girl knight zero

Chapter 66 The Strongest Knight in the Continent 【First Order】

Chapter 66 The Strongest Knight in the Continent 【First Order】

Sky City is the headquarters of the major knight orders.

The so-called sky city is not a city built in the sky, but a city located on the largest lake in the Xinghai: the central island of Swan Lake.

The water of Swan Lake is very clear. When the weather is fine, the entire blue sky will be reflected in the water, making the capital look like floating in the air from a distance, hence the name Sky City.

According to the regulations, after receiving the graduation certificate every year, Condon graduates need to report to the headquarters of the Blue Shield Knights within a week, and then the headquarters will allocate personnel according to the situation of the station.

After arriving at the station, they will have a one-year internship. After the internship, the line superior will evaluate and report to the brigade. After the brigade passes, they can become regulars. After they become regulars, they can enjoy the treatment of regular knights.

(Note: Only knights who have become regulars are eligible to apply for the other four knight orders)

"Wow! Is this Sky City?" Cang Ling and Phoebe shouted excitedly as soon as they walked out of the train station.

"The boat is coming, hurry to the pier!" Kali urged.

The free ferry boat slowly docked at the pier, and the officials on board shouted with a loudspeaker: "Horses and carriages must be registered, weapons must be stored, and residence cards or passes will be checked when entering the city. Please take them out in advance."

"What if we don't have a resident card?" Phoebe asked.

"It doesn't matter, just use Condon's graduation certificate and letter of introduction. I asked the chief executive." Cang Ling replied.

Soon, Sky City arrived.Everyone went to the city gate registration office to register with the flow of people, and then entered the royal capital.

"It's so beautiful! The streets are so wide!" Cang Ling, who came to Beijing for the first time, felt very fresh.

"Wow, Constitution Square! The place where Queen Eaton issued the 'Xinghai Declaration'!" Phoebe excitedly ran to the fountain to look at the statue of the founding queen.

"Where is the headquarters of the Blue Shield Knights?" Kali was unmoved by the scenery in front of her.

"There is a map here." Cang Ling pointed to the sign on the side of the square and said, "It seems to be on the east side of the palace."

"Come on, let's report quickly." Kali urged.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion from behind.

"The Hurricane Knights! The Hurricane Knights have returned to the capital!" A few children in the distance shouted excitedly.

"Hurricane Knights?" Cang Ling immediately pricked up his ears.

"I heard that the number one knight is back, go and have a look!" A few young men ran past them.

"The number one knight? Two, let's go and see!" Phoebe was excited.

Cang Ling and Jia Li nodded and followed together.

After passing through the alley, I saw that the main road was crowded with people, men, women and children, all scrambling to watch the legendary Hurricane Knight.

There are a total of more than 30 Hurricane Knights who returned to Beijing to report their duties. The regiment commander, sergeant major, and five captains all came. It can be said that the lineup is very luxurious.

They all wore black uniforms, shouldered the unique super big sword of the Hurricane Knight, and rode the same black hell horse, which looked extremely intimidating.

"Wow, their knives are so big! They are as tall as a human..."

"This is the hell horse? It's so tall! The eyes are really as red as the rumors!"

"The Hurricane Knight's uniform is so cool! I really want to wear it once!"

The people around were chattering and arguing.

Cang Ling, who was blocked by the crowd, couldn't see ahead, so he simply jumped onto the roof and looked down from above.

Seeing this, Phoebe and Kali quickly followed suit.

"Look! That is the number one Hurricane Knight: Arsen Wolfe! The strongest man in the entire continent!" At this moment, a teenager shouted excitedly, pointing at a person.

Cang Ling looked in the direction he was pointing, and it turned out that he was talking about a knight with wolf-gray hair, who followed closely behind the regimental commander and the sergeant major, and looked very tall from the back.

"Arson Wolf..." Cang Ling stared at the knight curiously.

"So he is Wolfe..." said a girl at the bottom, "Didn't it mean that he is a descendant of orcs? Why can't you see the signs of beasts?"

"He is a hybrid of an orc and Mrs. Sil, maybe he inherited the genetic characteristics of his mother." The girl's companion replied.

"Wolf is a descendant of orcs?" Cang Ling widened his eyes in surprise.

Beastmen are one of the 101 ethnic groups in the Star Sea Continent, and all of their ethnic groups have some kind of animal signs, such as animal ears, fangs, or tails.

This ethnic group is mainly distributed in the northwest border, with a very backward lifestyle and no common language in the mainland. It is a minority that suffers from discrimination and prejudice just like the three major ethnic groups.

"It's really interesting that the descendants of the orcs actually became the strongest knights." Kali said.

"The strongest? Does that mean he has eliminated the most night demons?" Cang Ling asked.

"Almost. I heard that there is a ranking within Hurricane Knight, which is sorted by the number of enemies killed and their level. The knights ranked in the single digits are all those who can single-handedly kill B-level night demons. The top three are even more powerful. Kill the A-level night devil." Phoebe replied.

"Then where is he ranked? First?" Cang Ling pointed to Wolfe and asked.

"Wolf is the No. [-] Hurricane Cavaliers, and he has maintained this ranking for five years!"

At this time, a kid in the attic window said proudly.

"Five years!" Cang Ling and the others were surprised when they heard this.

"Although single-digit knights are all very strong, Wolf's strength is far superior to that of the others. His strength alone is equal to the sum of the 2nd to 9th knights!" The kid said proudly. Said in a tone, obviously a loyal fan of Wolfe.

"By the way, I remember that Heisen said that the first knight in human history to single out an S-class night demon was named Wolfe. Is he a relative?" Cang Ling suddenly remembered.

"You mean Jaeger Wolf, right? He is Arsen Wolf's adoptive father!" The kid was clear about Wolf.

"You really know everything about Wolfe," said Phoebe.

"Of course, he is my idol! Sooner or later, I will be like him and go outside the shield to destroy the night devil!" The kid said while shaking his fist.

"The No. [-] Hurricane Knight..." Cang Ling turned his head to look at Wolfe's back, full of longing in his heart.

When can I be one of them?
Can I, who is also of mixed race, become the object of admiration and trust of the common people like him?

"I want to be the strongest knight!" At this moment, Phoebe raised her fist and shouted.

"You are still far from the strongest Blue Shield." Jiali said coldly.

"Hey, you guys! What are you doing standing on the roof of my house?" an aunt leaned out of the window and scolded.

"Mom, they are surrounded by the Hurricane Knights!" The kid hurriedly explained for them.

"Hurricane, you're so big, go down and peel the potatoes for me!" After scolding the kid, the aunt turned her head and shouted, "Why are you still standing? Do you want to trample the roof down?"

"Sorry, let's go down now!" Cang Ling and the others hurriedly jumped down.

(End of this chapter)

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