girl knight zero

Chapter 64 A new chapter begins!

Chapter 64 A new chapter begins!

Although he didn't understand what Felton wanted to do, Cang Ling walked over obediently, and at the same time drew out his sword and took a defensive posture.

"Listen, I won't keep my strength, so you must go all out." After speaking, Felton assumed an offensive posture.

"Yes!" Cang Ling activated his spiritual power nervously, integrating the weapon with his body.

Seeing that Cang Ling was ready, Felton immediately swung his sword and slashed over.

Cang Ling hurriedly stepped back, before he could stand still, Felton's next sword came again.

Cang Ling raised his sword in time to block Felton's attack, then aimed at Felton's left foot and wanted to hook it.

Felton sensed Cang Ling's intentions, and he tripped Cang Ling in the opposite direction, and then he raised his sword and chopped down.

Cang Linggulu turned over to avoid the fatal blow, and turned his head to see that the stone brick floor had been chopped to pieces by Felton.

Before Cang Ling stood up, Felton drew his sword and slashed obliquely, and blood gushed out of Cang Ling's shoulder.

She gritted her teeth and used the corner of the wall as a support, jumped up, then raised her sword and slashed down.

Felton didn't use a sword at all, and blocked it with his arm, which happened to be on Cang Ling's hands, and sent her sword flying, hitting the wall until it fell.

Although it was just a few moves, Cang Ling was already sweating profusely.

She stood up straight, bit her lips tightly and said nothing.

Felton put away his sword, then went to the corner to pick up the broken sword, and walked over.

"Let me ask you, who do you think is stronger, me or the night devil just now?" Felton asked.

"Of course it's you." Cang Ling replied without hesitation.

"Then why are you not afraid when you face me, but you are so afraid when you face the night devil?" Felton continued to ask.

Hearing his words, Cang Ling couldn't help being stunned.

"Just now I attacked you with all my strength. However, you counterattacked smoothly and your thinking was clear. But when you faced the Night Demon, you lost your fighting spirit before you fought. Why?"

"I..." Cang Ling didn't know how to answer.

"Let me tell you." Felton continued, "That's because you are very familiar with me, but you are completely unfamiliar with night devils. People will instinctively fear unknown things, especially things that have brought shadows. This This fear is shared by everyone and is not something to be ashamed of."

After speaking, Felton handed over the sword.

Hearing this, Cang Ling suddenly felt a ray of sunshine shine in her heart, she raised her head and took the sword.

"It's not shameful to be afraid?" Cang Ling murmured.

"As long as you are human, you will be afraid. But we are knights, so despite the fear in our hearts, we must overcome this mentality and muster up the courage to fight. I think your strength is enough to defeat that night devil. I will arrange for you to retest tomorrow .” After Felton finished speaking, he turned and walked out.

"Remember to eat." Before closing the door, he reminded.

Felton's words gave Cang Ling great comfort and encouragement, and the phrase "fear is not shameful" instantly cleared the haze in Cang Ling's heart.

Her confidence was revived, her strength surged back, and she felt that she could tear the night devil away with her hands.

"There is still a chance to make amends tomorrow, this time I will never be cowardly again!" Cang Ling said ruthlessly while biting the bread.

At eleven o'clock the next morning, Cang Ling was brought back to the examination room, where he fought the night devil again.

"You are nothing, but you are bigger and have longer teeth. Compared with Instructor Felton, I am not afraid of you!" Cang Ling yelled, and slashed at him with his sword.

Night Demon didn't understand why the night passed, the person in front of him suddenly felt as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, it shook its head to avoid Cang Ling's attack, and then angrily knocked down the nearby trees.

"I remembered, it's Galda Saber-toothed Dragon, and the condition for killing it cut off the head!" Cang Ling jumped, jumped onto a nearby tree, and then lured the Saber-toothed Dragon to bite her.

When the saber-toothed dragon rushed over, Cang Ling threw out the claw hook with a flick of his left hand, hooked the tree diagonally in front of him, and immediately swung over.

As soon as she flew up, the tree behind her was bitten off by the saber-toothed dragon.

After Cang Ling flew along the rope to the tree diagonally ahead, the neck of the saber-toothed dragon was exposed in front of her eyes.

Without hesitation, Cang Ling jumped up and slashed down fiercely using his own acceleration of gravity.

The sword infused with spiritual power hit the night devil's body like cutting through thick rubber.

Cang Ling gritted his teeth, and pressed the sword down with all his strength, but when he cut to three inches, he touched a bone, and the sword slipped out.

The bloody night demon went crazy. Regardless of the wound on its neck, it turned around and took a bite.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Cang Ling turned over to dodge, then jumped onto the tree again, kicked his feet hard, and rushed towards the Night Demon at high speed, slashing at its neck again.

This time, Cang Ling used all his strength, the tiger's mouth was torn, and finally cut off the night monster's neck, and the night monster's huge head rolled to the ground.

"I won?" Cang Ling panted while looking at the night demon corpse in front of him, "I really won?"

Not long after she was excited, something strange happened.

The night devil's body suddenly shrank sharply, then slowly became transparent, and finally turned into a wisp of green smoke, which was blown away by the wind.

"What's the situation?" Cang Ling was dumbfounded.

