One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 133 130 - Landing in Rogue Town

Chapter 133 130 - Landing in Rogue Town

Two days later.

The boat of Murphy and others arrived in Rogge Town.

Through the phone, Luo and others were unexpectedly trapped in the great route.

The thing is, they were supposed to take the sea train from Queen of Spring City, pass by Food City, and head to Carnival City.

However, the line from the Queen of Spring City to the Food City encountered a sea king attack (it is said that it is related to the battle of pirates), and the line needs to be maintained.

So Luo can only go directly from the Queen of Spring City by boat, passing one island after another, and return to the starting point of the great route.

This journey may be very long, but at that time Murphy said that they might stay in the Navy for a while, so they didn't care.

It's just that they didn't expect that Murphy and others ended their military careers ahead of time, but they were trapped in Ellen and Ai Island.

The reason is……

"... Various buildings began to fall from the sky. The sea road ahead was blocked, and it was impossible to move forward. No one knew what happened, nor did they know how big the area fell. Maybe the first half of the sea road was blocked. This kind of thing is happening." Luo said, "Please wait for a few days, I think the situation will slow down, and I will leave immediately."

With his eyes closed, Murphy counted, and seemed to have some clues.

"Uh, let me ask. Are Alan and E Island geographically close to Gaya Island?"

"Gaya Island? Let me ask."

3 minute later.

Got an affirmative answer from Luo.

The distance between Allen and E Island and Gaya Island is within a hundred nautical miles.

Murphy smiled and said, "Don't worry. It shouldn't last long."

"how do you know?"

"It's nothing, I just heard a legend. There is an empty island above Gaya Island, maybe the empty island fell, hahaha. So it will fall soon, don't worry."

Mo Fei thought to himself, this should be because Luffy and the others had already finished fighting the boss Enilo in Sky Island, and Angel Island was almost destroyed by the thunder of Enilo.

All buildings fall naturally.

Smashed into this sea area.

"It's really an interesting legend." Luo said, but there was no smile on his face.

"But in view of this route... I think we should go to the first island of the great route and wait for you, okay?" Murphy said, "Rogge Town seems to have a strong naval base stationed there, so we can't stay for too long."

"Are you sure you can?"

"Have you seen our reward order?"

"Uh... saw it. Is there some misunderstanding?"

"The point is the bounty! What are you worried about? We are no longer 12-year-old girls."

Luo was silent for a long time, and then reluctantly opened his mouth to speak.

"...Okay, where are we going to gather?"

"Whiskey Mountain."

"Why? That's the island where bounty hunters are ambushing." Luo said, "Have you heard about Nonoroa Zoro? should know. Your idol."

"of course."

"After that incident, the number of bounty hunters ambushing on this mountain has not decreased, but more. It seems that they want to trap newcomer pirates to the end."

"But I want to go there."

Murphy wants to go back to the other side, the adventure of Luffy and others.

By the way... deal with the mess.

"I still haven't found the novel you mentioned, and I don't know what it is about. But Monkey D. Luffy and Nonoroa Zoro are indeed on the same boat. If you want to catch up with them, just You can’t go down this old road.”

Murphy pursed his lips.

Luo gave her another way.

Murphy can choose to relive the plot, but he can also choose to catch up with them.

"……There is a way?"

"Looking at the map, it is very likely that they will arrive at the City of Seven Waters. We only need to go to the far left... You probably don't know. In short, taking the sea train can save a lot of time."

"I know Sea Train!"

"You seem to know more than you did before. Did the admiral tell you that?"


"By the way, the first island of this route, I think you will like it."


"Coco Island."
After hanging up the phone, Murphy smirked for a long time.

Kuina pressed Murphy and said with a serious expression.

"Don't be complacent there by yourself. From the great sea route to the sea train, explain it to me."

"Uh, oh. Okay."

Murphy smiled awkwardly.

She roughly explained the situation to Kuina and made the other party prepare, but she didn't say it clearly. She also wanted to keep some fun for Kuina.

"...So the problem left for us now is to enter the great route?" Guina said.

"Our purpose in Rogge Town is either to find a better navigator. Or to find another way to bypass the Upside Down Mountain." Murphy said, "It is best to find a navigator."

"I agree." Guina said.

Murphy and others are sea blind, and there is only one dotted line to guide their destination.When encountering a storm before, I still relied on some old common sense jingles of these pirates to judge the future of the storm.

And soon to enter the great route, the weather there is unpredictable, and it is not something that can be fooled by common sense.

"Big sister! Are we going to enter the great route?"

The pirates on board cheered loudly.

When they saw the reward order from Murphy and others, they changed from fear to worship.

He has completely regarded himself as a member of the Murphy Pirates.

And Murphy never wanted to use his name as the name of the Pirates.

"The repair of the ship, the storage of food...the weapons and ammunition reserves on the ship can be reduced." Murphy said, "Use the remaining funds on your ship to prepare. If possible, find someone to replace your captain with funds."

"Yes! Captain Murphy!"

A group of pirates responded loudly, then turned around and dragged the former pirate captain in exchange for 800 million miles.

And Murphy and Guina made a simple disguise and stepped into Rogge Town.

Asriel turned into a goat, with a blue ribbon bell that never gave up, jingling and jingling after them.

Murphy held the list in his hand.

"And these are the things we want to buy. First, your sword, and then some books. I want to try it out and use it as a sacrifice. Then there are our clothes, and some necessities..."

Can you believe it?After so many years, Murphy has not gotten a decent book.

"There is also pasture. Alpine orange clover." Asriel said.

"Try your best." Murphy said, "But are you sure that your current stomach can still eat grass for a living? You have been suffering from diarrhea before, and it will be better to eat human food these two days."

"Alpine Orange Sativa."

"Okay." Murphy said, "I think you can try cooking grass next time."

"It's a good idea."

(End of this chapter)

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