girl knight zero

Chapter 353 So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So S

Chapter 353 So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So
The new experiment ran for a full five days and found nothing.

For the past five days, Cang Ling has been staring at Gao Huanwen, who is all over the wall. Except for eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom, his eyes never leave the wall.

However, she couldn't remember anything, and she still didn't recognize any of these words.

On the contrary, there has been a steady stream of new developments from Hardy's side. Now Hardy knows almost as many words as Rich.

Besides, Hardy remembered many things, but he didn't tell Murphy about these things.

Murphy said in the letter that now Hardy often sits alone on the balcony, contemplating the sea, and thinks for hours. When asked what he was thinking, he just answered "some scattered memories."

"It's not good, Hardy's progress is about to surpass ours. Now I doubt whether it is a wise decision to disclose Gao Huan's information to him." Philip said.

"There is a problem with our method," Edmund said. "So far, we haven't thought about why they recalled the memory of their ancestors. Something must have inspired them."

"Is that the radioactive figure?" Wolff asked.

"I have a bold idea. I think these memories were actively imposed on the human body by the Gaohuan people. Look here." Edmund opened Cang Ling's self-report record, turned to a certain page and pointed to a line circled with a red pen out text.

Everyone looked over and saw that it read: "Nightmare on the truck: I dreamed that the crystal coffin in front of me was opened, and the people inside climbed out, and then grabbed my wrist and said, 'Live... Keep our civilization alive...'."

"I suspect that the Gaohuan people used more than one method to preserve their civilization, and the crystal book is just one of them."

"You mean that these memories are not handed down unconsciously, but are left 'deliberately'?" Wolff asked.

"Yes. Although I don't know what method they used, it is obvious that these memories were selected, and they must have profound meanings. What we need to do is to find the key to open the memory valve."

"Obviously, Hardy has found the key, but we haven't." Philip shrugged.

After the scene was silent for a while, Wolfe suddenly remembered something.

"Could it be spiritual power? The spiritual power activated the memory of the ancient times?"

Edmund thought for a while and said, "It's possible. The only thing Hardy and Zero have in common is that they both possess spiritual power."

"We can try to inject spiritual power into Zero's body to help her activate her memory." Wolfe suggested.

"You can try it." Edmund made a decision.

That night, Wolfe called Cang Ling and told her their guess.

"You mean to say that the Gaohuan people modified their genes and introduced some man-made things into it?" Cang Ling asked in surprise.

"Yes, since they created these memories, they must also create keys at the same time. These keys may be graphics, text, or even those mummies." Edmund replied.

"After touching the key, the memory will be unlocked bit by bit. But because it's been too long, I can't recall all of it." Wolf continued, "But we have found a way to save the country with a curve, and that is spiritual power. Spiritual power The force will likely help you recall those deep memories."

"No, that's not right!" Cang Ling suddenly shouted, "When I saw the radioactive pattern for the first time, I took a spiritual power inhibitor! After the nightmare broke out, my spiritual power was suppressed for a few days!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Are their guesses wrong?
"Wait, maybe we guessed the wrong direction. Spiritual power is not a factor that promotes memory recovery, but a stumbling block that hinders memory recovery?" Wolfe suddenly thought of something.

"I'm going to get the spiritual power inhibitor." Edmund stood up.

"No, I can suppress my spiritual power by myself." After Cang Ling finished speaking, he closed his eyes and began to slowly restrain his spiritual power.

After 15 minutes, Cang Ling's spiritual power dropped to zero.

Wolf handed over a printed crystal book and asked her to try it.

"How is it? Do you feel any different from before?" Edmund asked.

"It seems a little different. I feel that these words have become familiar, but I still can't think of their meaning." Cang Ling stared at the book and said.

"Don't worry, take your time, why don't you take a good rest tonight and continue tomorrow!"

"Take the psychic suppressant tomorrow, so that you can lighten your load and concentrate on the book," Wolfe said.

Cang Ling nodded and went to sleep obediently.

The next day, Wolf gave Cang Ling an inhibitor and asked her to keep reading.

After restraining her spiritual power, Cang Ling really felt that the originally vague memories began to gradually become clear, and fragments of various memories poured into her brain like a spring, more and more, and finally she was almost drowned by the ocean of memories up.

Murphy also received information from Hardy. She said that after careful detection, Hardy was indeed in a state of spiritual restraint when he was studying Gao Huanyu. Obviously, he had discovered this a long time ago.

Three days later, Cang Ling deciphered a text that had never been deciphered for the first time, and then she recalled more content, some content that had not been written in the crystal book.

Hardy's side is the same, constantly making new breakthroughs.

While Hardy was sleeping, Murphy copied all his notes and sent them back to Edmund.

Under the instruction of Jane Boleyn, Edmund continued to use fake books to convey new words to Hardy, especially those words that Cang Ling could not recall.

With the "joint efforts" of Hardy and Cang Ling, the interpretation of the Crystal Book has developed by leaps and bounds. In the end, Jane Bolin and Rich successfully translated all the contents of the historical volume, and at the same time clarified the secret of the birth of the Night Demon.

"I'm standing here today because I want to announce a big news to everyone, that is, we finally know how the night devil is produced." In the conference room, Jane Bolin stood in front of the blackboard and said excitedly.

"Wait, before you start telling the story, I suggest that we thank Squad Leader Cang first. Thanks to her day and night experiments, we have achieved such great results. She herself has suffered tremendous mental pressure because of this, and even suffered from serious illness. Headaches and hallucinations, but she has persisted. Thank you for your hard work and persistence, and thank you for your contribution to us." The queen clapped her hands after speaking.

Everyone present immediately applauded enthusiastically, embarrassing Cang Ling.

"This is what I should do, and the result is the result of everyone's joint efforts. I am ashamed to say that my actual contribution may not be as much as that of Hadid." Cang Ling said modestly.

"But you provided the most important part." Jian Bolin said to Cang Ling with a smile.

"Okay, please start your story now! Academician Jane Boleyn." The queen ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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