girl knight zero

Chapter 423 Competition 1st, Friendship 2nd

Chapter 423 Competition First, Friendship Second

"I think we should arrest these worthless people and give them a good ideological education!" Phoebe was still indignant.

"Then you may never be able to catch it all." Cang Ling replied, "People's thoughts are difficult to unify. Even in a small family with only three or four people, conflicts of ideas and ideas will always exist. Accept this. Don’t keep thinking about transforming other people, just be yourself.”

"The sergeant major is right, the world is diverse, and we should learn to accept the diversity of the world." Ryan winked.

"Do you want to accept the diversity of Miles?!"

"No, that guy has already committed treason, catch him and beat him to death without hesitation."

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed together.

A few days later, the list of signal soldiers was confirmed, and everyone saw that those who did not want to go to the front line were basically included.

"That's fine, these people won't play any role if they stay here." Ryan looked at the list and said.

"They'll probably die of joy when they see it." Phoebe snorted.

"Everyone, new weapons are coming!" At this moment, Anton waved at them.

"New weapon!" Phoebe was the first to rush over.

"The new weapon is coming so soon?" Kali, Ryan, and Charlene hurried over.

"This is the first batch, a total of [-] sets, and [-] sets will come in a few days." Anton stood in front of the convoy and said, "The head of the team requested that all the changes be completed within two weeks."

"Two weeks? Could it be that there is going to be a war in such a hurry?" Phoebe asked hurriedly.

"No, it seems to be a drill. You can ask the sergeant major for details!"

"The Master Sergeant is still in Dogwell."

"I should notify you when she comes back." Anton said and jumped into the car.

Several captains hurriedly organized their team members to help unload the goods, and it took a whole day to unload all the equipment into the warehouse.

New equipment includes individual cannons, sniper rifles, gas bombs, gas masks, flamethrowers, incendiary bombs (white phosphorus), umbrella shields, blades of light, watch-type spiritual boosters, night vision goggles, tactical gloves (with automatic claws) Hook), purification agent (pill), spiritual power inhibitor (pill), individual medical kit, individual ration (both in bags and cans), tactical radio, etc.

All the knights were very excited when they saw these majestic new weapons, and they couldn't wait to put them on immediately.

Those knights who were about to leave but hadn't left saw it, and felt a little itchy in their hearts, but when they thought of using these things, they would have to fight the night devil desperately, and the inner turmoil immediately calmed down again.

After all the equipment had been distributed, Lyudmila invited Chang Jing and other experts to train all the knights for a week.

After that, in order to make everyone more familiar with the new weapons and adapt to the mode of modern warfare, the regiment organized an actual combat exercise.

All the knights are divided into red and blue teams, the red team is commanded by Phoebe and Ryan, and the blue team is commanded by Kali and Charlene.The two sides each lead 500 knights to start a three-day fierce battle, and the winner will have the first military aircraft of the whole regiment and even the whole country.

"Airplane!" Phoebe and Ryan jumped up excitedly at the word, "We've got to win!"

"Stop dreaming, with me here, you will never win." Kali looked sure of winning.

"Although we are all companions, I will not show mercy for the sake of prizes." Charlene laughed.

"Then wait and see!" Phoebe said confidently.

On Monday, the exercise officially began.

The location of this exercise is located at the border, with Lyudmila as the commander-in-chief and Cang Ling as the referee. The total budget is 500 million yuan, which is jointly funded and sponsored by the Lewis family and the Felton family.

In addition, in order to improve the effect of the exercise and emphasize closer to actual combat, this exercise has set a casualty limit of 0.5%.

"Is this not good? Now the number of knights is very small, how can we reduce the number of people during the exercise?" At the meeting, some ministers raised objections.

"We will try our best to control the number of casualties, but we cannot guarantee absolute safety," Lyudmila replied.

"Training is not performed in danger, and soldiers are not trained in danger. The combat effectiveness brought by modernization is vain." Cang Ling added.

"I support Sergeant Major Cang's opinion." Duke Louis said, "If the exercise is not serious, what is the difference between it and the formality? Of course, the casualties must be within a reasonable range."

"Of course, we will strictly control it." Lyudmila said hurriedly.

Seeing that Duke Louis had spoken, the others fell silent. After all, he is now a popular figure beside the queen, so there is no need to offend him for the lives of a few low-level knights.

Thus, the most rigorous exercise in Xinghai history began.

"Listen to me, everyone. This exercise is only allowed to win, not to lose. If you lose, everyone will do 1000 push-ups. Do you hear me?" Phoebe shouted to the team members on the stage during the pre-war mobilization.

"Yes! The red team will win!" The team members replied loudly.

"The sound is too low!"

"The red team must win!"

"Very well, that's the kind of momentum!" Phoebe nodded in satisfaction.

At the headquarters of the blue team one kilometer away, Kali was also mobilizing his subordinates before the battle.

"Although everyone is in the same group, exercises are different from ordinary competitions. Don't be polite to them. Remember our slogan: 'Competition first, friendship second'!" Kali shouted with a loudspeaker.

"We must get the plane, and then everyone can take turns flying to the sky." Charlene threw out the bait.

As soon as they heard that they could go to the sky by plane, the knights below were all excited, and they all raised their arms and shouted: "Down with the red team, and the blue team will win!"

"Very good, now enter the combat readiness state!" Kali jumped off the platform and got on the off-road vehicle.

In this exercise, they did not set up a fixed command post. Instead, they commanded remotely through the tactical radio station on the off-road vehicle, so that they could learn the situation on the front line in time, reduce information errors, and avoid being beheaded by the red team.

"Attention both sides, the exercise will start in 5 minutes, please fire the flare guns from the red team and the blue team to confirm!" Cang Ling shouted to the following from the airship with a loudspeaker.

Soon, the headquarters on both sides fired a dazzling flare.

"Enter the countdown, everyone is in position!" Cang Ling ordered the pilot to fly to the middle line of the two sides, so that she could see the layout of both sides at the same time.

"The red side puts the strengthening system at the forefront, um... It fits the characters of Phoebe and Ryan. Why is there no one on the front line of the blue side? And there is no one behind... It seems that Kali and the others are planning to use tricks .”

Cang Ling took out his pocket watch, checked the time, pulled out his pistol and fired at the sky.

"The exercise begins!"

The red and blue sides immediately entered a combat state.

(End of this chapter)

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