Pop, pop, pop.

At this time, there were several applause from the top of the head.

Cang Ling looked up and saw that it was Felton and the others.

"Congratulations, classmate Cang. You successfully passed the graduation exam." Lynch said.

"Instructor, what is this?" Cang Ling pointed to the place where Ye Mo disappeared.

"This is the spiritual beast I created." Hai Sen laughed.

"Ah? No way?" Cang Ling was taken aback.

"How could we let you fight the real Night Demon?" Felton said, crossing his arms. "Isn't that the same as asking you to court death?"

"Come on, Zero." Hai Sen said with a smile.

Cang Ling followed the steps to the terrace and came to the instructors.

"Master, I don't understand, this is..." Cang Ling asked confusedly.

"This is an important ceremony that every Condon student must go through before graduation." Lynch explained, "We hope that you will experience an 'actual battle' before you go to the real battlefield. Because newcomers always suffer casualties on the battlefield highest rate."

"So, my first grade..."

"It's normal to score like that for the first time. In fact, except for Paul and Kali, everyone in our class failed." Felton said.

"Really?" Cang Ling suddenly felt comforted.

"Last night, you were all on the first floor. In order to prevent you from communicating with each other, I separated you on purpose. Only in this way can we measure your true level." Felton explained.

"It turned out to be like this... no wonder they gave me a chance to retake the exam..." Cang Ling suddenly realized.

"Zero, I heard that you were very depressed last night." Hai Sen laughed.

"I, I was really desperate to death at that time, I thought I would definitely repeat a grade..." Cang Ling said embarrassedly.

"Your performance today should rank among the top three in the class," Felton said.

"Where's Phoebe? Did she pass?" Cang Ling asked hurriedly.

"She was the one in front of you, and it took 5 minutes longer than you." Felton frowned and said, "That dead child didn't have any brains at all, and bombed with brute force, destroying the entire venue. The Haisen has to be rebuilt."

"Is this forest also conjured up by Instructor Hai Sen?" Cang Ling was shocked again.

"Otherwise? Do you think ordinary forests can withstand your tossing a few times?" Felton said dissatisfied.

"It turns out that instructor Hai Sen is so powerful..." Cang Ling thought silently.

"Okay, we still have to continue the exam. You go back to the hall first." Lynch called the assistant.

"Thank you, Chief Instructor, thank you Instructor Felton, Instructor Haisen!" Cang Ling saluted, and happily left with the teaching assistant.

When I got to the hall, I found that there were already a dozen students inside.

Phoebe was talking to Paul and Carrie.

"Huh? You passed yesterday? Didn't you?"

Phoebe's expression was deeply shocked.

"Well, although it was a bit difficult." Paul laughed.

"I can't believe it! I used to be a crying brat, but now I'm so brave..." Phoebe muttered softly.

"I found out that this was a scam from the very beginning." Jia Li said, "It's obviously a night devil, but it exudes strong spiritual power, and this spiritual power is very familiar."

"That's right! I remembered it when you said that. There was indeed something wrong. It was just that I was too nervous at the time, and the instructor and the others were there again. I subconsciously thought that the spiritual power came from them." Cang Ling patted his head and said.

"Although it is a spiritual beast, its attack power is no less than that of the Night Demon." Dewey said with a mournful face.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Dewey was covered in paint all over his body, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

"Oscar!" Tabetha's terrified voice came from behind.

Everyone rushed over, only to see that Oscar was covered in injuries, lying limply in Taibetha's arms, his eyes turned upside down as if he was about to faint.

"This guy has been playing for the longest time. He must have exhausted his energy." Anton said later.

"Don't die, Oscar! Wake up! If you die, I..." Tebetha's eyes welled up with tears.

"Will you die with me?" Oscar quickly rolled his eyes and asked.

"I will collect the body for you." Tai Beisha kicked Oscar away.

"It hurts! Feel sorry for the wounded, Tabetha!" Oscar yelled, rubbing his buttocks.

Everyone laughed together.

After the scarred Clive came out, the students of class 13 finally gathered.Everyone stood in line and listened to Lynch's lecture.

"Everyone's performance today is generally good." Lynch said with his hands behind his back, "Although the opponent is a fake, the attack power is similar to that of a real E-level night devil. I believe that after this actual battle, everyone should have confidence in their own strength." With confidence. I hope that when you get to the real battlefield, you will be as calm and tenacious as today."

Speaking of this, Lynch paused, and then continued: "In addition, I hope that each of you can keep this exam a secret. Because we hope that every graduate can experience such a battle. If it is exposed in advance, Our efforts will be in vain. Remember, we only want living warriors, not dead heroes."

Hearing this, the students present were quite moved.

"Okay! You can go back!" Lynch waved his hand, "Congratulations on your successful graduation!"

"Yeah!" All the students jumped up excitedly, "We're graduating!"

After two years of hard training, the students of class 13 finally graduated successfully!
Two weeks later, all the students finished their exams, and a total of 342 students participated in the graduation ceremony.

They are about to bid farewell to Conton and their good teenage years. In the first year of their adulthood, they will go to the capital of the kingdom: Sky City as apprentice knights to wait for the knight order to assign a station.

A new chapter of life is about to begin!

(End of this chapter)

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