girl knight zero

Chapter 473 Grand Finale ② Their respective tomorrows

Chapter 473 Grand Finale ② Their respective tomorrows
(February 1699, 2 in the new calendar, one month after the final battle)
"Buckler, why did you join the Hurricane Knights?"

On the playground where Dougwell was stationed, Phoebe asked loudly in front of a group of new knights who had just joined the regiment.

"Report to the Sergeant Major, it is to defend the country!" Buckler straightened his back and replied loudly.

"Defend it with what? With one of your curly hairs?"

"No, use my life! I will use my life to defend the country!"

"Fine, but shave off this ugly curly hair before then! Hamlin, why did you join Hurricane?"

"Report to the Sergeant Major, because the Hurricane Knight is the most attractive profession in the entire Star Sea!" Hamlin said with a serious face.


All the knights laughed.

"Phoebe?" Phoebe strode up to Hamlin. "Do you think the Hurricane Knights are a guard of honor? We have to endure three times the training of others every day, endure the sun and rain, eat and sleep in the open, and face the hurricane at any time." Dangerous to life. The person standing by your side today may never be seen again tomorrow, and every day may be the last day of your life! Do you still feel that the Hurricane Knight is pulling the wind?"

"Report! After listening to your words, I think Hurricane Knight is even more attractive!" Hamlin replied loudly.

"Well said, you flat head! You'd better get the word Lafeng tattooed on your forehead!"

"When did Phoebe become so eloquent?"

Under the shade of a tree beside him, Ryan sat on the lawn and said.

"Phoebe has always been very good at mobilizing the atmosphere, which is one of the reasons why the queen chose her as a sergeant major." Charlene sat aside and replied.

"I think what she is best at is bragging." Ryan snorted, "If I hadn't been injured, the post of Sergeant Major would definitely be mine, and it would be her turn."

"You have to be objective. Although Phoebe's personality is not as calm as yours, she is the strongest among us, second only to the leader."

"Hmph, just a guy who likes to bombard indiscriminately... By the way, how is your injury?"

"Fortunately, the injuries on the body are all fine, only the eyes are still unclear. Dr. De said that the optic nerve was injured and an operation is needed, but Xinghai does not yet have the technology to perform such an operation."

"It's good to keep your eyes, technology is always evolving."

"What about you? How are you? You seem to be discharged from the hospital earlier than me?"

"Like Anton, my hands and feet are bad. Originally, I wanted to bribe Dr. De to give me a milder injury appraisal, but Dr. De firmly disagreed, saying that if I went to the front line now, I would die. It seems like a useless person. Isn’t it just that I can’t use Whirlwind? Huh, even so, I can instantly kill the idiots of the Secret Service.”

"Look at it! It's good to be alive." Charlene smiled. "To be honest, I thought we were going to ascend to heaven together. I mean, Minister Louis won't be merciful?"

"Does Secretary Lewis look like the kind of guy who will show mercy?"

"Not like."

"Haha, I think so too."

"What are you going to do next? Are you still in the hurricane?"

"No, I'm planning to become an instructor in Canton."

"To Condon?"

"Yes, they are short of people there, so I asked the team leader to open a letter of introduction for me, and I just received a reply yesterday morning, saying that they agreed to accept me in."

"Can you be a good instructor?" Charlene looked at Ryan suspiciously.

"Hey, I'm very strong, okay? I can definitely bring out a group of high-level students. How about you? Are you going to stay here or not?"

"Originally, the head of the group wanted to arrange for me to go to the headquarters, but the deputy director of the Secret Service, Dian Yi, found me and invited me to their side. He said that my spiritual power line tracking technology was very useful to them. I thought about it and went to The Secret Service can participate in actual combat, but if you go to the headquarters, you can only do civilian retirement, so I finally decided to go to the Secret Service.”

"That's right, the Secret Service is a good place. Deputy Director Dianyi is also a capable person, and you will definitely fit in there." Ryan, who had just scolded the Secret Service as a "cracker", smiled awkwardly.

"Well, I am also very lucky. My eyes are like this, and I am really lucky to be able to find such a good job." Charlene looked at the sky and sighed.

"We are all the lucky ones favored by the goddess of fate!" Ryan also sighed for a long time.

