girl knight zero

Chapter 35 Felton's Purpose

Chapter 35 Felton's Purpose
"Have you been robbed too?" Cang Ling asked.

"There are too many gabanas. I estimate there are at least a hundred of them on the island," Paul said.

"So many?" Everyone was shocked.

"How many did you encounter?" Paul asked.

"Four or five." Cang Ling replied.

"We encountered a dozen."

"No way?"

"Dewey and the others also encountered more than a dozen of them, and now they are chasing number plates." Paul pointed to the northeast direction.

"Felton, you told us that these night devils are not dangerous!" Skylark looked at his wound and said angrily.

"No, they are not night devils!" At this moment, Colin spoke.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Colin suspiciously.

"Instructor Hai Sen once said that there are three major characteristics of night devils: one of them is 'a strong preference for humans'. And these giant apes are not interested in us at all, they only snatch number plates, so they must not be night devils." Colin said seriously.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that it made sense.

"No, they are night devils." Paul said, "Because I have seen them before. The reason why they don't attack us is because the number plate has a spiritual power far superior to ours."

"There is spiritual power on the number plate?" Everyone shouted in surprise.

"That's right. These number plates are made of blue crystal, and they have the same spiritual power as in the pressure chamber. That's why the long-tailed apes snatch them."

Everyone recalled it, and it seems that the number plate is indeed similar to the blue crystal, but the surface is smooth and flat.

"That's why. Because the number plate has more spiritual power, the giant ape will ignore us. That's why Felton left us on the island with confidence. He knows that the giant ape will not hurt our lives." Fei Than suddenly realized.

"Then what should we do now? If there are so many of them, we won't be able to get back the number plates at all!" Skylark said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I speculate that the giant ape should not eat the number plate, but store it in a place similar to a lair, so we can secretly track them, find the lair and steal the plate back!" Cang Ling analyzed.

"I agree with Zero. If the great ape wants to eat the number plate, he can eat it at that time. I also think they are stored." Paul said.

"There won't be students coming to the island every now and then to give away signs..." Jiali snorted.

"Let's go, let's follow their scent!" Cang Ling called.

Soon, everyone found the old den of the long-tailed ape, and sure enough, they saw a bunch of shiny signs in the den, and there were several small long-tailed apes about one meter high beside them.

"Zero, you and Jiali are going to steal the sign back, and we are here to distract the giant ape." Paul said in a low voice.

Cang Ling and Jiali nodded, bent over and held their breath, and touched them.

Paul led the rest of the people to attack the great apes from a distance and lure them out of the nest.

Although the giant apes were not interested in them, they got angry when they were hit too much, so they opened their bloody mouths and rushed towards them.

Cangling and Jiali took the opportunity to get into the hole, picked up the number plate and ran away.

When the little giant apes saw a thief, they immediately rushed over screaming.

"I'm sorry, I can't deal with your parents, but it's more than enough to deal with you." Jiali kicked a little giant ape to the ground.

"Get out of the way, don't force me to kick you." Cang Ling also kicked away a little giant ape that was jumping on her.

At this moment, several green lights suddenly lit up in the depths of the cave, and then several adult long-tailed apes slowly crawled out of the cave.

"Uh——sorry for interrupting!" Cang Ling said with a stiff smile.

"I'm sorry to offend your child." Kali also smiled stiffly.

A few ape parents, ape mother, ape, grandmother, ape and uncle roared and rushed over like the wind.

A few minutes later, Cangling and Jiali, who were beaten all over their heads, flew out of the air and landed on Paul and others not far away.

Everyone got up and looked at me and I looked at you, and they all sighed deeply.

After the sun set, Cang Ling and the others walked back to the pier in ragged clothes and dejectedly.

"It's back! Where's the number plate? Are you still there?" Felton asked while sitting on the rock while reading a book.

"I lost it..." Everyone replied in frustration.

"You lost it too? No, the whole army was wiped out." Felton closed the book and stood up.

Hearing this, Cang Ling and the others noticed that there were a bunch of people sitting on the boat, all of them were covered in wounds like them, and their heads were downcast.

Felton gathered everyone together and asked, "How is it going? How do you feel about today's event?"

"Night Demons are terrible..." Urban said in a crying voice.

"Night Devils are much faster and fiercer than normal animals," Phoebe replied.

"These night devils seem to have been domesticated, and they will never harm our lives." Cang Ling replied.

"That's a good answer. What you dealt with today was the weakest of the night demons, but in the end the entire army was wiped out. See, this is your current strength. From now on, whenever you feel tired or tired, Just recall what happened today, and think about whether you are qualified to be lazy, and whether you have enough perseverance to be a knight." After Felton finished speaking, he turned and walked into the jungle.

A few minutes later, Felton came back, still holding everyone's number plates.

Seeing that Felton snatched back all the brands so quickly, everyone immediately respected him, and the resistance and dissatisfaction in their hearts were also eliminated.

After boarding the boat, Felton ordered the boatman to bring drinks to everyone, and everyone was very moved.

"Instructor, although you are very cruel to us, you are still a good person in your bones." Tabetha said while drinking a drink.

"I'm a good person? What gave you this illusion?" Felton didn't appreciate it at all.

When everyone heard it, they thought Felton was self-effacing, but after disembarking, everyone believed it.

"Listen up, everyone, because your entire army was annihilated in this training, you are punished to climb back to the academy from here! Don't let your stomach leave the ground halfway!" Felton ordered sharply.

Hearing this, all the students wanted to spit all the drink they had just had in Felton's face.

Qi returns to Qi, crawling still has to climb.

The people who were already bruised fell on the ground and moved forward with difficulty.

"it hurts……"

After only climbing a few meters, Cang Ling couldn't stand the pain.

Because most of the wounds are on the front, rubbing against the rough ground is not to mention "sour".

"Everyone climb to the grass, it will feel better that way." Paul said in front.

Everyone quickly moved to the grass, which was indeed much better than the hard slate.

Even so, the wound still rubbed hard after climbing for a long time, leaving a long string of bloodstains on the grass that everyone climbed over, which looked particularly shocking.

When they were approaching the gate of the college, they bumped into students from another class.

(End of this chapter)

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