girl knight zero

Chapter 68 Phoenix City

Chapter 68 Phoenix City

On Monday, the headquarters held a general meeting to welcome all the newly joined knights and announce their residency arrangements.

"Everyone, I am Max Hoffman, the head of the Blue Shield Knights. Welcome to join the Blue Shield Knights!"

On the stage in front of the square, the tall and mighty Captain Hoffman gave a welcome speech to the new knights.

"The Blue Shield Knights have a long history of nearly 300 years and are the earliest knights in the Star Sea Federation. In the past year, we have eliminated 4305 night devils, and 12 Blue Shield knights have sacrificed for this. Dedicated to the peace of the Federation Our life is our mission! Please join me in shouting out the oath of the Blue Shield Knights: loyalty to the Federation, courage to fight, respect for honor, and under any circumstances, resolutely obey orders, and be willing to sacrifice to maintain the safety of the Federation everything!"

"Loyal to the Federation, brave to fight, honor honor, under any circumstances, resolutely obey orders, and willing to sacrifice everything to maintain the security of the Federation!"

All the new knights raised their right fists together and shouted out the oath of joining the regiment.

"Congratulations on joining the regiment!" Captain Hoffman gave a standard knight salute.

The knights below immediately returned a knight salute.

The scene was filled with excitement, and everyone was infected by Commander Hoffman's aura, eager to go to the battlefield immediately.

"The next step is to announce the resident arrangement!" After finishing speaking, Captain Hoffman took a step back and gave way to the secretary.

The clerk held the list in his hand and read aloud the locations of all the knights.

Cangling, Phoebe, and Jiali were assigned to one area: Huafei City, Randall County, Rhines Province, located on the eastern coast.

"It's so lucky, we were sorted together!" Cang Ling said pleasantly.

"Great, it's a border area, and I'm sure we can fight Night Demon." Phoebe looked very happy.

"Unfortunately, it's the eastern border, far away from the west," Jia Li said.

"Cang Ling, where are you assigned to?" Diego asked at this time.

"Huafei City is on the eastern border." Cang Ling replied.

"Fafei City?" Paul turned around not far away, "Isn't that my hometown?"

"Huh? Really?" Cang Ling was surprised.

"Well, Hua Fei is the capital of the Rhines Province and also my hometown." Paul replied.

"Wahhaha, you must be very envious of us?" Phoebe laughed.

"No, I don't want to be too close to home. I would rather go to the west. It's a pity they assigned me to Wensenburg." Paul said depressingly.

"Vinsonburg? Isn't this back to Canton again? Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed in unison.

"The place I was assigned was the western border. It seems that I will soon make great achievements and reach the pinnacle of my life!" Dewey said proudly.

"Pull it down, just don't freak out so much." Jia Li complained.

After the resident arrangements were made, the headquarters sent their files over, and at the same time helped them apply for their residence permits and knight certificates.

"If the knight certificate is lost, it will be very troublesome to reissue, so please be careful to keep it well." The document urged.

"Excuse me, when will the name tags be issued?" Cang Ling asked.

The so-called name tag is a metal plate engraved with the name of the knight, which is used for identification on the battlefield.

"It takes a long time to make a famous brand, and it will be sent directly to your resident when it is ready," said the document.

"Thank you." Cang Ling took the certificate.

"Now we can be considered real adults." Phoebe smiled while holding up her residence card.

"You can drink in a fair manner." Kali continued.

"Knights don't drink alcohol on weekdays." The secretary hurriedly reminded.

"Thank you for your reminder, we won't drink." Cang Ling replied with a smile.

"It's the New Year soon. If you want to drink, you can drink it during the Chinese New Year! But don't delay your appointment." After finishing speaking, the secretary turned and left.

"Phoebe, Kali, are you going home for the New Year?" Cang Ling asked.

"I don't really want to go home..." Phoebe replied.

"You haven't gone back for two years, have you? If you don't go back this time, you have to wait another year." Cang Ling reminded.

"Zero, are you going back to your hometown?" Kali asked.

Cang Ling shook his head: "I won't return."

"In that case, come to my house with me! Let's celebrate the New Year together." Kali invited.

"Huh? I want to go too!" Phoebe said hurriedly.

"Go back to your own home honestly." Kali refused.

"Whoa, why is this..."

"I...can I go? Will it disturb you?" Cang Ling asked excitedly.

"Of course not. My family is very hospitable, although no one interacts with them..."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Cang Ling was no longer polite, and quickly agreed.

In this way, Phoebe embarked on a journey back to Windmill City alone, while Cang Ling followed Kali to Phoenix City in the east.

Phoenix City belongs to the Boya Province and is adjacent to the Rhines Province. It is the mythical phoenix: the birthplace of the Phoenix, and it is also a famous mountain city.

"Wow! It's spectacular!" After getting off the car, Cang Ling looked at the majestic mountain city in front of him and was full of admiration.

"Really?" Kali said disapprovingly.

She has lived in this mountain area since she was a child, and she has long been used to it.

"Such a huge city can be built on the mountain, the people of Phoenix City are really amazing..." Cang Ling threw himself into admiration.

"I'll take you into the city another day, let's go home first! Otherwise, it will be dark." Jiali said as she lifted her luggage.

"Look, Blue Shield Knight!"

At this time, several children ran past, making noise around them.

"It feels like returning home!" Cang Ling laughed.

"I just said don't wear a uniform, you see being surrounded?" Jiali said so, but her body couldn't help but straighten up.

"By the way, where is your home?" Cang Ling asked.

"Over there." Jiali pointed to the farthest, tallest and steepest mountain.

"Ah? No way?" Cang Ling was dumbfounded.

How many hours does it take to walk there?

"Let's go quickly." Kali urged.

"En!" Cang Ling hurriedly picked up his luggage and hurried over.

After bouncing in a carriage for more than an hour on the winding mountain road, they arrived at the foot of Jiali's house.

"Excuse me, are you not going inside?" Cang Ling asked.

"Ahead is the territory of the executioner's family. You can't go in." The coachman reined in his horse and said.

"This mountain belongs to your family?" Cang Ling was shocked again.

"Well, my family's ancestral property." Kali replied calmly.

"Huh? You belong to the executioner's family?" The coachman turned pale with shock.

"Are you from out of town?" Kali asked back.

The coachman suddenly looked terrified, and then left quickly.

"Why is he so scared?" Cang Ling couldn't understand.

"Hmph, they're all a bunch of cowards." Jiali snorted.

As soon as I entered the mountain pass, I saw a huge statue.

The statue is a man with a huge axe and a mask on his face. The bloodstained axe looks terrifying.

"This is the ancestor of our family: Petesa. It was rumored by outsiders that he would walk around with an ax in the middle of the night, and they also said that every time he killed a person, the blood on the ax would increase..." Jia Li laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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