girl knight zero

Chapter 45 I Got... A Disease That Will Die If I Don’t Eat Chocolate

Chapter 45 I Got... A Disease That Will Die If I Don’t Eat Chocolate

At this time, the bell announcing the end of the family-visiting day rang, and the parents at the foot of the mountain began to bid farewell to the students in tears.

Cangling and the others cleaned up their food and returned to the training ground.

"Okay, I've had enough rest and enough food, let's start exercising!" Cang Ling stretched his arms.

"Don't you? It's rare to have a vacation." Phoebe said hurriedly.

"I haven't been active for a day, and I always feel uncomfortable. I'll go for a 10-kilometer run!" After Cang Ling finished speaking, he really ran to change his clothes.

"This guy, I'm really convinced." Phoebe sighed and followed.

In the end, all three of them went for a run, and did a few sets of physical training after the run.

When they returned to the dormitory covered in sweat, they were surprised to find that Felton was conducting a surprise inspection.

"What's this?" Felton asked, holding up a box of biscuits.

"My family brought it to me..." Tabetha stood up hurriedly and said.

"The college doesn't give you snacks, you don't know it by now!"

"But isn't today a special day?" Tabetha hurriedly reminded.

"The special time is over, and you have eaten what you should eat. Why, do you still want to be special?" Felton finished speaking and threw the biscuit into the sack in his left hand.

"Felton actually brought a sack... It seems that he came prepared." Jiali said in a low voice.

"It's a good thing we ate all the food." Phoebe stuck out her tongue.

"You guys, open your cabinets!" Felton saw Cang Ling and the others outside the door.

Cang Ling and the others hurriedly opened their cabinets, and Felton stepped forward to check it, and then showed a satisfied expression.

"You're lucky." Felton dragged the sack to the boys' dormitory.

Soon, there was a wail from downstairs.

In this "clearance", Felton confiscated a total of 24 boxes of snacks, 8 bottles of drinks, 11 strings of ham, two boxes of fruit candy and a box of chocolates.

"Woooooh, my chocolate..." Dewey lay on the bed and cried loudly.

Chocolate is the most popular dessert in the Star Sea Continent, and it is also an expensive luxury snack.

"Hey, I wanted to rub you a little bit." Oscar was also very depressed.

"How old are you, you still love to eat snacks like children." Anton said while polishing his boots.

"I reminded you to eat it quickly." Paul stood aside and said.

"We didn't know that Felton would lift the bed to check!" Dewey shouted angrily.

"The biscuits I hid in my boots were also found..." Diego sighed.

"It's actually hidden in that kind of place, so can it still be eaten?" Oscar frowned.

"There is still packaging outside..." Diego quickly explained.

"You boys have also been recruited!" At this time, the girls laughed at the door.

"Really, boys love snacks so much!" Tai Beisha looked at Oscar with contempt.

"Everyone is suffering, don't blame anyone." Oscar said hastily.

"I have an idea!" At this moment, Dewey jumped up, "We can go to Felton's office in the middle of the night and sneak back the snacks!"

"Dewey, don't do this. Class points will be deducted if you get caught." Cang Ling, the deputy monitor, hurriedly reminded.

"Yes, and it will be discovered when you take it back. Felton often checks the internal affairs when we are away." Paul also reminded.

"Hey, my chocolate!" Dewey threw himself on the bed again.

The next day, Felton took everyone for a run.

"Instructor Felton, what are you going to do with our snacks?"

During the break, Oscar asked unwillingly.

"Shouldn't you throw it away?" Tabetha asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, it won't." Felton glanced at them and said, "It's all used to feed the pigs."

"Huh? Feed the pigs?" All the people whose snacks were confiscated felt like a thunderbolt.

"Ah, ah, ah!" At this moment, Dewey suddenly fell to the ground, twitching and foaming at the mouth.

"What's the matter Dewey? Are you okay?" Paul and Cang Ling hurried over.

"I'm sick..." Dewey said with difficulty, "I have a special disease... I have to eat chocolate when I'm sick..."

"What?" Cang Ling was stunned.

"Teacher... Officer, you can feed everything else to the pigs, but... please give me back the chocolate!" Dewey held out his hand to Felton tremblingly.

"I know this kind of disease." Felton strode forward and said, "this kind of disease can usually be cured by a beating."

After speaking, he rolled up his sleeves.

"Report to the instructor, I'm fine!" Dewey jumped up like a carp, his limbs stopped twitching, and his voice stopped shaking.

"All in line, return to the academy!" Felton didn't say any more.

Everyone sighed and lined up, completely dispelling the illusion of getting back the snacks.

A new week has started again, and everyone has finally entered the second round of training.

"Guys, we don't have to cut cheese this week. By the way, how about my new hairstyle?" Instructor Wilner asked as he fiddled with his hair.

He tied his hair up and tied a ribbon.

"Great! We can proceed to the next round!" The students below cheered collectively.

"Is no one paying attention to my hairstyle? It's really a bunch of elm heads who don't understand aesthetics. Forget it, let's get to the point. This week we are going to cut wood." After finishing speaking, Werner took out a large piece of wood.

The smiles on the faces of the students froze before they could be retracted.

"Attention, we don't have auxiliary tools this time, so we cut by hand, like this." After speaking, Wilner raised his palm and aimed at the middle of the wood to cut down, and the wood split into two pieces like cheese.

"The cutting surface should be flat and smooth. Cutting out wood slag is not considered qualified." Wilner took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands.

"Last week it was a cook, but this week it's a woodcutter?" Dewey said with reluctance.

At this moment, there was only a "click", and Cang Ling next to him had successfully cut the wood into two pieces.

"You, how did you do it?" Dewey's eyes almost popped out.

"This is much easier than cutting cheese." Cang Ling raised his palm and said, "Concentrate the spiritual power on the palm, and the wood will become as soft as butter."

"Really? Let me try." Dewey quickly raised his hand and chopped it, but the wood didn't move at all.

"How could this be?" Dewey hugged his head depressedly.

"The spiritual power must cover the surface of the palm, not just the inside. If the surface of the palm is not hard enough, it cannot be cut." Cang Ling further instructed.

"Crack——" At this time, Paul in front also successfully cut the wood.

Then Anton also succeeded.

Dewey, Tai Beisha and the others were suddenly under pressure, and hurriedly raised their hands and began to chop with all their might.

As a result, the palm went down with too much force, and the wood was cut to pieces, and the wood debris burst everywhere.

"Pay attention to concentration! It's really...the cuts are all over the place, not a gentleman at all." Werner in front snatched a sawdust out of his hair in dissatisfaction.

After an hour, everyone finally succeeded.

"Very good, remember this feeling, and then finish chopping all the wood here." After speaking, Wilner stretched out his hand and pulled the curtain behind it to both sides.

Everyone looked up and saw at least thousands of pieces of wood piled up on the stage.

"No way..." Everyone collapsed on their seats in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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