girl knight zero

Chapter 398 Compared with killing and protecting, the latter is much more difficult

Chapter 398 Compared with killing and protecting, the latter is much more difficult

Five minutes later, Wolf received a telegram from Edmund.

"Everyone, let's go! The head of the group has obtained the Queen's permission order!" Wolfe said as he walked out of the telegraph room.

"Great, that's all I've been waiting for!" Phoebe said confidently, bow and arrow in hand.

"It's time to settle old scores with Sifli." Kali said riding on the horse.

"Everyone, who do you think will win?" Ryan asked with a smile.

"Is there any need to ask? Sifly must win." Phoebe replied.

"Although Arras is not as powerful as Sifli, it is not so easy to kill him. Sifli must be in a state of physical exhaustion after their battle, just like when we were in Sahavi." Kali replied.

"Let's go, hurry up!" Wolfe got on his horse and rushed out first.

"Captain, do you want to send a scouting team to investigate first?" Cang Ling asked on the way.

"No, Madeleine will send back the situation over there in real time," Wolfe replied.

"I always feel that things are a little strange..." Cang Ling hesitated and said, "Arras is such a violent person, why didn't he explode on the spot when Sifli tore up the letter?"

"Because he's not Sifli's opponent. Without a helper, Aras couldn't even hurt Sifli's finger."

Hearing this, the uneasiness in Cang Ling's heart calmed down a little.

Wolf is someone who has fought against both Sifley and Arras, so his judgment should not be wrong.

"Is your arm okay?" Wolfe glanced at Cang Ling.


"You hurt your bones, you shouldn't be able to move freely now, right?"

Cang Ling couldn't help covering his right arm subconsciously.

Her right arm was indeed injured, more severely.

But in order not to worry everyone and be restricted from fighting, she concealed her injury and usually pretended to be fine.

Everyone else was deceived by her, but Wolfe saw it unexpectedly.

"It's okay, it's just a little stiff, and it doesn't affect the battle." Cang Ling replied.

"Go back and let Delang give you acupuncture." Wolfe didn't say much.

"Well, I will." Cang Ling glanced at Wolf gratefully.

Soon, Sifley's territory arrived.

Everyone waited for a while at the edge of the Silent Forest, and soon Madeleine sent the latest information: Arras had taken all his confidants to the canyon, and was going to guard Sifli.

"It's one o'clock now, and there are still four hours before they start the battle. Let's rest, eat, and replenish our strength." Zico (Sergeant Major Hurricane, does anyone remember him?) ordered.

All the knights got off their horses one after another, and seized the time to replenish their energy and go to the toilet.

During the meal, Ryan held a piece of compressed rations and said, "Do you know? When I first joined the Knights, I used to like to eat compressed rations. It may be because there is a lot of oil and water, so it tastes delicious. During that time, I often Treat compressed rations as snacks and midnight snacks. But compressed rations are also bad, that is, too greasy will cause sticky stools, and every time I flush, I am often scolded by the monitor. Later, I figured out a way. Throw a piece of toilet paper down before going to the toilet, so that the stool will not directly touch the wall of the toilet, and it will be easily flushed away when flushing."

Hearing this, both Phoebe and Diego showed disgusted expressions.

"Are you sure you want to tell us this? This may be your last words." Kali reminded.

"Don't say that, Kali."

"By the way, do you think we can come back alive this time?" Diego asked timidly.

"Why, are you afraid?" Ryan grabbed Diego's neck.

"No, of course not! I'm just a little worried... After all, Sifli is too strong..."

"Diego, are you someone who has been to San Dia and Sejave? Why are you still acting like a coward?"

"It's because I saw too many sacrifices, so now I'm afraid of death..." Diego lowered his head, "I don't know what it's like to die, it must be very desperate, right?"

"It's normal to be afraid of death." Cang Ling replied, "No one is not afraid of death, and no one is willing to die. We risk our lives to fight now, isn't it also to survive?"

"Yes, we are fighting to survive, and we are also fighting to prevent more people from dying. Compared with killing and protecting, the latter is much more difficult." Kali continued.

"Martin thinks the same way, right? One person's death is for more people to live." Charlene whispered, "All the thousands of knights who sacrificed thought so, right?"

"Of course. Now his responsibility has been transferred to our hands. If we die, other companions will take over our flag. Thinking of this, death is not so terrible." Cang Ling comforted.

"We knights are luckier than ordinary people. At least we still have the ability to resist in the face of death." Phoebe said, "Think about those ordinary people! They are the real sorrow."

"Yeah, dying in resistance is more dignified..." Kali snorted.

"If I die, will you remember me?" Diego asked.

"What are you talking about! You won't die!" Ryan patted Diego on the head.

"Don't worry, if you die, I will definitely burn you a calendar of beautiful women in swimsuits on All Souls' Day every year." Ryan laughed.

"That's not mine! Anton used it to spit out melon seeds!" Diego argued hurriedly.

"Okay, okay, I know, you have emphasized it several times."

"It's really not mine, I just borrowed a few packages..."

Seeing his red face, everyone laughed.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Madeleine sent a message saying that Sifley was leaving for Mermaid Lake.

Edmund took out a map to measure the distance, and led all the knights around from the north, preparing to wait behind the mountain for Sifly and Arras to kill each other, and then rush over when they were almost killed.

At five o'clock, Sifli arrived at the Mermaid Lake, accompanied only by Medusa and Camilla.

Before she got into the water, Arras rushed out impatiently, roared and rushed towards Sifli, and several other ambush leaders also rushed out, and there was a sound of fighting by the lake.

"They're fighting! Sifli didn't expect Arras to attack her at all, and she's furious now." Madeleine, who was hiding in the forest, nervously sent a message to Edmund.

"Did Miles not come?" Edmund replied.

"No, Sifley never takes Miles in the shower."

"Pay attention to your own safety and pay attention to the following developments at any time."

"Camila ran back, she must have called for someone! But was stopped by Abel and Harrison!" Madeleine kept updating the news.

(End of this chapter)

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