Chapter 429


"Yes. Think about it, Hardy has always been very wary of Murphy and avoided her in many things, so why did he deliberately bring back a baby this time and let her see it? Also, Hardy started working on it half a year ago At that time, base No. 1 was still in our hands for the breeding of giant babies, so it can be seen that the place where they raised babies was not at base No. 1. Then why did he transfer the babies he painstakingly bred to a base that is very close to us? With his IQ, wouldn't he have guessed that we'd spy on them?"

Hearing this, the queen's impatience cooled down a little, and she sat back in her seat and began to meditate.

"Recently, we are in the stage of changing from old to new. No matter whether it is new players or new weapons, they have not yet fully entered the state. Hardy's release of giant information at this time is likely to use our anxiety to stimulate us to do something wrong. A rational decision. Because if we decide to assassinate these babies, we must send the elite of the regiment."

"Sergeant Cang is right." Louis said, "When I interrogate prisoners, I often give them a sense of crisis, forcing them to panic and lose their ability to judge. Maybe we should be more cautious about this matter. "

"Think about it. In fact, from the very beginning, our intelligence was not equal." Cang Ling continued, "Did Hadi really send someone to Sejawi? Did they go to Sejawi? Go to Sejawi?" Could it be that Harvey's incident is simply a cover?"

"What do you mean?" Lyudmila suddenly realized something.

"Although everyone agrees that Hardy has a high IQ, I definitely don't think that restoring ancient humans and breeding giant babies is something he can do on his own. I suspect that giant babies are products of the Downton Group, and Hardy They just stole their achievements. Or, Hardy is the successor of the Downton Group."

"I think what you said is very possible." Louis agreed, "I couldn't figure out why Hardy could create a living giant out of a few pieces of amber before, but now that I think about it, I'm afraid those ambers are really just ordinary It's just amber."

"According to you, the giant was born a long time ago?" asked the queen in surprise.

"Yes. Anyway, they were definitely not born in Base 1. Those babies in Base 1 are probably failures, specially used to lure us into taking the bait."

"If this is the case, then Hardy is simply terrible. He has known about the giant since several years ago, but he has kept it secret, even when he fought Sifley. And he also made a long One year's layout, deliberately sending people to Sejave, deliberately claiming that amber is an important weapon left by ancient humans, and then asking us for the No. 1 base where a large number of instruments and equipment remain, making us mistakenly think that the baby's breeding place is there, In the end, it 'coincidentally' allowed Murphy to see the baby... This is no longer something that ordinary night demons can do, and it is difficult for even humans to have such deep strategies and patience." The queen felt a chill.

"So, he wants to set the No. 1 base as a trap, waiting for us to fall into the trap?" Lyudmila couldn't help feeling a bit of chills.

If the resolution was passed just now, then the elites of the several major knight orders are likely to be gone forever, leaving a bunch of recruits without command.

At that time, if Hardy releases the giant legion he has hidden for a long time, Xinghai will be finished, and it will completely fall into a situation that cannot be restored.

"Maybe I'm over-exaggerating." Cang Ling said, "But we have suffered a loss from Sifli once, if we continue to look at these night demons with the eyes of ordinary people, we will definitely pay the price."

"Zero, it is indeed right to appoint you. Your level of thoughtfulness is even better than that of Edmund." The Queen smiled, "Thank you for stopping our impulse in time, what you said just now may be inadvertent It reversed the fate of Xinghai."

"You are too generous. I just expressed my doubts. It is up to you to decide how to deal with it in the end." Cang Ling said modestly.

"We have to ascertain the information about the giants first." The queen said to everyone, "We must find out how many giants Hardy has now, what state they are in, and where they are hiding."

"I have a suggestion." Louise said to the Queen, "We can send someone to investigate Hardy's lair directly."

"Hardy's home is on the west coast," Lyudmila reminded.

"I know, you have to cross half a continent to go there. But this is the only way to get the most accurate information. We can't bet everything on Murphy, after all, she is only one person, and she has caused Hardy suspicion."

"Not to mention whether we can safely cross half of the continent, it is almost impossible to sneak into Hardy's lair without being discovered." The queen held her forehead anxiously again.

"Your Majesty, it's not impossible." Lyudmila said, "If we take inhibitors, we can sneak into Hadi's mansion without being noticed."

"Commander Lyudmila, Hardy's subordinates are not only on the west coast, but his eyes and ears are everywhere in the west," Louis reminded.

"I know, I mean taking the inhibitor all the way," Lyudmila said calmly.

"Take inhibitors all the way? You mean to cross the continent and go deep into Hardy's mansion when the spiritual power drops to zero?" The queen was taken aback, "It's no different from sending you to death."

"Not necessarily. We can go by sea."

Hearing this, everyone froze for a few seconds, and then showed expressions of sudden realization.

"Yes, we can go by sea! From the north coast to the west coast, and then take a boat to land!" Cang Ling said excitedly.

"At the same time, we can ask Murphy to help us divert the attention of Hardy and his subordinates, thus buying us time."

"What if the Giants aren't on the West Coast? What if Hardy doesn't have the habit of writing papers like humans?" asked the Queen cautiously.

"Then take a prisoner and ask for the information."

"Can you catch Nightmare while taking inhibitors?" Louis asked.

"It may not be possible to catch night devils, but it is still no problem to deal with ordinary humans." Lyudmila said with confidence.

"Where do ordinary humans come from? Could it be that you are planning to capture slaves?"

"No, there is an ordinary human who knows more than Murphy." Lyudmila smiled slightly, "He is Miles."

"Yes, Miles is now on the west coast!" Everyone was overjoyed.

Miles, a traitor, has defected to foreign enemies twice, and has been successful every time by betraying the information of Xinghai. It is really time to arrest him and repair him.

(End of this chapter)

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