girl knight zero

Chapter 71 Phoebe's Secret

Chapter 71 Phoebe's Secret

"Lonely? Haha, I'm not lonely! I'm much cleaner when she's not at home." Kali's mother laughed.

"When Jiali was in Canton, she worked hard every day." Cang Ling said, "And her grades are the best in the defense department. There are so many students in the defense department in the school. It is really not easy for her to be the first." .”

"Really?" Kali's mother showed a lonely expression on her face, "It seems that she is really going far away."

"It's great that you can support her, I believe Kali will become an excellent knight." Cang Ling smiled.

"I was also very resistant at first. But after visiting Kali in Kanton, I suddenly understood. As a parent, there is not much I can do. No matter how reluctantly, children will eventually be independent. Instead of restraining them , it’s better to let them live their own lives.” Kali’s mother said while looking into the distance.

"You are a good mother." Cang Ling said.

"Oh, the two little devils are going to get rid of this family. It seems that our family of executioners will finally have to call their curtains down." Kali's mother sighed.

At this moment, a burst of gunshots suddenly came from below, startling a large crowd of crows, accompanied by the sound of glass bottles bursting.

"You bastard, Qi Jing, is rebelling again!" Jiali's mother immediately killed her aggressively.

"It's such a happy family." Cang Ling was a little envious for a while.

That night, an unexpected visitor came to Jiali's house.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

At one o'clock in the middle of the night, there was an urgent knock on the door.

Duba opened the door and found a lady with pink hair.

"Is this Kali's home?" the other party asked.

"Exactly. May I ask who you are?" Duba asked.

"Oh my god! It's finally here!" The other party collapsed to the ground.

When Cangling and Jiali hurried downstairs, Phoebe was sitting by the fire, wrapped in a blanket, drinking black tea.

"Phoebe!" Cang Ling ran over in surprise.

"I said Kali, isn't your mountain too scary? Why are there so many scary statues along the way? Do you know that this will scare people to death!" Phoebe said with a livid face.

"I think it's okay. By the way, why are you here?" Kali asked.

"Well, this... I miss you." Phoebe said evasively.

"Isn't it only four days apart?" Kali said disapprovingly.

"Hey, I came all the way here to find you, please don't be so cold." Phoebe said dissatisfied.

"Jiali, Phoebe looks very tired, let her rest first." Cang Ling reminded.

"Okay. Duba, tidy up the guest room." Jia Li ordered.

Full of joy, Phoebe followed Duba to the guest room, and then rushed out again.

"Why does your guest room look like a haunted house? Can you give me a normal room?" Phoebe asked.

"Sorry, the guest room is considered the most normal..." Kali replied.

Under the guidance of Duba, Phoebe looked at several empty rooms and found that Kali did not lie to her.

There was no other way, so Phoebe had no choice but to come to Jiali's room and share the bed with them.

"Phoebe, can you go sleep on the floor? I can't turn over," Kali complained.

"There's no way to let guests sleep on the floor, Kali, you're going too far!" Phoebe protested.

"I'll go to sleep on the floor." Cang Ling hurriedly got up.

"Forget it, just squeeze like this." Jiali pressed the zero.

Early the next morning, the three of them who hadn't moved all night went to the terrace to stretch and enjoy the morning breeze.

"I said Phoebe, now can you tell us what happened?" Kali asked.

"Well, actually—I was kicked out by my family," said Phoebe sheepishly.

"What? Get out?" Cang Ling was taken aback.

"Well, I haven't told you guys... In fact, since I applied for Canton, I have already broken up with my family." Phoebe continued, "Let's not talk about telegrams, and I haven't written a letter to me in the past two years. seal up."

"Don't your family want you to be a knight?"

"That's right! They think knights are bitter and dangerous, and the title of knighthood is far away. It's better to marry other nobles."

"Marriage? Are they forcing you to marry?" Cang Ling asked in surprise.

"They think it's more respectable to be a duchess than a knight. It doesn't matter if the duke is an uncle or an ugly one." Phoebe snorted. "Honestly, sometimes I feel like I can't communicate with them at all."

"How could this be? Let your child marry someone you don't like at all. Such a marriage won't be happy at all, right?" Cang Ling said sympathetically.

"They don't think so. Marriage is just a tool in their eyes. That's how my parents got married back then. One was for money, the other for title. They showed affection in front of outsiders, and they didn't say a word when they got home..." Fei Bi said angrily, "I'm just a tool in my mother's eyes, she never cared about me!"

"No, your mother must love you. There are no parents who do not love their children." Cang Ling said hurriedly.

"That's not true! She doesn't love me! She combed my hair when I was a child, because my hair was knotted, and after combing it for a long time without combing it, she suddenly went crazy, picked up the scissors and cut all my hair! This time It was the same when I went back, she actually threw all my luggage out, and said that she never wanted to see me again."

Hearing this, Cang Ling and Kali fell silent.

Phoebe sniffled and said, "I'm not going back to that house again. I'm going to break with them. Live my own life from now on."

"I think your mother may just be angry for a while, or the way of expressing it is inappropriate. She must still care about you deep down, otherwise why would she send so many things?" Cang Ling comforted.

"Ellie bought it! Don't speak for my mother, she is that kind of person, always hysterical! I won't be like her, and I won't live her life." Fei Than say firmly.

"Girls, let's have breakfast! I specially made noodles with tomato sauce, do you want to try it?" Jiali's mother opened the window and shouted.

"Okay, okay, here we come!" Phoebe was the first to rush over.

Cangling and Jiali looked at each other, and hurriedly followed.

During the meal, Cang Ling looked at Phoebe, who was chatting and laughing, and thought: No wonder Phoebe hardly mentions her family affairs. It turns out that she is not living happily.

Kali is also rejected by the people around her, and she doesn't even have friends of her own age.

In the past, I always felt that I was the most miserable person, but now it seems that everyone has their own difficulties.

Everyone is under pressure where no one else can see it.

In the future, it is better not to feel sorry for yourself. Since the essence of life is pain, then be strong so that you can fight against this cruel world.

Cang Ling secretly swears in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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