girl knight zero

Chapter 426 Guess Who Got The Plane

Chapter 426 Guess Who Got The Plane
"Do you want to transfer the headquarters?"

"No, if I'm not wrong, they won't make a move now, but will wait until night. We just use this time for layout."

"Okay, my target here is locked."

"Continue to follow, be careful not to be discovered by the other party."

"Don't worry, you also be careful!"

Charlene jumped down from the tree after speaking.

Sure enough, after dark, nearly [-] knights from Phoebe's side sneaked into the hinterland of the blue army by wading across the river in the dark.

When they were more than 100 meters away from the blue army's ambush circle, they stopped and began to climb trees.

With the help of claw hooks, they were quickly evenly distributed in the woods around the ambush circle, and occupied the best commanding heights.

After they settled down, the other two hundred knights set off, approaching the ambush circle along the route they had just walked.

That's Ryan's plan.

He prepared the surrounding firepower first, and then sent out decoys to attack the fake headquarters. These decoys included the prisoners of the Blue Army. The actual number was less than one hundred, and even all the cannon fodder would not affect the battle situation.

When the blue army was fooled and attacked them, they attacked the blue army from above.

At the same time, they also sent a team of 500 people to make a large circle from the west along the previously occupied hill to the rear of the blue army.

If the Blues have any backs, this team can come out from behind and grab them in the ass.

Attacking back and forth and taking surprises are Ryan's core fighting ideas.

"It's 9 o'clock now, everyone take turns to rest first, be careful not to make any noise, and those who snore should tie their chins with a belt!" the squad leader with a mustache ordered.

"Squad leader, how do you rest on the tree?" A recruit asked pitifully.

"Tie yourself to a branch and squint a little!"

"What if it falls?"

"...Then don't sleep! The worst thing is to stay up all night."

"We didn't sleep last night..."

"Isn't it just that you haven't slept for two nights? You are not a person in your seventies, what are you calling?"

"Woo...I'm so sleepy..." The recruit yawned.

"Who told you to yawn? Be careful not to be heard by the other party!" The squad leader chiseled the recruit's head.

The recruits dared not say a word.

Soon, their bodies began to go numb, and the dew was heavy at night, and everyone was shivering with cold.

"Damn it... I had a good stay in Blue Shield, why did I come here to suffer..." Some recruits began to complain.

"It's all a good thing that Louis did. He got promoted and dragged us into the water."

"That's right, I really want to drag him out and beat him up!"

"Hit Captain Louis? What a novel way to commit suicide."

Just when everyone was complaining, there was an explosion in the silent forest, which startled a bunch of birds in an instant.

"No, there are enemies!" The squad leader with a mustache turned over and jumped up.

"It's not the enemy, it's him farting!" Not far away, a team member pointed at a recruit next to him while holding his nose.

The recruit hadn't woken up yet, and was still sound asleep.

"You bastard, how dare you fart while lurking!" Mustache jumped over and punched the recruit in the face.

"What, what's the matter? Have you eaten yet?" The recruit sat up blankly.

"Damn you! You farted so loud just now, you almost exposed us all, you know?" Mustache picked up the recruit's collar and cursed.

"I'm sorry!" The recruit hastily admitted his mistake.

"Everyone is not allowed to sleep anymore, to prevent you from farting in your dreams!" Mustache said cursingly, "I don't want to report that we were ruined by a fart when we summed up after the war!"

Hearing this, everyone cast murderous glances at the farting recruit.

It was finally five o'clock, and there was a little bit of dawn in the sky.

At this time, there are shadows in the forest, and it is at a time when people can be seen but not clearly.

The cannon fodder soldiers below learned a few bird calls, meaning that the action began. Hearing this signal, the drowsy ambushes on the tree suddenly regained their spirits.

On the grass in the center of the forest in the distance is Kali’s false headquarters, with a big tent in the middle, a truck parked outside the tent, and two rows of sentries patrolling back and forth on both sides of the tent.

The cannon fodder of the Red Army saw the right time, rushed out from both sides with machine guns in hand, and aimed at the sentry with a fierce blow.

Seeing that the long-awaited "rats" had finally arrived, the sentinels of the blue army were overjoyed, and immediately tore off the tent cloth, and at least 50 knights poured out of it, each holding a flamethrower.

At the same time, a large number of ambushes of the Blue Army appeared on the truck and in the woods, and the two sides scuffled together.

"Brothers and sisters! It's time for us to play! Kill!" The Red Army ambushed in the trees aimed at the bottom and shot violently, killing countless of their own people in a short while.

"Hey, you bastards! Why are you beating your own people!" the Red Army below shouted angrily.

"How can you distinguish so clearly when you are crowded together! Anyway, you are cannon fodder, what are you afraid of?" The Red Army on the tree continued to shoot without hesitation.

Just as the blue army was gradually exhausted under the attack of the red army, the reinforcements of the blue army arrived.

With reinforcements, the Red Army immediately swept away its decline, and launched counterattacks again and again with great momentum.

"Report to the captain! The number of them participating in the battle has reached nearly [-]. Excluding the casualties of the last battle, it is basically equivalent to dispatching all the members!" Mustache reported through the radio station.

"Very good, it looks like it's time for a showdown. The team members in the rear rushed to the battlefield immediately, the reinforcement department took the lead and the defense department covered, trying to wipe them all in the forest!" Phoebe shouted excitedly.

"Wait, something's wrong." Ryan frowned, "I sent a small team to look for Kali and Charlene, but I haven't seen them until now. It stands to reason that they should be within the effective range of the radio station? "

"Haha! I must be scared away!"

"How is it possible... don't release all the troops now, the goal must be to find Kali and Charlene."

"Hey, don't get me wrong! This is our biggest victory—" Before Phoebe finished speaking, she was suddenly pulled back by someone, and then her whole body was hoisted into the air.

"Hi, Phoebe, long time no see." Charlene stood on the tree with a smile, holding the spiritual power line with one hand and aiming the gun at the signal stick behind Phoebe.

"Charlene! Where did you come from?" Phoebe was shocked.

"I've been by your side all the time." Charlene pulled the trigger, and Phoebe's flare suddenly rose with yellow smoke.

"Commander of the red team: Phoebe, confirm death." Charlene raised the gun to her lips and blew lightly.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket that the world is black but I am alone~
(End of this chapter)

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