spray ink." After coming out of the water, Anton said, "It made the sea water near the temple black."

"Its ink will contaminate cultural relics, and we still have to find a way to drag it out of the temple." Wolfe wiped the ink on his body, but it couldn't be wiped off, like paint.

"Captain, I just thought of a way." Cang Ling ran over and said, "Tie it up and use a boat to drag it! This will definitely pull it out."

"That's a good idea!" Phoebe said hastily. "No matter how strong that big squid is, it's definitely not as strong as the boat's pull."

"That's not necessarily..." Anton said from the side.

"Try it first! Use the strengthened iron chain to drag it." Wolf picked up an iron chain next to the turntable and weighed it.

"Will the chain slip off?" Charlene asked.

"Use this to fix it." Cang Ling brought a speargun, "Use it to shoot the speargun at the squid, so that the chain will not fall off."

"Leave this to me!" Anton took the speargun.

"Wait, everyone don't go into the water today, go tomorrow." Wolfe stopped, "The ink of the squid has not dissipated, and it will take some time for the body to recover."

"Captain Wolfe, you are much more considerate than my previous captain." Anton laughed.

So, everyone rested for a day and went into the water again the next afternoon.

Wolfe and Charlene wound the chains, and Anton shot the speargun.

It has to be said that winding iron chains is a technical job, because the tentacles of squid can attack in all directions without leaving any dead ends, and do not give the opportunity to approach the body at all.

Therefore, Charlene had no choice but to step forward and use it as bait to lure the squid to attack her. Then, taking advantage of the gap between the squid's tentacles, Wolfe swam quietly and quickly wrapped the iron chain around the junction of the squid's head, feet and torso.

After wrapping it up, Anton shot several strengthened spear guns from above, firmly inserting them into the squid's body to prevent the chain from falling off.

After everything was completed, everyone floated to the surface of the sea and tied the iron chains to the waiting big boat.

"Go due south." Wolff instructed, "The gate of the temple is facing due south. If the direction deviates, it may damage the temple."

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" the first officer said confidently.

"It's moving!" With the sound of the whistle, the cargo ship slowly sailed due south.

Soon, the iron chain was straightened, and then the speed of the ship slowed down. It was obvious that the squid was tug-of-war with the cargo ship.

 In the book review area, a fan art drawn by classmate Wen Qiyan has been added. There are all three beautiful girls, and they are all in full color~
(End of this chapter)

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