One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 138 135 - Denim Suit

Chapter 138 135 - Denim Suit
"Where are we going now?"

"clothing store."


"A wanted warrant. An official employee photo. I can't dress too casually." Murphy said, "Huh? A denim clothing store? Not wait in the alley outside, and I'll come back as soon as I go."

"Fey, a suit. You know my size," said Asriel.

"I'll try to find you a stretch suit." Murphy joked.

"Absolutely not." Asriel denied.
Murphy took two quick steps and entered the store.

As soon as he stepped here, Murphy was attracted by the best-selling western cowboy suit of the season.

Classic dark brown "Sterson" style wide-brimmed high-top felt hat, off-white checkered flannelette shirt, tight calfskin jacket, wide-leg leather chaps with tassels, and crocodile leather cowboy boots with shiny spurs.

Of course, there is the most eye-catching black and red checkered denim scarf.

The style is classic and the workmanship is exquisite.

The high price of 50 Berry was clearly written on it.

But Murphy ordered two women's suits without hesitation.

"One set is for me, and the other set is... taller than me, 1.7 meters. The figure... is a little bigger than me... just a little bit."

"Ma'am, our store does not accept refunds."


"Okay, a set of 1.6m 1.7A, and a set of [-]m D."


"But you..."

"The clothes look thin." Murphy tugged at the clothes stubbornly.

"Ma'am, no refunds will be accepted."

"Can I try it first?"

"of course can."

"Add a suit, any suit."


"Probably like this, like this, like this."

"Okay, I see ma'am."

"Oh, and..."

"What else can I do for you?"

"They sell guns...I mean, retro-looking flare guns."
Da Siqi woke up in a hotel, and when he woke up, someone was doing something to him.

"Ah... umm."

Murphy pressed her mouth firmly, "Shut up, don't make a sound. I didn't do anything to you, I just changed a set of clothes for you."


"Promise me you won't scream."

Dashiqi nodded frantically.

The moment Mo Fei put down his hand, Da Siqi pulled off his clothes shyly.

"I... I can come by myself!"

"Okay, then you can change it yourself."

"Uh, my glasses?"

"Give you."


Da Siqi habitually made herself behave politely, but the moment she changed her clothes, doubts came to her mind.

——Why am I dressed like this?

"Oh, it suits you very well." Murphy said with a smile, straightening his cowboy hat, "How about me?"

"Very good. He is heroic and unrestrained." Da Siqi said.

"That's good." Murphy said, "Are you ready? We should go."

But Da Siqi became sober step by step, and retreated step by step.

"No... I remember, you are Charles Murphy."

Mo Fei spread his hands, "If you want to arrest me, you should know that you don't have that kind of strength. So, save yourself."

"But you also didn't mean to hurt me?" Da Siqi was full of doubts, "So what do you want me to do?"

"Do nothing. Follow me."

"I won't go with you."

"But you will. Because Smoker is waiting for you."


Murphy smiled and told her what Kuina told her, but she didn't tell her about Kuina's existence, and even used SWORD skillfully.

If you feel unfamiliar just by mentioning this name, then you will remember it when you say this.

Drake, one of the eleven supernovas, belongs to SWORD, a secret special force of the Navy Headquarters, and serves as the captain.

Kebi will then be part of the team.

Da Siqi is obviously dubious, because she has never heard of SWORD.

"Of course you haven't heard of it. If everyone has heard of it, is it still called the secret army?" Mog round, he will tell you everything. Of course, you can leave now, but there is a small flaw in our plan, and we may let a certain pirate go, and then let him invade other villages, you I know, burning, killing, looting, things that pirates would do..."

"I'll go with you." Da Siqi replied immediately.

"very good."

"But if I find out it's a fake, I'll take all the actions I can think of and arrest you," she snapped.

"If you can do it." Mo Fei smiled and gave her the sword he bought, "Put it on your waist."

"How do we leave? We can't just go out like this. There must be a lot of navies outside looking for you now." Da Siqi said, slightly flipped the curtain, and saw the navies coming and going on the street outside.

"It's so quick to get into the role, a child can be taught." Murphy smiled deeper, "We really need a disguise before arriving at the port. This is for you."



When the three of them left the hotel and walked towards the port, Asriel, who was also wearing a cloak, whispered something to Murphy.

"You are deceiving a just and kind navy, and the old war will be sad."

"If you dare to speak out, I will throw you to the Tianlongren. And I won't save you." Murphy warned.

Asriel didn't speak anymore, but he had to admit that he really wanted to tell Dashiqi the truth just now.
Half an hour later, a merchant ship full of passengers and cargo was about to set off.

Three grotesque figures in cloaks forcibly boarded the ship despite the navy's obstruction.

A moment later, a gunshot pierced the sky.

One of them took off his cloak.

It was a heroic girl in a denim suit, and the muzzle of her gun was still smoking slightly.

"Listen up, everyone! This ship is now being hijacked by Charles Murphy! Set off immediately! Kill one person ten seconds later! Ten! Nine..."

At first, no one believed that such a young girl would kill her.

But the person beside her moved and took off the cloak.

It turned out to be a sheep-headed demon inside.

All the passengers screamed, and the crew did not dare to hesitate.

Mo Fei looked at the person next to him, and took off his cloak.

Then there was another shot.

"This is my partner! Frost Moon Kuina! 9000 million Berry! But she is on par with me in strength, and her temper is more irritable than mine. If you don't want to get hurt, just obey me!"


Da Siqi covered her ears, a word was written on her face.

the other side.

"It's gunshots." Guina said, "It should be the commotion caused by Charles Murphy."

At her waist, pinned a brand new long sword.

This was just found by the management navy and delivered to her by hand.

"Get on the boat." Smoker said coldly, "I won't listen to those old guys, just stay in the East China Sea honestly. Just wait, straw hat boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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