girl knight zero

Chapter 76 The Result of Breaking Others' Trust

Chapter 76 The Result of Breaking Others' Trust

"Squad leader, can you tell us how to write a personal report? What aspects should we summarize in each battle?" Cang Ling asked for advice.

"Didn't it be summed up at the meeting just now?" Jiali complained in a low voice.

"The summary of the team is different from the personal summary. The personal summary focuses on one's own experience and experience, which is a process of refining memories. If there is no summary of the battle alone, there will be no improvement. Each of us must master the ability to review the game .” Leon explained patiently.

"Can you teach us?" Cang Ling begged.

"Of course, this is my obligation." Leon pulled up his chair and sat down, and began to explain in detail from formation, tactics, on-site command, emergency response and other aspects.

Not long after, Kali began to doze off.

Cang Ling was not sleepy, he listened carefully and took notes at the same time.

"You work very hard." Leon said appreciatively.

"You said just now that if you don't summarize the battle alone, there will be no improvement." Cang Ling said while writing, "So I will work hard to learn how to summarize."

"It would be great if everyone could work as hard as you do." Leon said with a smile.

After that, Leon stayed with them in the meeting room, answered their questions, and guided them to write a summary.

Phoebe stayed up all night, wrote an 8000-word report (I really admire it...), revised it several times, and re-transcribed it, in gorgeous cursive.

As a result, Vasili went to the battlefield early in the morning to check the progress of the purification. He didn't even read Phoebe's masterpiece, and asked the deputy chief of the team to inspect it on his behalf.

"how so……"

Phoebe was so shocked that she became paralyzed.

"Puff haha, Phoebe, I have deep sympathy for you." Kali said with a smile.

"Anyway, you must have gained something in the process of writing the report, and this effort is not in vain." Cang Ling comforted.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Touch my report with dirty hands!" Phoebe said and was about to rush up.

"Phoebe, calm down!" Cang Ling held back Phoebe with a suppressed smile.

"Phoebe, the deputy captain of the team will kill you if he hears about it." Kali also said with a suppressed smile.

At this moment, a villager-like person walked into the compound with his head poking around.

"Master knights, hello!" The villagers stepped forward and greeted flatteringly.

"Who are you? Is there something wrong?" Kali asked.

"I'm Tanila, a villager from Baker Village. I'm here to give you a thank you gift." Tanila raised the basket in her hand.

"Thank you?" Cang Ling walked over curiously.

"Didn't you help us wipe out the night demons lurking in the village last month? This is a small gesture from us, please accept it." Tanila opened the basket, which was full of sausages and pickles.

"Last month? We weren't here then." Phoebe and Kali also came over.

"Wait, you said just now that the night devil was lurking in the village? Is it a lurker?" Cang Ling asked hastily.

"Lurker? What is that?" Tanilla looked at a loss.

"It's a Night Demon above D." Kali replied.

"Above D? No, I heard from Leon's squad leader that it's grade E." Tanilla scratched her head.

"E-level... that doesn't seem to be the case..." Cang Ling was a little disappointed.

"Go and report to the squad leader." Phoebe suggested, "We can't take things from the common people without permission."

Cang Ling nodded and took Tanila to Leon's office.

"Tanila? Why are you here?" Leon still remembered Tanila.

"I'm here to give you a thank you gift, my lord. A little heart is not a respect." Tanila handed over the basket obsequiously.

"You are too polite, it is our duty to eliminate the night devil." Leon blocked the basket with his hand.

"Oh, take it, my wife made it herself, it tastes very good..." Tanilla forced the basket into Leon's hands.

"We have a rule that we cannot accept things from the common people." Leon resolutely refused to accept them.

"Uncle, don't insist, you will be fined one month's salary for accepting gifts, is your basket worth one month's salary?" Jiali said beside her.

"Uh..." Tanilla retracted her hand in embarrassment.

"Tanila, I appreciate your kindness, please take the things back." Leon said politely.

"That... ahem, that..." Tanila hesitated, his eyes flickered, as if he still had something to say.

"Do you have anything else?" Leon saw Tanilla's subtext.

"It's about the maintenance of the house... May I ask if the team can give me some subsidies... There used to be compensation." Tanila finally told her true intentions.

"Sorry, the compensation has been canceled since the year before last. Now we don't have this authority." Leon replied.

"It's not reasonable... Our house was damaged, and repairs are very expensive..."

"I'm really sorry, but there is no such budget now. If you don't believe me, you can ask the villagers in other villages. There is no compensation for the houses damaged by the night demon invasion in the past two years." Leon said awkwardly.

"Hey, this is bullying us little people. It's easy for us to build a house. The government has money to support so many knights but has no money to repair houses for the people..." Tanilla showed a dissatisfied expression.

"I'm really sorry," Leon said again.

Tanilla stood there for a while, then walked away cursing.

"Squad leader, why did you cancel the compensation?" Cang Ling asked.

"Because it was found that many villagers would falsely report the amount, or deliberately damage the old houses to defraud compensation." Lyon explained.

"There's such a thing..." Phoebe said in surprise.

"Our people can be in charge of reviewing and determining the amount." Cang Ling said.

"We tried this too, but every time there was an uproar because of the amount of money, and some people went to the squadron to report we canceled it altogether. It was canceled all over the country."

"It really deserves it." Kali snorted.

"However, if there is no compensation, it will indeed cause a burden to the people. Especially for those poor families." Cang Ling, who was born in poverty, was quite sympathetic.

"Don't worry, this kind of situation is relatively rare. Generally, the battlefield is in the wild." Leon comforted.

After coming out of Lyon's office, Cang Ling found that Tanila was still stationed, begging with the deputy leader of the team.

The deputy team leader pushed Tanila away impatiently, reprimanded him a few words, and strode away.

With her head down and her basket in hand, Tanilla stood there blankly for a while, then turned and walked towards the gate in frustration.

"Everyone, I have an idea!" Cang Ling said to Phoebe Jiali, "How about we help Tanilla repair the house?"

(End of this chapter)

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