girl knight zero

Chapter 418 The Black Butterfly

Chapter 418 The Black Butterfly

For a period of time after that, humans and night devils have been in a state of "no big battles, no small battles".

Although the border is generally guarded, it is difficult to appease the emotions of the people and persuade them to settle abroad when there are night demons harassing them every day.

The most terrible thing is that it is becoming more and more difficult to get money from the chamber of commerce, because businessmen are beginning to doubt whether it is worthwhile to invest in overseas land, and whether there is a risk of collapse at any time.

Without money, there is no way to build the Arriphons Shield overseas, and silver and hurricanes add up to only a thousand people, which is not enough to provide all-round protection for all the land outside the country.

Without comprehensive protection, no one is willing to settle abroad, and the land outside the country will naturally not be developed, and it will be even more difficult to sell these lands.

So back and forth, vicious circle.

Cang Ling thought for a long time, and made a suggestion to the queen: hand over all the security in the territory to the Gendarmerie, and Blue Shield only retains the headquarters, and then all other local stations are moved overseas and incorporated into Hurricane and Silver.

"Now that the power of firearms has been greatly improved, coupled with the protection of the shield of Alfons, the gendarmerie can completely replace the duties of the blue shield. In this way, we can increase nearly [-] knights, greatly improving the security outside the country. "

"Do you know how many people's interests will be touched by this?" The queen smiled wryly, "Do you want to create thousands of enemies for me at once?"

"Your Majesty, you can simply incorporate those who will object into the gendarmerie. Then improve the status and treatment of the gendarmerie, and turn the gendarmerie into a special police force." Cang Ling continued calmly.

The queen glanced at Cang Ling and couldn't help laughing: "Zero, you are quite a businessman now."

"Who told me that I was Captain Felton—no, a student of the Sergeant Major?" Cang Ling spread his hands.

"I will consider this matter. You go back first." The queen said gently.

"Your Majesty, if you find it difficult, I can help you with this matter." Cang Ling continued, "I'll go and convince Duke Louis."

"How did you convince him?" the Queen asked with interest.

"It's very simple, just give him what he wants." Cang Ling gave the queen a meaningful look.

The queen thought for a few seconds, and showed a suddenly realized expression.

Sure enough, as Cang Ling expected, the matter was successfully completed in a short time.

The Gendarmerie became the Police Department, the Blue Shield became the Secret Service, and the Crown became the Bureau of Investigation, all three of which are part of the Department of Homeland Security.

The Department of Homeland Security is a Tier [-] agency, and the Minister is Henry Lewis, who has thus risen up a level and entered the core leadership of the Federation.

The chief of the police department was the former gendarmerie captain, Hoffman was the chief of the Secret Service, and Felton was the director of the FBI.

In this way, the leaders of the three units were all raised one level and had more power, so they did not raise any objections.

Of course, the most satisfied is Louis, who has finally been promoted from the leader of a local organization to the leader of a national organization.

His father, Duke Louis, was also quite satisfied with this, so he gave great cooperation.

Although the lower-level knights complained a lot, and there were several demonstrations and protests, but because the high-level opinions were highly unified, they were all suppressed in the end.

The Hurricane won nearly a thousand demobilized Blue Shield Knights, and Silver won more than 2000.

The defense force outside the country has been greatly improved in an instant, and overseas business, which has been sluggish, has also prospered again.

Just when everything was going in a good direction, a new bad news came from Hardy: Miles has defected to Hardy!

This news was revealed by Murphy, not through the paper crane, but by himself.

That day, the grave guard guarding the cemetery was taking a nap with the cat in his arms, when suddenly there was a rapid sound of horseshoes in the distance.

The gravekeeper thought that a knight was coming to sweep the grave, so he left the cat and stood up.

Soon, the other party appeared in sight, and when he saw the person coming, the tomb guard opened his mouth in surprise.

The person who came was not a knight, but a commoner woman, wearing a sexy black dress, with thick long curly hair.

The woman was covered in sweat and her face was full of anxiety. She kept whipping her horsewhip to speed up, and the road she passed kicked up dust two to three meters high.

Because the speed was so fast, the entire hem of her skirt was blown up by the wind, reaching to the heels of her legs, revealing the black garter belt inside.

Passers-by were all stunned when they saw it, and they all stopped to look far away, and all the farm tools in their hands fell off.

After arriving at the cemetery, the woman tightened the reins of the horse and jumped, jumping over the three-meter-high gate directly from the horse, and went straight to the cemetery after landing.

The tomb guard was dumbfounded, and after a while he remembered to chase her.

"Hey, miss! You can't get in here!" The cemetery keeper grabbed his rifle and chased after Madeleine and shouted, "If you're here to visit your family, please register first..."

"Where is Edmund's tomb?" The woman grabbed the gravekeeper's neck and lifted him up.

"E-Captain Edmund?" The gravekeeper was almost out of breath after being strangled by the woman.

"Take me to Edmund's tomb!" There was murderous look in the woman's eyes.

"Yes, yes!" The gravekeeper was terrified, and hurriedly nodded desperately.

After the future man brought Edmund's cemetery, the other party stopped three or four meters away from the tombstone.

She stared blankly at the name on the tombstone, her lips trembled, and her face was as pale as a dead person.

Seeing this, the gravekeeper took the opportunity to escape quickly and went to call the police.

When Kali rushed over with someone, she saw a creepy scene.

The woman knelt in front of Edmund's cemetery, hugging Edmund's body tightly.

Her hands were full of dirt, and there were piles of dirt all around her. It was obvious that she had dug up the grave with her bare hands and dug out Edmund inside.

"Stop! Who are you?" Kali immediately rushed over and wrapped her arms around the other's neck, pressing her upper body firmly to the ground.

"Let go of me!" The woman struggled hard.

"I'll ask again: who are you? Why did you destroy the leader's cemetery? If you don't answer, I'll use this gun to blast you through the head." Kali pressed her knees on the woman's back and moved The pistol was on the back of her head.

"Edmund... really died..." the other party murmured in a crying voice.

Hearing this, Kali froze for a moment.

She lowered her head to take a closer look, and there was a lifelike butterfly tattoo on the woman's bare back.

Seeing this tattoo, she suddenly remembered something.

"You...can't be Murphy?" Kali asked.

The other party didn't answer, and after a stalemate for a while, she suddenly buried her head in tears.

Kali turned her head and gestured to her subordinates with her eyes, and the subordinates rushed back to find Cangling and Lyudmila.

(End of this chapter)

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