girl knight zero

Chapter 444 This is a war without reconciliation

Chapter 444 This is a war without reconciliation

"It's really not easy being the captain! Now it seems that being a team member is much easier." Kali sighed.

"You can communicate more with Ryan and Phoebe. You can see that the atmosphere in their team is very good."

"Ryan is naturally good at communication and has a good sense of humor. As for Phoebe... well, sometimes I really don't understand why that arrogant and arrogant guy is so popular..."

"Because young people like people like her." Cang Ling smiled, "Extroverted people are always easy to infect others."

"Everyone, have you seen it? This is my strength! When I was in Sundia, I killed the big boss with one blow, hahahaha!" Phoebe exclaimed triumphantly.

"The captain is amazing!"

"Captain supreme!"

"The captain is too good!"

"Captain, you are my idol!"

The little knights below cheered.

"This guy can really fool you!" Kali's face was black.

"Usually the knights of the enhanced and long-distance systems are more likely to be admired by newcomers. But when they become old knights, they will understand that it is not the attack ability of the main attacker that determines the outcome, but the support ability of the defense system." Cang Ling said comfortingly.

"Forget it, anyway, our defensive department is born to be a support." Kali raised her hand, turned and went to her own team.

"Sergeant, Herman has already set off." As soon as Kali left, Charlene ran over again.

"Are you on track?" Cang Ling hurriedly asked.

"Well, I'm following." Charlene raised a finger, and a spiritual power thread was wrapped around her finger.

"Remember, take back the line immediately after the goods stop, in case the other party finds out."

"My spiritual power is very weak."

"Don't take it lightly. When we were on the west coast before, Hoddle could still detect us when our spiritual power dropped to zero."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye out."

After exhorting Charlene, Cang Ling returned to the office to write a letter to Murphy.

In the letter, she asked Murphy to tell Hardy that he wanted to drink, and then she would send her the wine filled with Canglang Lake No. All Daredevils in Hardy's group are sterilized.

"I don't know if Hardy has gone back now." After releasing the paper crane, Cang Ling stared at the sky and thought.

At this moment, Hardy is looking out the window on the top floor of Base 1.

It was raining outside, and the rain hit the leaves, making a rustling sound.

"You know what, Sol." Hardy said, leaning against the window, "When I was young, I loved rainy weather the most."

"Why?" Saul asked with red hair and a hideous face.

"Because I like to sit by the window and watch the rain outside. The trees are shaking gently in the wind, and the rain is running down the leaves. I can watch this view for hours."

"Isn't this boring?"

"No, if you look carefully, every leaf is moving, but the range of motion is different. There is a wonderful feeling when combined together, like an ever-changing concerto."

"don't know!"

"Haha, yes. Maybe most people think this is boring."

"Speaking of those human beings, how come there is no movement at all? Do we have to wait here?" Sol said impatiently.

Hardy glanced at the calendar on the wall, it has been almost a month since he transferred the giant baby, and Xinghai still didn't respond.

"It stands to reason that they should attack here, but Ismail said that the human side remains the same, training for training, patrolling for patrolling, and even holding two parties."

"It seems that among this group of new leaders, there must be someone who is quite calm." Hardy said, staring at the rain on the window.

"Let's not wait like this any longer! Anyway, human beings are just like ants. One ant is no different from a million ants. It will only take some time at most!" Sol said anxiously.

"Sifley must have thought the same way back then."

"Sifry doesn't have an army of giants, and her men have only half the number of us."

"Sol, do you know how many knights humans have?"

"More than 1000!"

"No, more than 1000 is just the number of hurricanes. In fact, in the battle of Sifley, the number of knights killed in battle only accounted for about 1/50 of the total number."

"so little?"

"Yes, there are nearly [-] knights in Xinghai. Although a few thousand were lost in the battle with Downton and Sifley, the number is still close to [-]. In addition, they also have a navy of about [-] And a reserve army of about [-]. And what about us? All of them add up to less than [-]. In addition, they are still developing new weapons."

"Hmph, aren't you timid?"

"No, I certainly don't fear them, but I don't underestimate them either. We and humans cannot coexist, and if we can't destroy them, they will destroy us. This is a war without reconciliation, and we will fight until Until one party dies. Therefore, I must be fully prepared for this kind of life-threatening battle. Otherwise, once I lose, there will be no chance to come back."

"Then what are you going to do? Continue to wait?"

"No, the plan has failed. Although they pretended not to notice, they must have noticed something. I bet that everything they have done so far, or everything they have deliberately shown us , all to delay time."

"Then why are we still nesting in this ghostly place? Why don't we retreat to the base camp immediately, and then organize the giant army to launch a general attack!"

"Don't worry, I still need to confirm one thing."

"what's up?"

"I want to confirm how much humans know. Let's go and tell everyone to return to Maolan immediately." Hardy jumped off the window sill.

"Where are those babies? Do you want to take them with you?"

"No, they're useless."

"Then can I eat them?" Saul asked, licking his lips.

"Whatever," said Hardy without looking back.

When Cang Ling learned from Murphy that Hardy had returned to Maolan, Hardy had already stayed in Maolan for a week.

"Hadi went back so soon!" Cang Ling couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat after seeing the letter, "Did he notice something?"

After thinking nervously for a while, Cang Ling called Herman over.

"Has Hoddle contacted you?"

"No? What's the matter?" Herman asked inexplicably.

"If there is contact, please notify me immediately."

"I know, haven't we already agreed?"

"I know, I just remind you."

"Don't worry, I am a promise-abiding person. Of course, my keeping the promise is based on your keeping the promise." Herman said slyly.

"I will keep the promise, go back!" Cang Ling sent Herman out.

"Hadi shouldn't have noticed anything, otherwise he would definitely contact Herman immediately to inquire. Maybe he just went to check it routinely?" Cang Ling thought anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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