At this moment, there were several "clicks" behind them.

Ryan and Charlene looked back, and it turned out to be Rich, who was holding up the camera with a crazy face, secretly taking pictures of Phoebe in front of him.

"Academician Rich, why are you here?" Ryan jumped up hurriedly.

"Miss Sterling is really heroic and extraordinary!" Rich sighed a few times before looking at Ryan and the others, "I'm here to deliver the goods for you."

After speaking, Rich pointed behind him.

Ryan and Charlene took a look, and there were several trucks parked behind them, filled with wooden barrels, with "Canglang Lake No. [-]" written on them.

"Has 'Canglang Lake No. [-]' been mass-produced now?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, all three rounds of testing are over. The Queen has asked for the spraying to be completed within four months."

"Great, I can finally see a world without night monsters in my lifetime. Thank you for your efforts."

"No, it is you who should be thanked." Rich said modestly, "We are only responsible for research and development and interpretation, and it is you who really changed the world."

"It was the leader who changed the world. She was the one who found Canglang Lake, and she was the one who defeated Hardy." Ryan laughed.

"She kept her vow! 'Destroy all night goblins in the world, so they will only exist in history textbooks.'"

"Huh? Do you know this sentence too?"

"Of course, now this sentence has become a famous saying in Xinghai, and children all over the street will say it."

"It's great! To be able to live in the same era as the heroes recorded in the annals of history, and they are also comrades in arms." Ryan leaned against the tree behind, "Hey, it's a pity that I was injured, otherwise I would definitely be worshiped by everyone, Maybe there are countless people who come to ask me to teach Whirlwind!"

"Hahahahaha!" Rich and Charlene laughed together.

While they were chatting, Kali and Anton crossed the second border in a truck.

"Why do I have to do this kind of work." Kali leaned on the wooden barrel and sighed, "Anyone can do this kind of thing, right?"

"It's true in the territory, but this is outside the border. There will be night monsters coming out at any time." Anton laughed.

"There are also low-level minions, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

"For you, the S-rank night devil is considered a low-level now..."

"Indeed, since the battle with Hardy, I don't think even Sifli is enough."

"The only ones who can bring us into a state of war are Sifli and Hardy. At best, we can add a leader."

"You gave the leader such a big face..."

"Captain, chief executive, the evening sea is here!" The driver in front shouted back.

"Go, get out of the car." Kali jumped out of the car first, and moved the wooden barrel off the car.

"How many barrels?" Anton asked.

"Now it's all highly concentrated. For a lake as big as the Dusk Sea, only six barrels are enough."

"Okay, you go get the water pipe, and I'll move it."

Soon, they moved the six barrels of Canglang Lake No. [-] to the edge of the lake, connected the water pipes, and slowly poured the liquid medicine inside into the lake.

"This is the first time I've seen the Twilight Sea!" Kali said, jumping onto a nearby rock, "It's as beautiful as the legends say."

"When the sun sets, the setting sun will dye the entire lake surface golden, and it will be even more beautiful then." Anton also jumped up.

"By the way, do you know the legend of the Twilight Sea?"

"You mean the Sun God and Dorisa?"

"Yes, the first time I heard this legend was from the captain. It is said that the sun god was extinguished by Dorisa's temptation, and the earth was plunged into darkness. In order to make up for his mistakes, he gave his heart , let it become the new sun. Then he and Dorisa died together and fell into the abyss together. This abyss became the sea of ​​​​twilight because of the sun's light."

"It's a beautiful story."

"By the way, did you find out? The stories in the scriptures are almost all tragedies, whether it is Noah who burned himself, or the sun god who gave his heart, and Dimel who turned into the tree of life, and the man who pierced his heart. Queen Isabella...they all ended up losing their lives."

"Maybe this is what the God of Light wants to convey to us! He wants to tell us: Only with a selfless heart can we have real light."

"Maybe!" Kali sat down and quietly admired the scenery in front of her.

After a while, the sun slowly set. When it fell to the distant mountains, the sun gathered into the basin below, illuminating the entire dusk sea in golden yellow. The golden waves shone in the breeze, which was simply beautiful. Extremely.

