girl knight zero

Chapter 405 Unspeakable Pain

Chapter 405 Unspeakable Pain
When Cang Ling woke up, it was already two days later.

As soon as she woke up, she sat up suddenly and shouted: "Captain!"

"Zero, are you awake?" A man hurried over.

Cang Ling took a closer look, and it turned out to be De Lang.

"Where's the captain? Where's the captain?" Cang Ling grabbed De Lang's wrist.

De Lang showed a sad expression, he moved his lips, but didn't speak.

Cang Ling didn't say anything, turned over, got out of bed and rushed out, but after running a few steps, his eyes darkened and he fell to the ground again.

"Be careful, Zero!" Delang hurried over to help Cang Ling, "You have lost too much blood, and your body hasn't recovered yet."

Cang Ling pushed Delang away, held the door for a while, and ran downstairs in a stumbling manner.

As soon as he reached the stairs, he bumped into Lyudmila head-on.

"Zero? Are you awake?" Lyudmila showed a surprised expression, "I'm going to see you."

"Where's the captain? How is he? Has he come back?" Cang Ling grabbed Lyudmila and asked anxiously.

Lyudmila showed a stunned expression, and then looked suspiciously at Delang who was chasing him.

"Zero, don't you remember what happened?" DeLong asked.

"I'm going to find the captain." Cang Ling bypassed Lyudmila and walked down on his own.

Lyudmila grabbed Cang Ling: "Where are you going to find it?"

Cang Ling was silent for a while, then replied, "Go to Atropos Canyon."

"It's already Hardy's territory."


"While you were unconscious, Hardy wiped out Sifli's remaining followers and occupied her territory."

"How could this be?" Cang Ling couldn't believe his ears.

"The hurricane was all but wiped out and Silver was understaffed, so we just watched him reap the benefits. Thankfully, he didn't intrude further and stopped when he got to the border line. Now his mission is on its way. Gwell negotiates with the Queen."

Cang Ling stared blankly at Lyudmila, unable to react for a long time.

"Captain, the queen's urgent telegram!" At this moment, a female knight came over with a telegram.

Lyudmila took a look at the telegram and said to De Lang: "Doctor De, watch Squad Leader Cang and don't let her run around."

After speaking, she hurriedly turned around and ran back.

"I'm going to find the captain." Cang Ling continued downstairs.

"Ling, come back!" Delang stopped Cang Ling.

"I'm going to find the captain, I must go." Cang Ling's eyes leaked tears.

"You can't run around, we are still in danger, the regiment still needs you, now is not the time for you to be willful!" Delang grabbed Cangling's arm tightly.

"Let go of me, I'm going to find the captain!" Cang Ling struggled hard.

"The captain is dead!" Delang pushed Cang Ling against the wall, "He will never come back!"

Like a thunderbolt, Cang Ling froze.

The memories sealed by the pain played back in my mind like a revolving lantern.

"If I absorb all the ten times the spiritual power into my body, I can kill Sifly."

"If possible, I also want to live to be gray-haired. But I have to."

"Xinghai still needs you, you have to inherit our will and continue to fight on our behalf."

"If I die, forget about me. Don't commemorate, don't visit my grave, and don't remember. Let me disappear completely from your life, as if you and I don't know each other, and as if I never existed."

Scenes of memories flooded in one after another, and Cang Ling fell to the ground crying, crying heartbreakingly and shaking all over.

When Kali came to see Cang Ling, Cang Ling had been crying for three full hours, and his voice was hoarse.

"She just fell asleep." Delang made a silent gesture to Kali, "Let her rest!"

"How is her injury?" Kali asked concerned.

"The operation was successful, and the right arm was finally saved. The next step is to see her recovery ability. If she recovers well, she may not have any sequelae. If she recovers poorly, it may affect her future battles."

"I see." Kali gave Cang Ling a worried look, "I really hope she can recover as soon as possible."

"How about you, how are you?" Delang asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but the internal injury is serious. Dr. Erwin said that I won't be able to use my spiritual power for a month."

"It's fine, you are the only defense department left in our regiment now." Delang smiled wryly.

"Diego... did he really die?" Kali's voice dropped.

"We sent people to test it, and no one survived on the battlefield."

"Is that so..." Kali lowered her head, turned around and walked slowly.

At night, Cang Ling woke up.

This time she didn't cry anymore, but leaned against the wall with her knees hugged, looking at the button necklace in her hand for a whole night.

Early the next morning, a knight knocked on the door.

"Squad Leader Cang, Captain Lyudmila called you to a meeting." The knight shouted outside the door.

"I'll go right away." Cang Ling pushed his hair behind his ears, turned over, put on his coat and walked out.

When De Lang saw Cang Ling come out, he hurriedly followed her for fear that she would run away again, but after seeing her expression, he stopped.

Cang Ling's face has returned to calm, although there are heavy dark circles under the eyes and the eyelids are swollen, but the eyes are very sharp, but there is still a sadness in the sharpness.

"She should have survived." Delang thought to himself.

After arriving at the conference room, Cang Ling found that there was only Lyudmila inside.

"Zero, are you feeling better?"

Seeing Cang Ling come in, Lyudmila took the initiative to pull out the chair for her.

"I'm fine. Captain Lyudmila, please tell me the current situation!" Cang Ling sat down.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid that what I want to tell you is not good news." Lyudmila also sat down.

"It's okay, nothing can hit me now." Cang Ling said expressionlessly.

"First tell me what happened after you passed out!" Lyudmila opened the file and told Cang Ling everything about Sifli's death.

According to Murphy's information, Hardy knew about the battle between Sifley and Hurricane not long after. He immediately led people to the nearby area and hid on a mountain a few miles away to secretly observe the situation here.

After Wolfe and Sifley died together, Sifley's remnants came to collect the corpses. Hardy decisively killed them all, and mobilized all his subordinates to confiscate Sifley's territory and wipe out the Night Demons. Hundreds of people.

After the Silver Knights found out about Hardy's actions, Hardy was already less than a hundred kilometers away from Lagrange.

Agatha hastily summoned all the frontier teams and sent someone to notify Lyudmila who stayed behind in Lagrange.

At this time Lyudmila didn't know that the Hurricane Knights had been wiped out, and thought it was Sifli who had killed her. Just as she was about to lead the remaining knights to fight to the death, Hardy stopped advancing.

 Do you want Wolf to come back to life?Then come to the character area to give Wolf a thumbs up!Wolfe can be revived if you collect 500 likes, now you have 450 likes~!

(End of this chapter)

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