girl knight zero

Chapter 99 Who actually got the right to compete? ?

Chapter 99 Who actually got the right to compete? ?

"Oh, this girl's hands are so fast! Go back and ask her to help you chop stuffing." The kitchen uncle who was watching outside thought to himself.

"What a fast attack speed... During this period of time, her improvement is really great..." Phoebe said in surprise from the side.

"Zero wants to consume Kali's spiritual power, so that Kali can't maintain her physical shield." Leon said, "It's a smart strategy."

Sure enough, after a while Jiali couldn't hold it anymore, she squatted on the ground, trying to delay the time by reducing the size of the shield.

"How long can you last with such a crazy attack? I'd like to see who of us can survive to the end." Jiali gritted her teeth and thought.

However, Cang Ling was not tired, she continued to swing her sword and attacked Kali's shield fiercely.

After fighting for more than 20 minutes, Kali's shield was finally conquered.

"You've run out of strength, right? Now it's my turn to attack!" Jia Li jumped up, raising her sword and slashing obliquely.

Cang Ling raised his right hand, blocked Jiali's attack with his sword, then rolled over and retreated three meters away.

"She really ran out of strength, otherwise she wouldn't take the initiative to retreat." Kali immediately chased after her, imagining how she had pinned Cang Ling to the ground like she did to Phoebe.

At this moment, Cang Ling smiled slightly, and swept over with a sudden kick, knocking Jiali's sword flying.

Jiali was dumbfounded. She originally wanted to hold down Cang Ling, so the hand holding the sword didn't use any strength, but Cang Ling aimed at the gap.

"Don't be too happy, it's not over yet!" Jia Li was not discouraged, she bent down and rushed over, trying to hug Cang Ling by her waist.

Cang Ling didn't dodge it, and let Jiali hug her waist, and without waiting for Jiali's strength, he broke her left shoulder with one hand and knocked her to the ground.

"Admit defeat, Jiali." Cang Ling smiled and sat on Jiali, holding her throat with his sword.

"Tsk!" Kali turned her head unconvinced.

"Cang Ling wins!" The deputy head of the team shouted out the result of the game.

"That's great! Give me some relief!" Phoebe, who was also a loser, gloated.

The final battle finally arrived, Cangling VS Lyon.

"The squad leader is much stronger than me, what should I do?" Cang Ling thought nervously.

"Squad leader, come on! Squad leader will win!" Cang Ling's defeated subordinates shouted in unison.

"Zero, don't think too much, just attack as usual." Leon said with a smile.

"Speak lightly, then I can't beat you at all!" Cang Ling raised his sword and rushed towards Leon.

It was a tactic of hers to make it look like she was attacking head-on, but actually aimed at Leon's legs.

Leon didn't notice Cang Ling's intention, he clenched his sword and took a defensive posture.

"You've been fooled!" When rushing to Leon, Cang Ling suddenly leaned over, leaned on the ground and swept over with his sweeping legs.

Sure enough, Lyon was hit, but he did a backflip and landed steadily.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to take advantage of him." Cang Ling gritted his teeth, stood up on the spot, raised his sword and rushed over again.

Leon didn't take the initiative to attack Cang Ling, he just took the move calmly.

After a few minutes of typing, Cang Ling didn't take advantage of it.

"No, it's impossible to fight like this. I have to find a way..." Cang Ling thought hard while attacking.

"Zero, you only focus on one point every time you attack, that won't work. You have to learn to focus on the whole." After speaking, Leon struck with a sword.

Cang Ling jumped back in a hurry, dodging Leon's attack, and before he could stand still, he was hit hard on the head, hitting his eyes with stars.

"What?" Cang Ling covered his head and took a look. It turned out that Leon took advantage of Cang Ling's right hand to distract his attention, and gave her a side attack with his left hand with the scabbard.

Before Cang Ling came back to his senses, Leon launched a series of fierce attacks again.

His attacks are fast and ruthless, and they are unpredictable every time, so you can never guess where his next move will come from.

Cang Ling was beaten back and forth, and was soon forced to the edge of the arena.

"Damn it... I'm fighting with you!" Cang Ling gritted his teeth, rushed forward and hugged Leon's leg, throwing him to the ground.

After overturning Leon, Cang Ling took advantage of the situation and sat on him, then tried to twist his arm.

Leon lifted his upper body vigorously, trying to turn Cang Ling down, but Cang Ling rushed forward and strangled Leon's neck with his arms.

Leon reacted very quickly. He turned his head in the opposite direction when Cang Ling just circled his neck to prevent his Adam's apple from being strangled; After strangulation.

Seeing this, Cang Ling hurriedly strengthened his waist, knelt down on one knee and pressed down hard, so that Leon's waist was firmly pressed on the ground and he couldn't lift it up.

"Squad leader, elbow her in the stomach!" Connie yelled from below.

"Smash her eyes, scratch her balls!" Hume also yelled.

"Idiot, there is no egg!" Connie gave Hume a critical blow on the head.

Cang Ling knew that she was no match for Leon in terms of weight and strength, so she gritted her teeth and strangled Leon desperately, the veins on her face burst out.

"Once this position is locked, the opponent will never be able to break free. Now it depends on who is stronger." Kali said beside her.

"Although Zero is very strong, he is still far behind the squad leader. Come on, Zero, if you persist for a few seconds, you will win!" Phoebe changed her position and began to cheer Cang Ling.

Leon grabbed Cang Ling's hand with both hands, trying to break it apart, but Cang Ling refused to let go.

"The countdown begins—10, 9, 8..." The deputy team leader began to count down.

"Come on, monitor!"

"Come on, Zero!"

The watching knights were divided into two camps, cheering for Lyon and Cang Ling respectively.

"3, 2, 1...the winner is zero!"

The 10-second countdown ended, and Cang Ling won the final victory!
"Squad leader, you are eccentric, you deliberately lost to Zero! How can you not beat her!" An angry Connie protested with Hume.

Leon straightened his collar, smiled and said nothing.

"Great, I won! I can go to the martial arts tournament!" Cang Ling excitedly turned several somersaults in a row.

"Congratulations, Zero." Kali looked envious and jealous.

"Damn it, why didn't I win!" Phoebe looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Congratulations, Zero. You have won the quota for this year's competition. I hope you can perform well and live up to everyone's expectations of you." Vasily stepped forward and said to Cang Ling.

"Don't worry, the captain, I will try my best to compete!" Cang Ling patted his chest and promised.

"We must win!" Kali urged.

"Target champion! Must win!" Phoebe raised her fist.

"If you lose and come back, you will look good!" Connie shouted unwillingly.

"Woooooooo... monitor, you cheated..." Hume was still resentful.

On the second day, with the blessing (curse) of all his teammates, Cang Ling took the train with Leon and embarked on a journey to Sky City.

 This behind-the-throat lock is basically impossible to solve once the movement is formed.There are illustrations in the book review area, you can try it with your family or friends, you will definitely not be able to break free.

(End of this chapter)

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