"The Hurricane Knights should have reached the Evening Sea by now!" Thousands of miles away, the queen asked from the balcony of the palace looking towards the west.

"It should be here." Louis glanced at his watch.

"We finally took back the sixth holy city. But we don't need to build the Shield of Alifons anymore." The Queen laughed.

"Soon we will take back more cities. From the east to the west, from the northernmost to the southernmost, this continent will all belong to the Star Sea. Your Majesty, at that time, you can move the capital of the king to Qiyue City, so that the king It can radiate the whole territory and drive the development of new territories."

"Good idea." The queen said leaning on the railing. "After stepping out of Fang Dun, I can finally try many things that only appeared in dreams. The future is really exciting."

"Yeah, it's also the first time for me to look forward to the future so much." Louis said looking into the distance.

"At that moment, I knew we made history! Because we defeated the greatest natural enemy of mankind and changed the future of mankind!"

At the headquarters of the Silver Knights, Connie stood on the rostrum and shouted loudly: "Although I am so scarred that I can hardly stand, I still gritted my teeth and stood up, because I want to witness this moment in history with my own eyes. The new world we bought with our lives. At that moment, everyone burst out with amazing light, declaring to the whole world: the human beings of the Son of Light have won the final victory!"


The people below burst into warm applause, and everyone stood up excitedly, paying tribute to the fighting heroes Connie and Hume.

"Thank you, thank you!" Connie and Hume saluted and greeted the audience.

After the speech, they ran backstage to find Duran.

"Sergeant Major, we have completed 27 national tours according to your request." Connie said expectantly, "Can I go back now?"

"Yes." Du Lan looked at the audience's message book and replied.

"This tour is very successful. I bet that the number of people applying for our troupe will double this year." Hume said excitedly.

"I hope so! Otherwise our money will be wasted."

"Hey, that... you should reward us..."

"Travel subsidy and go back to find the financial leader."

"I don't mean this! I mean, we were the heroes who participated in the final battle anyway, and we also made great efforts. You have been promoted, but we are still the team leader. Isn't this a bit..."

"My promotion was not decided by me, it was arranged by Duke Louis. As for you, haven't you already received a huge bonus?" Du Lan closed the message book and stood up.

"Look at what you said! We are not greedy for money, who cares about the money." Connie said hastily.

"That's right, we didn't talk about the 10% tax!" Hume also said.

"We just hope that you will give us some good words in front of the regiment leader. You see, we are not young, we also have rich combat experience, and we also have a star halo, which has a strong appeal. You will promote us, definitely There will be a lot of young people coming here to join our group..."

Connie and Hume walked out chattering with Dulan on their side.

"Hey, why are Connie Hume and the others all fine, but I'm disabled!"

At the headquarters of the Silver Knights in the Royal Capital, Dave lay on the bed and sighed, "I feel like I was the one who was hurt the most in that battle. I'm so sad."

"The head of Hurricane Cang was the one who was hurt the most! She was in a coma for two whole weeks before waking up." Bella who came to visit him said.

"That's right, and that beautiful woman named Charlene was also seriously injured. I heard that her eyes are blind. You are lucky, after all, both eyes are still good." Coton continued.

"You guys can't remember my birthday, but you are very good at remembering the names of beautiful women!" Bella suddenly became angry.

"Hey, isn't he in the same hospital as Dave? Of course I remember seeing it often!"

"What? You still go to see her often? You're an unrefined old man, you're almost buried in the ground, and you're still so lustful..."

"Hey, when did I say I went to see her? She is in Building 1, and Dave is in Building 4. The two floors are not next to each other. How can I go to see her! It's just that I saw her a few times in the physical therapy room. "

"Hey, even the number of buildings she is in is clearly investigated! You are a wicked guy, I must fix you today!" Bella and Coton began to wrestle after speaking.

"Hey, hello... is this my ward? I'm going to fight!" Dave, who was forgotten aside, let out a desperate wail.

"Help, help! Don't come here, don't touch me! I'm poisonous, as long as you touch me, your skin will rot!" In a cave thousands of miles away, Miles looked at the investigator who forced him over. The Bureau agent let out a horrified wail.

"Director, he said he has poison on him, what should we do?" an agent asked.

