girl knight zero

Chapter 432 Unexpected Discovery

Chapter 432 Unexpected Discovery

After Cang Ling and the others swam in the dark sea for more than an hour, they arrived at the west coast smoothly.

There are no mountains on the west coast, they are all plains, so there is no shelter.But there is a forest in the north, which can play a certain role of cover.

According to Murphy's information, Hardy's men were all distributed near the mansion, and there were no manpower left by the seaside, so the seaside was relatively safe.

"For the sake of caution, let's use the demon energy detector to detect it first." Cang Ling took out a detector and threw it forward.

The detector fell about 100 meters away and emitted no light.

"It's safe ahead, everyone put on your equipment quickly, and put on the infrared night vision device." Cang Ling confirmed again.

Phoebe and Kali immediately took off their wet diving suits, changed into combat uniforms, put their weapons on their backs and put on their glasses.

After that, everyone tied up their diving equipment, tied them with stones and hid them in underwater caves, and then quietly entered the woods.

On the other side of the forest is a small hillside with a height of three or four floors, and on the east side of the hillside is Hardy's mansion.

Everyone explored while walking, and it took nearly an hour to pass through the woods and arrive at the foot of the hillside.

"There are four doors in Hardy's mansion, none of which have locks." Cang Ling said in a low voice, "The first floor is the public area, and there is only one night devil on duty at night; the second to fifth floors are the living areas of Hardy's subordinates , There are 30 night devils in total, 25 of them have gone to base 1, so only 5 are here; the sixth floor is where Hardy lives, and Murphy is also on this floor."

"I remember that Miles and the giant baby are not in the main building, but in the east building." Kali said.

"Yes, they and Hoddle are in the east building. But let's not look for the giant baby now, and search the main building first."

"It's 11 o'clock in the evening, five hours before dawn." Phoebe looked at the time.

"Let's go, first search the first floor while it's dark. At dawn, the night monsters in the castle will go down to the first floor, and it will be difficult to move at that time." Cang Ling took out the binoculars and looked at it for a while , along the north edge of the forest and go around behind the castle.

Hardy's castle is somewhat like the castle of Rainbow Island, with side doors on both sides, which were used by maids and servants in ancient times.

"The moon is so bright tonight, it's unlucky," said Phoebe, looking at the sky.

"Keep your voice down, some night demons have very well-developed hearing." Kali reminded.

Phoebe hurriedly shut her mouth, and tiptoed behind Cang Ling.

After successfully reaching the west side door, Cang Ling took out lubricating oil, carefully dripped the door hinge of the side door, and then gently pushed the door open.

After entering the corridor, everyone observed for a while, and then got into the first room on the left.

The room was a utility room filled with clutter and the windows were blocked.

Seeing that the window was opaque, Cang Ling took out the fluorite and carefully looked around.

"There is no need to search this room." Cang Ling whispered, "The dust on the ground has no traces of stepping on it, and if we go in, it will leave footprints instead."

Phoebe and Kali looked down, and there was indeed a thick layer of dust on the ground.

Everyone retreated lightly and entered the opposite room.

The opposite room is also a utility room, which is full of firewood, which is probably used for cooking.

"These night devils still eat cooked food!" Phoebe said, looking at the ax in the corner of the room.

"When they were at the base, they should have eaten raw food, right? Why are they eating cooked food instead?" Kali picked up a piece of firewood and looked at it, and there was still some evil spirit left on the firewood.

"It takes a lot of time to eat cooked food given the amount of food the night devil eats. Sifley doesn't eat cooked food either." Phoebe replied, "It seems that the Hardy group is more 'human' than the Sifly group. This is not a good sign."

"Judging from the amount of firewood, there should be only a small number of people who eat cooked food." Cang Ling, who has many years of cooking experience, said, "Not all night devils."

"Could it be specially for Miles to cook?"

"It's possible, let's go next door and have a look."

After arriving at the kitchen next door, everyone found that there were indeed some human ingredients in it, including flour, seasonings, sausages, vegetables, milk, cocoa, biscuits, etc.

"The vegetables and milk are still fresh. Where did they get these ingredients? A tribute?" Phoebe curiously opened the milk jug and smelled it.

"When did we pay tribute to Hadina..."

"Then where did these things come from? Don't tell me that the night devil also raises pigs and grows vegetables."

"Maybe I bought it from humans." Cang Ling replied, "Hadi often sends people to Xinghai to purchase."

"It's so far away from Xinghai, the food will go bad, right?" Phoebe sniffed the sausage again.

"If it's a bird night devil, it's possible to go back and forth within a day." Kali snatched the sausage from Phoebe and hung it on the wall.

"I thought of one thing." Cang Ling frowned, "If they eat these things often, then they need to go to Xinghai frequently to purchase, at least once every two or three days. It is very risky to do so. I don't think They will pay so much for a little food."

"You mean, they probably have regular suppliers?" Phoebe asked hastily.

"Yes, there may be humans who collude with them in private and deliver them regularly. This person is likely to be in Lagrange."

"No way? Lagrange is right under our noses?"

"Not only in Lagrange, but also a knight!" Kali threw something over.

Cang Ling caught it and looked at it, his face changed suddenly, it was a military can.

"Could it be that the common people bought it from the knight?" Phoebe asked in surprise.

"I hope so!" Cang Ling said sullenly.

"Why didn't Murphy tell us about this? Many of these cans must have entered her stomach, right?" Kali was a little dissatisfied.

"It's been almost two years since Murphy left Xinghai. When she left, there was no canned food in the regiment, only dry food." Cang Ling replied.

"Ask her later and you'll know, don't just hide it on purpose." Kali snorted.

"This canned food is an old version. It was produced in the local area. There are basically no more in the regiment now. There are only two places where there are stocks, one is the military supply warehouse, and the other is the old military supply factory. When we go back, we will check thoroughly and we will be able to I know which one is the spy." After Cang Ling finished speaking, he copied down the batch number and production date of the can.

"Let's go! It's getting late, let's search other rooms quickly." Cang Ling turned and walked out.

Next to the kitchen is a restaurant. According to the number of tableware, there are at most two or three people who eat cooked food every day.

Next to the dining room is the bedroom of the Night Demon on duty. At this time, it is sleeping soundly, with a bottle of red wine in its hand, obviously not doing its duty well.

After bypassing the duty room, the opposite room is a raw food storage room, which is filled with the meat of various animals, and some live animals. Several rooms smell like blood, but they are not dirty, and they are cleaned everywhere. Clean, there are brooms and rags in the corner.

"Why are there no humans here? Don't they eat people?" Phoebe asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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