girl knight zero

Chapter 369 Behind the scenes

Chapter 369 Behind the scenes
"How do you know?"

"This church was built during Xinghai's colonial period. The architectural structure and furnishings are based on Xinghai's standards. The first to third floors are auditoriums, and the upper floors are offices."

"There is almost no defense here, we can go directly from the corridor." Kali said after probing.

"If you don't consider the opponent's level, this mission should be the easiest one we have ever had." Ryan laughed.

"Let's go." Wolfe opened the window and jumped down lightly.

Everyone walked along the deserted corridor all the way to the door of the office. There was no ghost along the way. Obviously, the night devil did not have the habit of being on duty.

After listening carefully at the door for a while, after making sure that there was no one in the room, Wolf reached out and pushed open the door of the office.

"The law and order situation here is good. There is no lock anywhere." Phoebe whispered.

"It can be seen that although they can build trains, they can't make locks." Anton replied.

After entering, everyone closed the door and looked around.

This office is quite large, about [-] to [-] square meters. There are huge bookcases on both sides, and the bookcases are full of messy documents; in the middle is the office and reception area. Also covered with fluffy gray animal hides.

"Hmm... what's the smell?" Kali covered her nose.

"It smells like cigars." Cang Ling quickly walked to the coffee table and picked up a stone ashtray.

"The leader still smokes cigars? Where did he get the cigars?" Phoebe looked curiously at the cigarette butts in the ashtray.

"Not only cigars, but also wine." Ryan said, looking at the bookcase.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that there was a row of wine neatly placed on the innermost cabinet.

"The cigars and wine are both made in Xinghai." Wolfe walked over and took a closer look. "The production date was three months ago."

"Damn it, is it possible that he can travel through spells? Or can he fetch things from the air?" Ryan said in surprise.

"Things are getting more and more interesting." Anton snorted.

"Check these documents first. Each person is responsible for a cabinet. Zero, you go and close the curtains. Everyone wrap the fluorite with cloth, and be careful not to let the outside see the light." Wolfe ordered.

Cang Ling hurriedly stepped forward and closed the curtains, and then carefully looked through the documents in the bookcase with everyone.

Soon, Phoebe discovered the intelligence.

"Captain, look!" Phoebe pulled out a roll of thick parchment, "Here's the blueprint for the train!"

Wolf took a look at the parchment, and sure enough, there were detailed drawings drawn in charcoal on it, including every part, as well as Sehavi's map and railway design.

"This map is much more detailed than what we saw in Xibei, do you want to copy it down, captain?" Phoebe asked.

"No, I've written it all down." Wolf said, staring at the map.

"Sure enough, they have built a railway to the West Sea." Phoebe said, "Compared with other lines, this line has the longest distance and the most labor-intensive construction, but it doesn't pass through any towns along the way. The purpose is very suspicious."

"You continue to check, put these papers back where they were first." Wolf handed the parchment to Phoebe.

"Captain, I found something here!" Ryan ran over holding a stack of papers, "The leader has a trade relationship with Xinghai!"

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately gathered around.

"Look, this is his purchase catalog." Ryan handed the list to Wolfe.

Wolfe took the paper and looked at it, and saw that it read:


"The leader purchased supplies from Sifli?" Cang Ling looked at the list in surprise.

"Tobacco and alcohol are all that matters, what about the engine and hydraulic press? Sifly has these things?" Ryan also widened his eyes in surprise.

"Sifley definitely doesn't have these things. She must have bought them from humans, using gold." Wolff frowned, "No wonder she asked us for a girl, so she wanted to sell it to the leader..."

"Now we can finally know where Sifli and Hardy's money came from. They traded with the leader for gold, and then exchanged the gold for our currency! Well, we are almost forming a transnational alliance!" Phoebe said dissatisfied.

"There is no transaction record with Hardy, only with Sifley." Wolfe flipped through the list and said.

"Wait, what is this?"

Cang Ling saw a piece of letter paper at a glance, took it out and looked, it read:

"The machine you want is not easy to get, and you need a big ship. I can't even afford the cost at this price. At least one kilogram of gold is needed."

"This handwriting is so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere?" Cang Ling stared at the letter paper carefully for a while.

"This is Miles' handwriting." Wolfe replied, "I saw his dossier in the residence of the Royal Knights."

"Miles?" Everyone's eyes widened again.

"That traitor! He hooked up with Sejawi!" Phoebe said angrily.

"I'll just talk about how Sifli hooked up with the leader. It turned out that Miles was the one who hooked up." Ryan said.

"Their transaction should have been about a year ago, because before that, Sifly hadn't left the base." Wolfe said while turning, "Before that, there must have been other merchants who did business with him."

"Purchase directly with gold, so rich!" Anton snorted.

"They are all a group of profiteers who don't even care about the national interest for money. When you go back, you must find out who secretly sold goods to Sejawi!" Phoebe looked dissatisfied.

"Maybe they don't know who they are trading with. After all, the leader is human, and his subordinates are also human. Keep searching to see if there is any other information." Wolfe ordered.

At this moment, the door of the office opened suddenly, and a human follower stepped in holding an oil lamp.

Everyone was dumbfounded, because he was a human being, so no one noticed, let alone someone would come to the office at this time.

"You guys! What are you doing? Don't you come here to steal wine too!" The other party yelled at them before they could react for a while.

It was too late, but it was too late, Phoebe quickly pulled out a pistol, aimed at his chest and was about to shoot.

"Wait a minute!" Wolfe grabbed Phoebe's wrist. "The gunfire will attract the others!"

Hearing this, and seeing their clothes clearly, the visitor immediately understood that these humans were not companions, but intruders!
The other party dropped the oil lamp, ran out of the house, and before he reached the door, Cang Ling shook his hand and threw the dagger hard at his back.

 Thanks for changing the name of the existing monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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