girl knight zero

Chapter 448 I'm Sorry

Chapter 448 I'm Sorry

Time passed minute by minute.

Hardy didn't speak any more, nor did he look at Murphy, he just sat there quietly, like a sculpture.

Murphy hugged his knees, staring at the moonlight on the ground, counting the time silently.

"Maybe I can see the sun one more time," Murphy thought. "That will be my last dawn."

However, it was early winter at this time, and the dawn was very late, and Murphy couldn't wait for the first dawn in the morning until five o'clock.

"The time has come." Hardy stood up. "Have you changed your mind?"

Murphy raised his head and glanced out the window, it was still dark outside the window.

"Take back the paper cranes! Murphy." Hardy walked up to Murphy, hugged her shoulders, and said in an almost begging tone.

Murphy took a look and looked away: "I'm sorry, Hardy."

Hardy's face turned pale instantly, his lips trembled a few times, but he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

Now the paper cranes have flown across the Sea of ​​Dusk, just a stone's throw away from Lagrange.

Hardy knew he couldn't delay any longer, but he couldn't make up his mind.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... After waiting for more than three minutes, when the time limit was reached, Hardy hugged Murphy violently.

"Why..." Hardy hugged Murphy tightly, almost strangling her ribs, "Why did you do this to me?"

"I'm sorry." Murphy repeated again.

"Do you know what your letter will do to us? Are you really willing to watch us die?"

"I'm sorry." Murphy just repeated mechanically.

"I can forgive you for betraying me, and I can even let you go, but I can't sacrifice everyone's life for you. Murphy, don't force me to make a choice."


Hardy's body froze, he let go of his hand in despair, his expression was ashen.

"Did you know? You killed me just now, here." Hardy pointed to his heart, and then pressed his palm on Murphy's heart.

"Farewell, Murphy."

In an instant, several pure white columns pierced through Murphy's body. Murphy trembled and fell down softly.

Hardy hugged Murphy's body and stayed motionless for more than half an hour, until the first light of the morning came in through the window.

"Murphy, although you don't love me, I do love you." Tears welled up in Hardy's eyes, this was the first time in his life that he shed tears.

The warm sun shone on them, dyeing them both golden yellow.

Three days later, Cang Ling found Lyudmila.

"Something is wrong." Cang Ling took out a letter, "The giant doesn't seem to have the expected symptoms."

"How to say?" Lyudmila hurriedly put down the document in her hand.

"This is a letter from Eleanor. She has been monitoring in the Valley of the Giants for two weeks, but the giant has not changed at all, and her actions are still the same as usual." Cang Ling handed over the letter.

Lyudmila took the letter, read it carefully and asked, "Is her observation reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable. She is a half-spiritual power knight. After taking inhibitors, her spiritual power can be reduced to the limit. I asked Captain Qiuyan to test her, and she is absolutely undetectable from 100 meters away, so she can deal with giants at close range." Gu to monitor. At that distance, the giant's every move cannot escape her eyes."

"So Hardy found out? Is there any news from Herman?" Lyudmila frowned.

"No, Herman said Miles has not contacted him recently."

"Could it be that the medicine doesn't work on giants?"

"No, the drug has been tested on animals and is absolutely effective. There must be something wrong with Hardy!"

"Is there any news from Murphy?"


"When was the last time she contacted you?"

"Last week, she informed me that Hardy had gone to Maolan."

"Let's take the initiative to contact her, do you still have a spare paper crane?"

"Yes, in a closet in my office."

"Go." Lyudmila stood up.

After returning to the office, Cang Ling opened the cabinet and took out a spare paper crane. After finishing writing, he let it out through the window.

Unexpectedly, after the paper crane was released, it fell to the ground within a few meters.

Cang Ling hurriedly ran out to pick up the paper crane, and threw it out again, but it still fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Cang Ling suddenly thought of something, she rushed back to the office, picked up a spare paper crane, flipped it on the wing and took a look.

The wings of the paper crane are clean and flawless, with nothing on them.

In an instant, Cang Ling's heart felt as if it had been hit hard.

"Something happened to Murphy." Cang Ling handed the paper crane to Liudmila, "All the characters on the paper crane disappeared."

Lyudmila took the paper crane and looked at it, dumbfounded.She checked the remaining paper cranes, and they were all clean without a word.

"Are you sure there are?" Lyudmila asked with a glimmer of hope.

"Of course, if I didn't write my name, I wouldn't receive these paper cranes. We agreed at the beginning that letters with the first letter of the name in capital letters are letters, and those with all lowercase letters are blank spare paper cranes. So every time I receive They will check the names carefully.”

"So, Murphy is dead." Lyudmila let go of the paper crane weakly.

Cang Ling didn't speak. Although she felt a little hard to accept it, there was no doubt about the fact that Murphy was dead.

The woman with cat-like eyes no longer exists.

"We lost our only spy." Lyudmila slumped down on a chair. "What's worse, her death means that Hardy has discovered everything."

"Hadi likes Murphy." Cang Ling whispered, "He can kill Murphy, which means that Murphy must have come into contact with some information that must not be disclosed. This information must be aimed at us."

"Damn it... If you give us another three months, no, two months..." Lyudmila held her forehead anxiously.

Cang Ling thought for a while, and said: "Murphy and I have a communication frequency of about half a month. If we don't receive Murphy's letter for a long time, we will definitely become suspicious. It is now a week since her last letter. In other words, Hadi will definitely attack us within two weeks!"

"This is troublesome. Without Murphy, we don't know from which direction Hardy will attack. Even if we knew, it would be very difficult to resist Hardy's group's strong attack with our current defense capabilities."

"What about the fighter jets and missiles?"

"It's no different than nothing."

"Has there been no progress so far?"

"They have tried their best. Although they have mastered the principle, more than half of the parts cannot be produced. We do not have such an advanced manufacturing process. This cannot be achieved overnight."

"If neither of these two works, we have to come up with other countermeasures. From now on, every minute and every second is a race against death!" Cang Ling said decisively.

 Thanks for Huajing's reward and monthly pass~(ω)
(End of this chapter)

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