Chapter 377
"Captain, there is a cave here!" At this moment, Cang Ling's voice came from a distant mountain.

Wolfe, who was so blinded by the fall, immediately jumped up, turned into a beast in an instant, picked up Felton on the ground and threw it on his back, and ran in the direction of Cang Ling.

After becoming a beast, Wolfe reached a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, almost as fast as lightning, and walked on the mountain like a flat ground. He quickly got rid of the night demon behind him and caught up with Cang Ling and the others.

After arriving at the canyon, Wolfe and Felton worked together to kill the night demons who surrounded Cang Ling and them, and then hid in a huge cave with the team members.

"Get out the dynamite and blow up the hole!" Wolf yelled.

"Then we can't get out!" said Phoebe hastily.

"Quick!" Wolf yelled.

Without saying a word, Cang Ling immediately took out the explosives from his backpack, strengthened them and stuffed them into the rock above.

While she was arranging the explosives, Kali, Diego and the other defense department desperately blocked the hole with shields to block the crazy attacks of the night devils.

"It's installed!" Cang Ling dragged the lead wire and said.

"Everyone retreat inside and light the fire!" Wolf ordered decisively.

Just hearing a loud "boom!", the whole mountain trembled, and then a large number of rocks fell down like a torrential rain, blocking the entrance of the cave tightly.

"Now I can understand how the Gaohuan people felt when they blew up the suspension bridge and cut off the connection between the underground and the ground." Ryan panted, "There is no choice at the critical moment!"

"Now we're buried underground too—no, in the mountains. How are we going to get back?" Martin said worriedly.

"There are two ways, one is to blow up the exit again, and reunite with the night monsters outside; the other is to simply go deeper and see if you can find another exit." Anton said.

"There is no doubt that we can only choose the second option." Kali replied.

"There is water here," said Wolff, who had recovered his original form. "Let's walk along the flowing water and find the source of the water flow. There should be an exit there."

Everyone heard the words and quickly raised the fluorite and looked down. Sure enough, there was a small stream of water on the ground, flowing from the inside to the outside of the cave.

Cang Ling was overwhelmed with admiration in an instant. He didn't expect Wolfe to notice this detail in such an urgent situation.

"Captain, George is dying." At this moment, the team doctor ran over.

Everyone hurried over to take a look, and saw George lying on the ground with a big hole in his stomach and his intestines exposed.

"Give him a shot of anesthesia." Wolfe reached out and took off his name tag and badge.

At this moment, George suddenly reached out and grabbed Wolfe, his face full of horror.

"Don't, don't leave me..." George begged.

Wolff looked at him for a moment, and said, "Okay, I'll be with you."

"Am I going to die? I'm already... hopeless?"


"I-I don't want to die!" George cried.

"George, you have been blessed by the bishop, and you will definitely go to heaven after death. There are many companions there, and you will not be alone." Wolf comforted.

"I just got engaged... my fiancée is still waiting for me... and my mother, who will take care of her when I die..."

"Don't worry, your mother, I will arrange it."

"Captain, I don't want to stay in Sejawi, please take me back!" George held Wolfe's hand tightly.

Wolfe hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Okay."

"Thank you, Captain..." George showed a relieved expression, let go of Wolfe's hand, and died.

Wolf took out his dagger, cut off a lock of his hair, and placed it with the name badge.

"Let's go." Wolf put George's relics into the backpack, and led the horse into the depths of the cave.

Everyone saluted George one after another, and then resolutely turned their heads and walked inside.

Now they only have 32 people and 21 horses left, and most of the heavy equipment is lost. The only consolation is that most of the food is still there.

After walking in the winding cave for most of the day, the water flow began to increase, the channel widened, and the groundwater converged into an underground river.

Because the cave is not high, everyone can't ride on a horse, but can only lead the horse and walk in the icy river.

"There are fish in the water." Cang Ling threw out his dagger and speared a fish that weighed a pound. "The fish's eyes haven't degenerated, so it's not a cave fish."

"The river must go out," Phoebe said through chattering teeth. "Just don't know if we'll freeze to death before we find the way out."

"The water is getting deeper and deeper." Kali said, looking at the waist-high river, "I hope we don't need to dive ahead, otherwise we have to give the horse a special swimming training."

"Don't worry, if there are more fish, it means that the exit is not far away." Anton said.

"Hopefully I don't get arthritis." Ryan touched his knee.

"I'm so sleepy... I really want to sleep on the horse..." Martin yawned.

"Everyone continue to hold on, and arrange for everyone to rest after going out." Wolfe turned back.

"Haha, I'm just kidding, I can go for another five days." Martin said hastily.

Two days later, when everyone was exhausted and their lower bodies were peeling from the soak, the exit finally arrived.

The exit of this underground river is in a canyon, surrounded by mountains, with a depression in the middle, and there is an emerald lake near the exit, above which is a waterfall.

"Finally see the sky again!" Phoebe ran to the lake and shouted, raising her arms.

"Captain, it's safe here, there are no night devils." Kali said after probing.

"Very good, let's settle down first, let's fix it." Wolfe looked around.

The team members hurriedly led the horses to the grass, feeding the horses, lighting the fire, and changing clothes.

Soon, three piles of bonfires were burning.

Everyone gathers around the campfire, roasting clothes and eating dry food.

"It's so unpalatable. I've eaten compressed dry food for more than ten days, and I don't want to see compressed dry food again in my life." Phoebe frowned and said while swallowing the dry food.

"I remembered, aren't there fish in the water?" Anton stood up.

"That's right! There are fish in the water, let's catch them and eat them!" Ryan and Martin stood up immediately.

Hearing the word "fish", everyone couldn't help spitting, including those who didn't like fish to join the fishing brigade.

"Diego, use your speed shield!" Kali kicked Diego into the water.

After splashing a few times in the water, Diego opened the speed shield, and a dozen fish that had no time to escape were trapped in the shield.

"Come this way!" Phoebe called from the bank.

Diego wiped the water from his face, rushed ashore quickly and untied the shield, the fish fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

"Haha, that's great! You're such a good fisherman." Phoebe was excited when she picked up the fish.

"Diego, your internal injury hasn't recovered yet, try not to activate your spiritual power these two days." Cang Ling walked over and said.

"It's okay monitor, this injury is nothing." Diego touched his chest involuntarily.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of the brothel in the alley~
(End of this chapter)

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