One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 102 - The Sword

Chapter 102 - The Sword

The blond lunatic's attack was like a storm.

The ability that Luo was so proud of, and the ability that Murphy trusted and relied on so much, was actually useless at this moment.

Because the opponent's speed has exceeded Luo's limit.

Luo swung the slightly clumsy long knife, unable to catch the opponent's figure at all.

Naturally, there is no way to cut it.

Luo Xin thought, as long as he could inadvertently transfer the opponent's ability to him, and kill him with one blow, it would be his victory.

But at the moment, Luo is not fully sure.


Luo snorted and retreated more than ten steps.

There was a sword wound on his body.

If it wasn't for the fact that the blade was too short, he might have been pierced through the chest by now.


The blond lunatic attacked with a sharp smile.

He didn't intend to give Luo any breathing time at all.

"ROOM, exchange."

The broken western sword pierced the wooden stake in front of him.

Luo had already teleported several steps away.

"Captain, use this."

Luo suddenly heard a sound at his feet.

It turned out that at some point, he teleported to one of the injured pirate hunters.

He raised his long knife aloft.

The other party also noticed that Luo was holding a long knife that was nearly two meters away from him, and it was difficult to move.

Intentionally or not, the lunatic was already good at attacking with speed. Although the "dagger" in his hand shortened the attack distance, it also accelerated his speed.

"Thank you."

Luo threw away the long knife in his hand, and picked up a knife that was only as long as his own arm.

He felt that the weight in his hand was greatly reduced, and he was not very used to it for a while.

But in front of the eyes, there is no other way.

"bring it on!"
Three days later, the unknown.

The simple wooden house has now been enlarged, the area of ​​the first floor has been doubled, and a small building on the second floor has been added.

Just like a decent little villa.

And at the back of the small villa, the practice field that has been roughly arranged has also been enlarged to three times its original size.

Most of this is due to the Warring States Period, and Murphy and Kuina also helped a lot.

Kuina held the blue lantern, and Murphy held the dawn.

The sound of the exchange of weapons was crisp and symphonic.

Warring States pointed out Murphy's mistakes in training.

As expected of a general-level figure, he could tell at a glance that what Lieutenant General Mole taught Murphy was wrong, it was a teaching mistake.

According to Zhan Guo's instructions, Murphy's domineering gushes out more smoothly, and when it is attached to the weapon, it is also more handy.

Kuina has made rapid progress, and the Navy Sixth Form has already touched the threshold of shaving.

"Let go!" Kuina said.

Murphy slashed with his sword.

Kuina is ready to take the call.


Murphy's figure suddenly disappeared.

Kuina raised her head belatedly, and the guy really jumped on top of her with moon steps, and instantly opened the distance.

"Lanyue Slash!"

Mo Fei swung the knife, and a crescent moon sword rushed out.

Although this thing is very similar to sword energy, it is more solid than ordinary sword energy.

If he is a samurai who does not know the Sixth Style of the Navy and only knows how to use a sword, then he must be an old samurai with at least 30 years of sword experience.

Before the battle, Kuina had already agreed that Murphy should not show mercy.

What navy six style, even if you use it, the comprehension in the battle is the best comprehension!

Zhan Guo smiled and watched the two children practice with a kind smile.

It's just that the more you look, the darker his expression becomes.

How could this be?
"Enough, you guys stop," he yelled.

Murphy and Kuina didn't know why, but they saw Zhan Guo walking over with a serious face.

Before the Warring States Period, it was indeed a mistake to point out Mo Fei's cultivation, but she didn't hold a weapon at that time.Just unarmed combat.

As soon as you hold a weapon, your shortcomings are obvious.

"What you are holding is a thin sword. But what you are using is a knife's slashing. It does not use the advantage of the sword at all, but shows all the disadvantages of the sword! The sword moves lightly and is good at provoking and stabbing, not brute force You didn’t know it before, you used knives all the time, right?” Zhan Guo said sharply.

Murphy smiled awkwardly.

Guina said lightly, "The blue lantern was originally Murphy's saber, and I forced it to come over without reason."

"No, no, I said that I have a weapon, and it doesn't matter if I take it away casually." Murphy said quickly.

"Then, do you want to learn knives or swords?" Zhan Guo asked.


Murphy answered without hesitation.

In the heart of every descendant of China, there is a dream of a knight holding a long sword.

Compared with Japanese swords, of course she chose swords without hesitation!

"You are decisive. Do you really know what kind of weapon a sword is?" Warring States asked rhetorically.

"Of course I know. I've always yearned for it. It's just that among the people I know, there is no one who knows how to use a sword." Murphy said.

I searched all over the Beihai headquarters, and there are all kinds of exotic weapons, but no one uses a sword.

"Now that I have said it, it is impossible to go back on my word. This road is not so easy." Zhan Guo looked serious.

"The sword of the moon and the year of sticking for a lifetime." Mo Fei said lightly, "Learning to sword is a dream worth gambling for the rest of my life."

"You actually know this, it seems that I really can't underestimate you." Zhan Guo said.

This sentence is often said in his hometown, and those who can know this sentence are definitely not ordinary people.

"except this……"

Sengoku looked at Kuina and said.

"Your sword skills are very good."

"Thank you."



"The words are a little harsh, but I hope you can listen to them."

"Just say it."

"Shuangyue swordsmanship is heavy swordsmanship, which requires high strength. I'm afraid it's not something women can bear."

"What do you mean? Do you want to say that kind of rhetoric! It is absolutely impossible for a girl to become the number one swordsman in the world!"

Guina was poked in a sore foot and flew into a rage.

"Hey, Kuina calm down..." Mo Fei hurriedly stopped her, "Senior Warring States, that's definitely not the meaning. Listen."

Sengoku's eyes flashed, he probably knew what Kuina had gone through.

"To become the number one swordsman, it is easy to say, but it is not easy to achieve. Don't talk about women, even men, among the many, there can only be one top." Warring States said, "There is no intention of slander, but women The strength of men is indeed weaker than that of men, but you want to practice a kind of swordsmanship that emphasizes strength, it is simply to use your short board to hit other people's long board."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"It's just a suggestion, how to do it depends on your intention."

"Say it!"

"I observed your battle with Murphy just now. Although you honestly follow the swordsmanship that emphasizes strength, you also showed excellent dodging skills invisibly. Not to mention your excellent judgment."

Even though he doesn't know the six styles of the navy, and he is as domineering as Murphy, he can still fight with Murphy.

It is enough to illustrate its strength.

The Warring States continued, "Most of the swordsmanship of the Seven Star Kingdom is based on light spirit techniques, with many changes, and counter moves are more perfect than swordsmanship. The most common one is to use strength to fight. Difficult, but if you master it, you will be invincible.”

"Swordsmanship of the Seven Star Kingdom?" Guina was puzzled, "It seems that I heard from my father..."

"What Seven Star Country?"

"Hmm...a kingdom of legends."

(End of this chapter)

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