One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 140 137 - Lieutenant General Bastiyu

Chapter 140 137 - Lieutenant General Bastiyu
Asriel's landing posture is so graceful that he looks like a seasoned yoga teacher doing the most profound yoga moves.

And his horns were inserted into the deck, unable to move.

"Can you help me get it out of here?" he said.

Mostly everyone thought that he was potentially dangerous, or that he was planning something, so they didn't dare to approach him.

"Okay, I'll do it myself..."

Asriel transformed himself back into sheep form and pulled himself out of the deck with force.Then immediately changed back to human form.

He glanced at the suit that had been torn in several places due to the shape change.

Although it was expected, it was still a pity.

"Asriel, the sheep-headed demon." Lieutenant General Bastiyu stepped forward with the sword in hand, "Did your fellow pirates give up on you?"

"Actually, I really like your navy uniform. I've always hoped to have the chance to wear that cloak of justice." Asriel sighed, "But it seems like there's no chance, does it?"

"Not necessarily. If you help us capture Charles Murphy and Frost Moon Kuina, I can apply for this opportunity for you." Bastiou said, "Become a navy, and you will have another chance."

Asriel hesitated, then shook his head.

"Sorry, those two girls are more important to me. I watched them grow up and know that they are so kind and lovely. They were forced to become pirates, and in this case, the most needed With people around to support them and guide them, I won't let them lead astray."

"Forced?" Bastiyu saw hope, "If something happens, please tell me, maybe we can find a way."

"No, this is something that the poor old Sengoku finds difficult."

"Warring States... Marshal of the Warring States?"

Asriel nodded slightly and smiled politely.

"So now, can you please give up the hunt?"

"What if not?"

"Then I'm sorry."

As soon as the words fell, Asriel set off a nameless storm all over his body.

Bastiou intuitively hit a heavy hammer on the head, with submissive coercion.

He made up his mind and survived, but the entire navy of the ship fell one after another.

Bastiyu's face sank like water.

"The overlord is domineering..."
another boat.

Maynard cautiously looked at the girl in front of him.

"What kind of ability user are you?"

It's a weird vine, and a werewolf. These two completely different abilities, logically speaking, can't appear on the same person.

"A person with a special ability. So special that even I can't understand it," Murphy said.

"Listen, Captain Murphy. I really want to know what happened to you," Maynard said. "You didn't hurt any Marines two years ago, and you don't hurt any of them now."

"You don't really want to know anything. You're just delaying time." Murphy said with a smile, "but you can't delay over there."

【Breath of Life】

Gentle life force surrounds her, and her physical fitness is fully improved by Meridia's blessing.

At the same time, a long sword appeared in her hand.

【breaking Dawn】

"It seems that there is no way to communicate." Maynard also took out his weapon.

The two figures intersected, but Maynard was defeated within three moves.

He will, and so will the other party.

even more.

Before being knocked out, Maynard's last consciousness was...

Why is this girl who knows the sea of ​​clouds and swords? -
Why does this kind of thing that can only be accessed in the new world appear on the goatman?
"Before you ate the goat fruit, who were you?" Bastiou said sharply.

"Asriel, the leader of the long-lived sheep on Akiba Island on the Great Route, please give me your advice."

He smiled slightly, full of kindness, but the sheep's head made him look like a devil.

Murphy and others have always believed that Asriel's domineering arrogance was produced by accident in the isolated island, but after he became a human, he realized that this arrogance came from when he became the leader of the longevity sheep group at the age of ten. , it already exists.

It is true that domineering look and arrogance are related to genetics, but no one has ever stipulated that only humans can inherit it.

"What? Longevity sheep?" Bastiyu couldn't believe his ears.

"Actually, I hope that you can give me a wanted pet price, so that I can attract less attention." Asriel's tone was a little annoyed.

Bastiou kept looking at the other party and talking carefully, but he never dared to approach rashly.

A guy who can possess a domineering look should not be underestimated.

Maybe, among the three of them, the person in front of him is the dominant one.

If that's the case... It's absolutely impossible for him to have a strength of only [-] million.

But soon, Bastiou began to feel angry at his withdrawal and cowardice.

This is the emotion that as a navy, I dare not have the most.

For pirates, being a pirate is their way of life, so when depriving them of their way of life, if they take their lives, they will fight to the death.

If they, as a navy, just treat it as a job, it is their biggest failure as a navy.

They must have the same awareness as the pirates, and even more firm beliefs... It is this way of thinking that has allowed Bastiou to survive until now.

And in front of him, perhaps is a powerful pirate that he has never seen before.

But in Donghai, he is the commander of Donghai headquarters.

Neither his faith nor his honor as a navy allowed him to take half a step back.

What if he backed away and let the navy behind him?
Bastiyu clenched the Shark Saber in his hand, his eyes were sharp.

"Whether what you say is true or not, Asriel, you can't do whatever you want any longer. I will definitely arrest you today! Ugh~!"

Asriel looked at someone who was rushing towards menacingly, and his face changed.

"Hey, wait! I'm just a sheep—!"


The whole process did not exceed ten seconds.

Bastiyou looked at the person who had been knocked unconscious, and only hoped that he had saved the other person's life just now.

"It's really a sheep."

But before Bastiou could heave a sigh of relief, the hairs on his body stood up, and a strong killing intent emerged from behind him.


Bastiyu dodged ahead of time relying on his knowledge and arrogance, and when he looked back, he turned out to be a werewolf with ferocious eyes.

"I may need to show mercy to Maynard, but not to you," Murphy said.

Although both of them are lieutenant generals, the former has stayed in the position of lieutenant general for more than ten years, and his strength is not at the same level.

Murphy glanced at Asriel at his feet, "He's still alive... that's fine."

The recovery ability of the animal fruits is very strong, let alone the phantom beasts.

"Charles Murphy, why did you leave the navy? It's a pity for such a good seed." Bastiew's tone was full of regret.

"Correct me, it's Basil Murphy. I don't recognize the surname Charles." Murphy said, "If I can hope that your arrest warrant can be replaced with my human appearance, not a werewolf puppet with a bow... ...when did the navy get so casual?"

Bastiou was speechless for a moment, and he also wanted to ask this question.

(End of this chapter)

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