girl knight zero

Chapter 410 Wolf is still alive!

Chapter 410 Wolf is still alive!

"This is not a knot that can be easily untied. I have been with her for a while, and the bond between her and Wolfe is quite deep, far beyond the relationship between superiors and subordinates. Now she is facing more than just Wolff death, and the collapse of the spiritual pillar." De Lang replied.

"Do you want Dr. Messing to come over?"

"I wrote to her, and she said to deal with it for a while, and if it still doesn't improve, she will be notified."

"She's a sergeant major, how can she be immersed in grief like this?" The female doctor shook her head and closed the medical record book.

Cang Ling took the medicine and returned to his room.

Now she has her own bedroom, where Chico used to live.

Although Lyudmila told her that she could rearrange it according to her own preferences, she was not in the mood to do so. The room still remained as it was when Chico was there, but the bedding was replaced by her own.

After taking the medicine, Cang Ling lay down on the bed.

From her bedside, you can see the locust tree outside the window.

In the folklore of Xinghai, the locust tree is a ghost tree that can attract ghosts.If planted outside the house, it is easy to be possessed by ghosts.

Cang Ling has never been a superstitious person, but during this period of time, she believes in this rumor very much.

She even tied a white handkerchief on the branch of the locust tree, imitating the practice of witches, so as to guide the ghosts and attract them.

Now the white handkerchief has been hanging on the tree for a week without attracting Wolfe's ghost.

Cang Ling also hung some chocolates on the branches, but the chocolates were stolen and eaten by wild animals.

"Captain, have you lost your soul?" Cang Ling stared at the handkerchief and thought, "If you don't even have a soul, how will we meet in the sky?"

At this moment, the handkerchief suddenly moved a few times.

Cang Ling Yi Gu Lu got up and rushed to the window, looked outside, there was nothing.

It must have been blown by the wind.

Cang Ling lowered his head in disappointment, moved back to the bed step by step, and lay down heavily.

After staring at the ceiling for a while, Cang Ling closed his eyes and started counting sheep.

"one two Three……"

Counting to more than 1000, she still hasn't fallen asleep.

In the dimness, the room seemed to light up, and a faint white light appeared outside the eyelids.

"Could it be morning already?" Cang Ling opened his eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Cang Ling saw a ball of white light floating above her head.

"What is this?" Cang Ling sat up immediately, and carefully observed the light ball with his eyes wide open.

The light cluster is only the size of an egg, but it is very bright and soft like jade.

Although it was just a ball of white light, there was an inexplicably familiar feeling, as if I had seen it somewhere.

At this moment, the light group seemed to notice Cang Ling's gaze, it floated down gently, and then stopped in front of Cang Ling.

After Cang Ling stared at it for five or six minutes, he suddenly had a strong feeling: this light is Wolfe!
Wolfe is back!

Cang Ling immediately turned over and got up, rushed out of the room to look for Lyudmila, just ran out and turned back, rummaged around and found a wide-mouth glass bottle, carefully put it on the light ball, put The ball of light was put into the bottle.

Then, holding the bottle and running barefoot all the way to Lyudmila's room, she hurriedly knocked on her door: "Captain! Commander! The captain is back!"

Lyudmila quickly opened the door, looking at the panting Cang Ling in surprise.

"The captain is back, he is looking for us!" Cang Ling handed the bottle to Lyudmila.

Lyudmila took the bottle suspiciously, looked at it and asked, "What is this?"

"It's the captain! This is the soul of the captain!"

"The captain's soul?" Lyudmila was taken aback. She raised the bottle again and looked at it carefully for a while.

Although Lyudmila has never seen what a soul looks like, she couldn't help but have a feeling: this light ball is a living thing.

"Where did you find it?" Lyudmila asked hurriedly.

"It flew in by itself. When I opened my eyes, it was on top of my head."

"Does it talk? Or give any hints?"

"No, but I'm sure this is the captain!" Cang Ling said firmly.

Lyudmila looked at Cang Ling, then at Bai Guang, and frowned.

"So, the captain is still alive, right? Although the body is shattered, the soul is still there." Cang Ling's eyes were moist.

"I'll take you to find the priest." Lyudmila grabbed the coat on the wall.

After arriving at the church, Lyudmila handed the bottle containing the white light to the priest and told him about the situation.

"Do you think this is the soul of Captain Wolfe?" The priest took the bottle and looked at it in surprise.

"Father Castor, have you seen a soul?" Cang Ling asked eagerly.

"I'm sorry, Sergeant Major. I've never seen a soul myself, but I've seen records of souls in books. Wait a minute." The priest hurried to the study, opened the bookcase and searched.

"Psychic records...exorcism cases...spirit out of body...ah, I found it!" The priest flipped through a thick ancient book, "Look here: In 1141, during the Westminster Abbey fire incident, how many People have seen white light balls floating out of the body of the dead, and then slowly rising into the sky. And here! In 1268, the spirit guards in Lancaster Town saw white lights like fireflies in the cemetery, wandering back and forth in the cemetery. "

"So, this ball of light is really a soul?" Lyudmila looked at the bottle in disbelief.

"I want to confirm with the bishop." The priest said excitedly, "Bishop Jacob of the holy city of Haiyin is the person who has studied the soul most deeply in Xinghai, and he has seen the soul with his own eyes."

"Can I go with you?" Cang Ling asked.

"Of course, as long as Captain Lyudmila agrees."

"Go, Zero." Lyudmila said without hesitation, "If this is really the captain, it will undoubtedly be great news."

"Let's go now!" Cang Ling couldn't wait for a second.

"Okay. Wait a moment, I'll change my clothes." The priest quickly changed his clothes, prepared some things, and then drove to Dougwell in a carriage with Cang Ling.

Along the way, Cang Ling hugged the bottle tightly and took off his coat to wrap it outside, for fear of bumping into Wolfe's soul.

"Great, the captain is still alive! He's still alive!" Cang Ling's face flushed with joy.

At five o'clock in the afternoon the next day, they arrived in the holy city of Haiyin.

When Haiyin's Templars saw Hurricane's sergeant major coming, they thought she was here for the conscription, and all of them avoided her, for fear that she would be a brat in the street.

Cang Ling ignored the people in the temple and ran straight to the church, pulling the bishop who was listening to the confession of the young knights.

Father Custer explained their purpose to the astonished Bishop Jacob, and presented him with a bottle containing the light ball.

As soon as Bishop Jacob saw the ball of light, he blurted out: "There is someone's soul in it!"

(End of this chapter)

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