One Piece I want to go home

116 Chapter 114 - Baa Baa Baa

116 Chapter 114 - Baa Baa Baa

"Hey, I said."


"I remember, Asriel has lived for 27 or [-] years, right? If you convert it to a human being... Uwah, a centenarian."

"It's not bad that a centenarian still has such a figure."

"Well, don't comment on the figure of a sheep in such a serious way. Although it is really good..."

Asriel was half crawling on the ground, chewing grass, with a relaxed expression.

"I am a long-lived sheep breed, and my age is the same as your human beings. I am exactly 27 and a half years old today, and I am single."

"Are you able to accept the fact that you have become like this now?"

From the beginning to the end, Asriel didn't seem to show much surprise.

"So? It doesn't matter what you become, you still have to live. And as long as you live, you will die sooner or later. Death is equal to all living beings." Asriel said lightly.

"Still a philosophical sheep." Murphy complained.

But looking at Asriel's calm appearance, Mo Fei thought to himself, things will be easy to handle.

"Asriel, do you want to board our ship?"

"Huh? Am I already on the boat? When I come to this world decades later, the only ones I can follow are you."

"Actually... we have kept a little secret from the Warring States."

"Girls have little secrets. It's nothing."

"Actually... I have defected. Now I am not a navy, but a... pirate."

"Oh, it's just pirates... baa baa baa~~~!!! Pirates!!! You said you are pirates!"

Asriel suddenly jumped up.

Using both hands and feet, they circled and crawled on the ground.

"Oh, oh my god, baa baa, you are actually pirates! You have failed Sengoku's trust! You have failed his hard work for you! He has given everything to you! How dare you treat the poor old Sengoku like this baa baa baa baa baa!"

Asriel was so angry that he had completely turned into sheep language in the end.

"Calm down." Guina said lightly, "We didn't do it on purpose. Before we entered the rainbow fog, we were already pirates. What can we say to the Admiral of the Navy?"

"Oh, my god, have you been cheating on the poor old Zhan Guo since then! You stinky girls! Have you ever thought about the feelings of Zhan Guo! Baa baa baa!"

Asriel crawled around on the ground like a headless fly.

Murphy really couldn't bear to watch, a big man turned around like this.

"I admit that it is our fault, and I will not justify anything. But although we are pirates, we have already sworn that we will not attack any navy."

"I didn't swear," Guina said.


"Oh my God, baa baa baa!"

Asriel fell into a state of confusion.

"It looks familiar to me?" Guina said.


"Last time you threw away his favorite chewy sheets, that's what he is."

Murphy sighed, "That's my bed sheet! It disappeared for a month! I thought it was stolen by the Dark Tempter! Then I found it under his nest, it's already full of drool... Please don't remind me .”

"Sorry." Kuina's expression remained unchanged.

"There's no sincerity at all," Murphy complained.

"I think he should be calmed down."

"It's a good idea. Let's go and prepare to sail first." Murphy said, "I urgently need to communicate with other normal too."

Murphy and Guina worked together, and in less than half an hour, they made a raft that could accommodate seven or eight people. For them, there was enough space for them to move around.

"Do you need a separate toilet? Also a changing room? It's fine if it's just the two of us, but there's another... male sheep?"

"Do you have any clothes to change?"

"Uh, not really."

Except for some important items that they carried close to their bodies, they did not bring anything else.

"Can you do the toilet? At the same time, make sure it doesn't affect the driving of the boat? I don't want to see some unknown objects floating behind the boat when the boat is driving. If a wave hits..."

"Well, stop talking. We must have other ways."

Guina shrugged.

"Food, this is a must. But it doesn't need to be too much. Two or three days is enough." Murphy said.

Before driving to the next island, it took only one day with the wind and the water.

But in view of their ships and the premise that they haven't dealt with waves for many years, it is always good to prepare food for a few more days.

"Asriel! Let's go find some oranges! You wait here, we'll be right back!" Murphy said.

"Why oranges?" Guina was puzzled.
The other side of Yangshou Island.

It's almost there, it's almost there!

He looked at a boat that the crew had worked so hard to build. Although it had only been two months, it was not easy to build a boat of this level on an uninhabited island.

Creek looked greedily at the crew who were hard at work building the ship.

As soon as the ship is built, his pirate group will be revived again!
Although there are only a hundred people now, he believes that as long as he is alive, he will soon be able to return to the big pirate group of 5000 people!
Soon, they will be able to enter the great route again!
Then find that damn straw hat kid!
"Hey, Jin, come here!"

Creek beckoned, and the man with a tired face came over.

"What's the matter? Boss!"

"How long until the ship is finished?"

"Not yet..." The man glanced at the busy crew over there, they seemed to be packing up, he chuckled, "Now we just have to hang the flag of our Creek Pirates!"

"Then hurry up and prepare! Get everything done today, and set sail for me tomorrow!"

"Yes! Boss!"

The man ran away in a hurry to order other crew members.

This guy is Klick's most powerful assistant, known as the ghost man Ajin.Once escaped for them, and attracted the navy alone.

Its loyalty is evident.

But last time at Balati Sea Restaurant, after this guy ate a meal, his whole person changed.

"Boss, boss, are you still using this guy?"

A strange guy with a bubble on his head and a shield on his body all the time leaned over.

His name is Iron Wall Palu, the third in command of the Creek Pirates.

But no one dared to underestimate the colorful bubbles on his body, because they contained high-risk fuel that would spontaneously ignite when exposed to air.

It took him more than a month to restore his important equipment from the misery of the previous battle.

"It's just now." Klick said, his eyes fierce.

No matter how loyal the ghost man Ajin was and is now, as long as there is one... no, there is such a second of betrayal, Klick will never tolerate it.

The ghost man Ah Jin is still alive because he is needed.

After he left this uninhabited island and recruited new crew members...his lifespan was reversed.

"Hey, boss, I seem to have seen something incredible..."

Tiebi Palu rubbed his eyes and looked over there.

Two people are slowly approaching the ship under construction.

And that's...

"Two women." Creek's eyes were shining.

How long has it been since he touched a woman?

(End of this chapter)

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