girl knight zero

Chapter 51 Shameless

Chapter 51 Shameless

After getting dressed, Cangling went to the training ground with Phoebe and Kali to find a necklace.

"It's strange... it should be in this area!" Cang Ling said anxiously holding the oil lamp.

"Don't worry, I might have been kicked to another corner by everyone. Let's search the entire training hall together." After finishing speaking, Phoebe went to the side to search.

Kali also took the lamp and searched near the front table.

After searching for a full two hours, I touched almost every inch of the ground, but I couldn't find the missing cufflink.

"How could this be..." Cang Ling sat down on the ground and lowered his head weakly.

"I don't think it will be lost. Maybe someone picked it up. I'll ask everyone tomorrow." Jia Li comforted.

"That's right, it must have been picked up by someone else, maybe it has been handed over to Felton!" Phoebe said hastily.

"That's my most important thing, more important than anything else..." Cang Ling said with tears.

"I will definitely find it, trust me." Jiali knelt down and said.

"Don't worry, the necklace won't disappear out of thin air. Even if you turn over the entire Tranquility Island, I will definitely help you find it, I swear!" Phoebe also comforted.

"Thank you." Cang Ling wiped away tears.

Before class the next day, Cang Ling asked everyone in the class, but everyone said they didn't see it.

"Ask the people in other classes during the lunch break. Aren't there many people from other classes?" Phoebe said hurriedly.

Cang Ling nodded, but his heart became more and more heavy.

This necklace is nothing more than a button on a cotton rope. It should be worthless to other people. Who took it?
During the break of the professional class in the morning, Cang Ling was searching outside the training hall when Zorn and Xiwen came to find him.

"Hey, Cang Ling, did you lose something?" Zon asked with a proud face.

Cang Ling didn't want to talk to him, turned around and turned his back.

"Is it a button?" Zon asked unhurriedly.

Hearing this, Cang Ling instantly showed an expectant expression: "Did you see it?"

"This thing hit me in the face yesterday." Zon took out a rope from his pocket, "There is a button on it."

Cang Ling snatched the rope, and after a closer look, it was indeed his own!
"Where are the buttons?" Cang Ling hurriedly asked.

"Sure enough, it's yours." There was a wicked smile on Zon's face.

"I asked you where the buttons are?" Cang Ling grabbed Zon's shoulder.

"It was hidden by me." The sinister smile on Zon's face became more obvious, "It's a Hurricane Knight's button. I didn't expect you to have such a hobby. Did you buy it from a second-hand market?"

"Give it back to me! It's something very important to me!" Cang Ling said anxiously.

"Very important thing? Oh, it turns out that I picked up your treasure. But I also like that button very much, what should I do?" Zon said deliberately.

"Please, please return it to me. That should be of no use to you, right?" Cang Ling said in a pleading tone.

"Although I hate you very much, if you kneel down and beg me, maybe I will be soft-hearted..." Zon said with his eyes narrowed.

Before he finished speaking, Cang Ling fell to his knees with a plop.

"Please, give it back to me. That is really important to me." Cang Ling whispered.

"Hahahaha! Xiwen, did you see that? This woman actually knelt down for a button!" Zon pointed at Cang Ling and laughed wildly, "A button! I almost died laughing!"

"I thought you were so proud, but your dignity is only worth a button." Xiwen sneered at the side.

Cang Ling endured the anger in his heart, clenched his fists and said nothing.

If it wasn't for the school rules that fights are not allowed, otherwise the two of them would definitely never leave here alive.

After laughing for a while, Zon finally got tired of laughing.

He wiped his tears and said, "Forget it, I'm not such a stingy man, and I don't want to compete with women. How about it, as long as you do one thing, I will return the buttons to you."

"What's the matter?" Cang Ling asked hurriedly.

"I'll give you three choices, and you can choose whatever you want. No matter which one you complete, I will return the button to you." Zon raised three fingers and said, "First, kick Felton in public; second , calling Lynch 'bald' in front of Lynch's face; third, going to Willner's bedroom and stealing his underwear."

After saying the three conditions, Zon and Xiwen laughed obscenely together.

Cang Ling glanced at them angrily, and thought to himself: Whether he kicked Felton or scolded Lynch, he was undoubtedly courting death, no different from suicide.The key is that class points will be deducted.It seems that I can only choose the third option, although it is a bit disgusting.

"I choose the third option." Cang Ling replied decisively.

"Sure enough, she is a perverted woman. It seems that you are very interested in Wilner's underwear. If you really steal it, I will give it to you! You can sleep on it." Zon finished He laughed again.

"It will definitely be a sweet dream." Xiwen also laughed along with Lang.

"By the way, don't report to the instructor. Otherwise, I'll throw your button into the toilet and flush it away." Zon said with his arms folded.

Cang Ling desperately endured his anger, turned and left.

After the lights were turned off that night, Cang Ling sneaked out of the bed, then trotted all the way, along the base of the wall to the instructor's dormitory building.

She didn't tell Phoebe and Kali about this, because with their personalities, they either went to Zon to fight or accompany her on an adventure.

Both of these may lead to them being punished, so it is better to bear it alone.

When the time comes, tell them that they found it in the grass.

The instructor’s dormitory building is next to the waterfall lake at the foot of the mountain, the rotating instructors are in the East Hall, and the resident teaching staff are in the West Hall.

Because there is no dormitory supervisor in the instructor's dormitory building, the management is very loose, and the instructors all have a room for each person.

"I don't know which floor and room Wilner lives in..." Cang Ling lurked in the bushes and carefully observed the opposite building, only to find that the windows of the building were almost all black.

Cang Ling looked suspiciously for a while, then turned to look at the office building to the east, and instantly understood.

The meeting room in the office building is still lit. The instructors must be in a meeting, so they are not in the dormitory.

"That's great, God help me too." Cang Ling burst into ecstasy, hurriedly trotted into the dormitory building.

Oil lamps are lit in the corridors of the dormitory building, and the nameplate in front of the door can just be seen clearly.

Cangling searched floor by floor, room by room, and finally found Werner's room in the innermost part of the fourth floor.

Because the door was locked, Cang Ling jumped out from the window in the corridor, then jumped onto the balcony of the next room along the platform only 10 cm wide, then moved eastward from the next room, and finally successfully entered Werner's room. Room.

"It's really not easy..." Cang Ling wiped off his sweat and looked around the room.

Except for more furniture, the instructor's room is similar to the student dormitory, with the same military style.

It's just that there is an extra vase of flowers in Werner's room. A large bouquet of flowers is placed in a glass vase. It seems that he should have made it himself.

"What a beauty-loving instructor..." Cang Ling looked around the room, and then fixed his eyes on the wardrobe.

(End of this chapter)

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