"Just kill him." Felton replied blankly.

"Yes!" The agent immediately pulled out a pistol.

"Wait a minute!" Miles hurriedly shrank behind the rock, "I lied to you! I don't have any poison on me."

"Is it interesting to play this kind of game at this time, Miles?" Felton walked up to Miles and lifted him up from behind the rock.

"Don't, don't kill me." The stinky, bearded Miles was so frightened that tears flowed out, "I can tell you a lot of information, night devils, giants... many, many..."

"Don't be nervous, Miles, I won't kill you. I'll take you to our headquarters and 'treat' you well." Felton moved closer to Miles, showing a wolf-like smile.

Seeing this Lewis-style smile, Miles' whole body went limp, and he was so frightened that he almost lost control of his bladder and bowels.

"Go, get this guy into the car!" Felton threw Miles to his subordinates.

"Let's go, Duke Miles." The agents tied up Miles and put him on the off-road vehicle.

What awaits him will be the trial of the law and the verdict of justice.

Just as Felton and the others took Miles back to the Star Sea, Cang Ling walked into Hardy's west coast mansion.

This place has been emptied, all the information about the giant was taken away, Murphy's body was also removed from the grave and transported back, leaving only an empty manor.

Cang Ling walked into Hardy's study and looked at the place where he had stayed for several years.

It's clean here, everything is neatly tidied up, and there are a few pots of green plants in the room, it doesn't look like the night devil's room at all.

On the bookshelf, there are many books purchased from Xinghai, most of which have been refurbished. It is obvious that Hardy has read them repeatedly.

Cang Ling lit the oil lamp on the table and sat down on Hardy's seat.

Suddenly, she saw a shadow on the metal lampstand.

The whole body of this shadow is white, even the eyelashes are white.

He stood quietly behind Cang Ling, his golden eyes were full of sadness.

"Who am I? Why am I born? Why do I exist?" Shadow said softly, "Is there anyone in this world who needs me?"

Cang Ling turned around suddenly, but found that there was nothing behind him.

Looking back at the lamp stand, there is only the reflection of the bookcase on the lamp stand, and there is no longer that white person.

Cang Ling stood up and stood silently in the empty room for a long time.

A gust of night wind blew through, blowing up the white gauze curtain and a book of poems on the table.

After the pages of the book rattled and turned a few pages, a piece of letter paper fell from the book and fell to the floor.

Cang Ling picked up the letter paper and took a look, there was a poem copied on it in beautiful cursive characters:

We are the descendants of Genesis,
banish worthless souls,
Crosses everywhere, eyeballs,
Gray and graying, nailed doors and windows,
Life worships everywhere,
are ranks,
Holding each "self",
Marching lonely to the altar.

After reading the poem, Cang Ling gently put down the letter paper and walked to the window.

There are stars outside the window, and the night sky is like a dark blue sea sprinkled with diamond dust, crystal clear and bright.

Seeing this starry sky, Cang Ling couldn't help recalling what Phoebe and Kali had said.

They said that when Cangling shattered the Pillar of Yid, they saw a large piece of shining debris in the sky above the pillar, like a starry sky.

At the time, they thought it was a broken body, but in retrospect, it should actually be Wolfe.

After that, Cang Ling searched hard on the grassland for a week, and searched several times along the route from the grassland to Lagrange and to Dogwell, but he couldn't find Wolfe's soul.

Was his soul really broken?Never see him again?

Cang Ling took out a piece of chocolate from her pocket, which was something she had been carrying with her all this time.

"Captain, no matter where you are, I will definitely find you." Cang Ling clutched the chocolate and said, "I will search the entire star sea, from the southernmost to the northernmost, from heaven to hell. When we meet again, I will definitely tell you: 'With you, life is meaningful, every day with you is a beautiful and happy journey'."



Note: The poem copied by Hardy is "Angle One" by Chinese poet Luo Jiyi.

 The text part is finally finished!It started in September last year and ended in early July this year, a full eleven months~ It's really not easy!Next, I will rest for a few days, I am really tired... Then I will launch some small theaters and extra episodes one after another. After the extra episodes are finished, the plot of Shaoqi will be complete.It is expected to start next week at the latest!

(End of this chapter)

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