girl knight zero

Chapter 363 Recruitment of Workers at the Mahj Ironworks

Chapter 363 Recruitment of Workers at the Mahj Ironworks
Night devils are different from human beings. They don't have a rich nightlife, and they go back to their houses to sleep after the sun goes down.

Cang Ling observed for a while, then entered the thatched hut where humans were imprisoned.

(The night devil does not have a lock making craft, and all rooms are not locked)
There are more than 20 human beings in the thatched hut, as well as several pigs and a dozen sheep, all locked together.

The conditions in the house were very bad, the ground was the land, some hay was piled up at the foot of the house, and there was a stone sink at the door, which was filled with viscous liquid.

Judging from some solid matter in the liquid, it should be made by mixing wild fruits and worms, and there are some maggots crawling on it.

The human beings all curled up together, huddled together with pigs and sheep, and there was excrement and urine everywhere in the ground, and they were not too dirty, so they just lay on it.

Seeing how human beings have been reduced to such a state, Cang Ling almost cried.

Although they breed human beings, they are still human beings after all, the human beings who stand at the top of the food chain and are known as the spirits of all things.

When the human beings on the other side of the sea started to invent airplanes, the human beings here regressed back to the era of drinking blood, and became like pigs and sheep.

What happened in these 500 years?
"Hey, can you understand me?" Cang Ling catted his waist and walked gently to the side of a man.

The man didn't even look at Cang Ling, he was still curled up beside a pig, his eyes glazed over.

"Can you speak? Where are you from?" Cang Ling stretched out his hand and poked him.

After the other party was poked, he shrank back, but still didn't look at Cang Ling.

"Can you answer my question? I might be able to rescue you." Cang Ling seduced them.

However, no one paid any attention to her. Everyone was like a fool, neither saying anything nor looking at her.

Cang Ling had no choice but to leave here and move to the leader's house.

After quietly poking his head out of the window, Cang Ling saw a night devil in the appearance of a hyena, wearing a tiger skin, holding a female night devil in the shape of a fox in his arms, sleeping soundly.

"This scene is just like a fairy tale..." Cang Ling couldn't help thinking.

At this moment, Cang Ling suddenly saw a pile of sheepskins on the table, and there seemed to be writing on it.

Cang Ling hurriedly pushed open the door, crawled from the ground to the table, and gently pulled off the sheepskin.

Looking at it by moonlight, it reads:

"Rules for distribution of human beings: Every village with a total working hours of 20 hours per month can receive 100 human beings at the end of the month. Application conditions for breeding mothers: There are more than [-] demons in the village, and the total monthly working hours are [-] or more. Hours, you can apply for a breeding mother."

"Breed mother? By the way, it seems that there are no women here, only men." Cang Ling thought while flipping to the next one.

The next one read: "Mahaj Ironworks recruits workers, treatment: provide board and lodging, work 28 days a month, rest two days, pay at the end of the month, monthly salary [-]."

Seeing this, Cang Ling widened his eyes in surprise, Ye Mo actually opened a factory!And there is currency!

In comparison, both Sifley and Hardy are weak.

Cang Ling put the documents back on the table, searched the table, and then went to other huts to spy again, and returned to the camp at two o'clock in the morning.

"How is it?" Wolfe has been standing under the tree waiting for Cangling.

"I'm afraid the railway was really built by Ye Mo." Cang Ling panted, "They opened a factory!"

Then, Cang Ling described the results of his investigation in detail.

"Are those words printed or handwritten?" Wolfe asked.

"Handwritten, not ink, no smell of ink, maybe some kind of plant juice."

"Have you seen their currency?"

"I searched and found some copper coin-like round metal, which is probably their currency."

"Are there other items that can reflect their level of civilization?"

"There are shovels, iron spears, knives, iron tableware, literacy textbooks made of sheepskin, oil lamps made of stone, bone needles, bone combs, rattan baskets, and wooden barrels."

"It seems that this village has just left the primitive society not long ago." Felton said.

"Is there a map?"


"How evolved are their hands? Can they write in print?"

"I find it a bit difficult, their hands are almost like claws."

"Are those humans spiritual beings?" Felton asked a key question.

"Yes, although it's not strong, you can feel obvious spiritual power at close range." Cang Ling replied.

"Okay, now the Gaohuan people can be excluded." Felton concluded.

"There are only men in the house, no women?" Wolff asked.

"No. The document says that only villages with more than 100 night devils can apply for women, but there are only more than 30 night devils in this village."

"So, the authority to breed humans is limited. Ordinary night devils can only obtain humans through labor exchange. Then there must be a place like a base dedicated to breeding humans."

"Are we going to find this place?" Cang Ling asked.

"Go." Wolf said decisively, "I'm going to confirm whether there are humans with normal intelligence in Sejawi besides breeding humans, and the role they play in the rapid evolution of night devils."

"And whether their technological explosion is related to the Gaohuan ruins." Felton added.

"It's simple. We just need to follow the railway. Whether it's a farm, a factory, or a city, they must all be along the railway." Cang Ling replied.

"Do you want to take a break?" Wolfe asked Cang Ling.

"No. I'm in good spirits."

"Okay, then let's set off immediately." Wolfe didn't insist anymore.

On the way, Cang Ling told everyone what he saw in the village.

"It seems that we humans still eat high-end meat, and the supply is limited." Phoebe said.

"Should we be honored?" Kali scoffed.

"I am very puzzled about the source of these humans. When Sejave fell, the judges killed everyone they saw, and there were no living people left. But now there are a large number of humans in Sejave. Where did these people come from?" Ryan asked.

"Maybe it's a Sandia refugee who drifted to Sejave with the ocean current." Anton replied.

"I always feel that there is human participation behind all this." Charlene thought.

"I also don't think it was done by Ye Mo independently." Cang Ling replied, "In just 500 years, from drinking blood to establishing an industrial civilization, it would have been impossible without guidance."

"Could it be that they, like Hardy, recalled the memories of the ancient times, and then produced a technological explosion?" Phoebe suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"And then you learned Xinghai language by yourself?" Kali complained.

"Using Xinghai language is really hard to explain..."

"It won't be another Downton, right?" Ryan frowned.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of the inn ill~
(End of this chapter)

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