girl knight zero

Chapter 7 What is your carrying capacity?

Chapter 7 What is your carrying capacity?

Before the test, the examiner will give a pre-test explanation to all the candidates.

"The next test is the carrying capacity test. Before the test, I will explain the principle and rules of the test to you. We all know that human beings have both physical strength and spiritual strength. Physical strength is the strength of the body, and spiritual strength is the strength of the body. The power of the soul."

The examiner draws a picture on the blackboard while explaining.

"Both physical strength and spiritual strength can be improved through overload training. The upper limit of this improvement is the carrying capacity. So what is the carrying capacity? You will know after I demonstrate it. You, please come up." The examiner pointed to the paper Mao Nan said.

The curly-haired man hurriedly walked onto the stage, and stood next to the examiner anxiously.

The examiner grabbed his collar, lifted him up, and said, "If I want to lift him up, I must use a force equal to his body weight. This force is physical strength."

After finishing speaking, the examiner put down the boy who was strangled and foamed, and continued: "Now you attack me."

The boy looked down the stage, hesitating.

"It's okay, you can attack me with all your strength." The examiner encouraged him.

"Hit it! What are you afraid of? If you let me go, go!"

"It's time to show your strength!"

"Down with the examiner!"

The audience below watched the excitement, and they were all excited.

With everyone's "encouragement", the curly-haired man gave a loud shout, rushed towards the examiner with all his strength, and punched him hard in the abdomen.

The examiner put his hands behind his back, didn't even blink his eyes, and his body remained motionless.

On the contrary, the boy who punched was knocked back several steps by the examiner, and he staggered to the ground.

"This is the recoil force." The examiner said while supporting the boy, "All our attacks will be subjected to a reverse force. The physical attack is called recoil force, and the spiritual attack is called recoil force. Bear the recoil force The ability to interact with counterattack force is called load capacity. The stronger your load capacity, the greater the reaction force you can withstand, and the higher the upper limit of your strength.”

"Excuse me, how do you test the load capacity?" the blue-haired girl asked.

"It's almost the same as before." The examiner replied, "I will attack you, you just need to bear my attack."

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room turned blue.

Isn't this just being beaten?
The examiner's punch is completely different from the curly-haired man just now!
"Don't worry, the most broken bones will definitely not kill you." The examiner hurriedly comforted everyone.

Everyone's face turned greener.

Fear is fear, and the exam still has to be taken.

The examination room is a large room like a fighting arena, surrounded by stands, and in the middle is a one-meter-high square platform with rulers engraved on the ground.

"Candidate No. 001, please come to the stage." The assistant examiner shouted holding the roster.

Candidate No. 001 walked onto the stage with a livid face.

"Please stand behind the yellow line and put on a defensive posture." The examiner instructed.

The examinee looked down and saw a yellow line on the ground. Behind the yellow line was a scale with scales of 1, 2, and 3.

"The examiner will throw a spiritual bullet at you later. If you can stand still, your carrying capacity is level one. If you back up to scale 2, your carrying capacity is level two. Do you understand? "

"Ming, I understand..."

"Then please get ready."

" do I prepare?"

"Just assume the most stable posture you feel. The examiner will attack your abdomen. It is recommended to bend down slightly, otherwise the ribs will be easily broken."

Hearing the last sentence, the examinee almost burst into tears.

After posing for a long time, the last candidate chose to lunge forward, then hugged his hands and bent slightly.

"Attention, I'm going to attack." Seeing that he was ready to stop, the examiner also made a forward lunge, and then slightly turned sideways and circled his arms, as if holding an invisible ball.

Soon, the ball changed from invisible to concrete, a ball of light the size of a football, crackling as if charged.

"Get ready—attack!" The instructor took a sudden step and threw the spirit bomb in his hand.

The examinee tensed up instantly, then gritted his teeth hard to catch the ball of light.

The ball of light rolled dozens of times in his arms, and finally disappeared.

"I succeeded! I caught the examiner's ball!" No. 001 was extremely excited.

"Look at your position, idiot." The deputy examiner said coldly.

No. 001 froze for a moment, then quickly looked down at the ruler.

After seeing it, he was dumbfounded, and he retreated to 9!

"Bearing capacity level nine." The deputy examiner wrote a "nine" on his report card without hesitation.

"No! Please give me another chance!" No. 001 hugged her head in tears.

"Next, No. 002!" The examiner was merciless.

"Ahhh! How could this happen!" No. 001, who was crying wildly, was dragged down.

Candidates who were waiting below became even more nervous when they saw this scene.

As candidates came to the stage one by one, more and more people burst into tears.

The carrying capacity of the vast majority of candidates is below level [-], and only a very small number of people can reach level [-] or above.

Paul, who scored first in total, only reached the third level.

Phoebe is level four.

Finally it was Cang Ling's turn, and she walked onto the stage anxiously, while quietly wiping the sweat from her palms on her clothes.

"Are you ready?" the deputy examiner asked.

"Uh, I'm ready." Cang Ling assumed a squatting posture.

This is the most stable posture she tested repeatedly below.

"Okay. Get ready—to attack!" The examiner ruthlessly threw an aura bomb at Cang Ling.

The moment the aura bomb touched his body, Cang Ling had an unforgettable experience of what backlash is.

Because Cang Ling fought against animals before, she only suffered the recoil, not the repulsion.

The backlash force is completely different from the backlash force, it is an attack that can penetrate the flesh, it can turn into tens of thousands of sharp thorns to penetrate your body.

At that moment, almost every inch of skin, every muscle, and every bone was tingling violently!

"Woo—!!" Cang Ling clenched his teeth, exerting all his strength to resist the huge impact, enduring the pain like needles in his internal organs, and determined not to take a step back.

When the spiritual energy bomb disappeared, her whole body was limp, and she collapsed to the ground.

"I don't know what level I am..." Cang Ling didn't dare to look at the numbers on the ground.

At this moment, something hit her on the head.

Looking down, it turned out to be the booklet in the hands of the deputy examiner.

Cang Ling hurriedly raised his head, just in time to meet the deputy examiner's gaze, which was an extremely shocked gaze as if he had seen a ghost.

At the same time, Cang Ling noticed that the field was completely silent, and the crowd who had been whispering were all staring at her blankly.

"What's wrong? Could it be that my grades are too bad? It flew out of the scale?" Cang Ling hurriedly looked down at the numbers.

At first glance, she was also stupid.

Beside her feet, a "1" was impressively engraved!
She was still where she was, not taking a step back!

(End of this chapter)

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