One Piece I want to go home

143 Chapter 140 - The Noble Girl

143 Chapter 140 - The Noble Girl
Murphy was carefully looking at every customer on the ship. In the end, she settled on a noble girl who was about the same age and figure as herself, with heavy makeup.

Although Murphy was sure that the other party looked good with light makeup, he still didn't understand why the other party insisted on putting two blushes on himself.

That thing could be called blush, but every time he saw it, Murphy would always associate it with a stack of paper figurines in the funeral supplies store.

"Do you have any extra clothes?" Murphy asked, "By the way, lend me a set of jewelry."

Of course, the so-called borrowing is robbing.

The noble girl tremblingly gave her what Mo Fei asked for.

"Thank you again for your help," she said with a smile.

Laughing like a fox.

"Da Siqi, get ready, the boat can sail." Murphy jumped off the boat.

Da Siqi looked at her with those eyes full of resentment.

Murphy smiled, "Please sail."

Only then did Da Siqi slide the paddle reluctantly.

"If I hadn't seen Major General Smokey on the transit island..."

"What do you want?"

"I will try to kill you, even if I can't kill you, I will try my best to make things develop in the worst direction."

Da Siqi used unusually serious eyes and tone.

Looking at it, Murphy felt a little flustered, because he felt that what he was facing was an angry Kuina.

Although she had never seen Kuina angry, Murphy knew that it would be terrible.
after one day.

transit island.

Kuina's journey with Smoker was not pleasant.

This annoying egomaniac is always telling her to do this and that, and looking at the other person, it seems that these are the things she should do.

That guy named Da Siqi, could it be this person's exclusive nanny?

Thinking of that person having the exact same face as herself, Kuina was inexplicably annoyed.

Moreover, when they were sailing, because they did not let go of the direction, they walked a long way.

Smoker naturally scolded her head and face, why she was not optimistic about the compass.

Guina didn't refute, but she didn't say a word either.

When she followed Murphy, she never had to think about the route.

Murphy always seems to find the right path.

——It seems that being a pirate is more comfortable.

Guina came to this conclusion.
The ships of Smoker and others arrived so late that when they arrived, the warships preparing to go to the great route were about to set off.

"Wait a minute! I want to get on this boat too! I have business to do!" Smoker didn't even wait for the other party to refuse to get on the boat.

He was worried that someone hadn't followed, so he looked behind him specifically, but he didn't expect that someone landed on the deck calmer than him.

Smoker felt that Da Siqi was very strange, as if he was a different person.

But even so, Smoker didn't think about this matter in other directions, but simply thought that it wasn't the days when it was a woman.

"Sorry, this ship is full."

He was stopped by a spectacled gentleman navy.

Smoker felt that the other party looked familiar. He first habitually checked the reward book he had built in his heart for the other party's face, and found that there was no corresponding face. Then he thought that the other party should be the one he had met in the naval base before.

"Emergency. Just two more," said Smoker. "Call the captain of your ship and I'll talk to him."

"The captain is currently unwell and resting in the cabin." Said the Sven Navy, "This ship is for the captain to be treated. I am the acting captain now."

"What disease? Is it serious?" Kuina asked.

"Sorry, no comment." Admiral Sven stretched out his hand, "Please disembark. The next ship will arrive here soon."

"how long?"

"About three days."

"We can't afford to wait that long."

"But this ship... If we delay your affairs, we apologize, but we really can't let you aboard." Sven Navy said stubbornly.

Just when Smoker was about to pretend to agree, and then hooked up with his ability after sailing...he heard footsteps coming from the cabin.

"Let them come up. They are all navy, who have been working hard to protect us ordinary people, haven't they?"

A sweet and greasy voice came, full of affectation.

The moment Smoker saw who was coming, he knew what was going on.

It was an aristocratic woman with exaggerated silver curly hair. She was dressed luxuriously and had heavy makeup on, so she couldn't see her original appearance at all.

And she even wears the latest Taoxin contact lenses in her eyes.

Da Siqi had told him about this thing before, but it was too expensive, didn't have as high a prescription as hers.

Naturally, what the navy said about the captain's illness was also a lie.

Naval ships that stop at the transit island and go to the great route usually carry some civilians, but relatively high fees are charged.

As for the current situation, if Smoker guessed correctly, the noble lady and her family should have chartered the boat with a large sum of Berries.

This is the so-called "full staff" before.

"Hey, this is Rear Admiral Smoker, right? I have heard about your great deeds in the battle of Alabasta."

When the aristocratic woman saw him, she smiled brightly like a sunflower.

Her voice became more and more thin, and it even made people feel like she was talking to a seven or eight-year-old girl.

The other party approached intentionally, but the overly strong scent of perfume rushed straight into his head.

In contrast, the smell of cigarettes all over his body is quite refreshing.

Smoker retreats, and the aristocratic woman takes a step forward.

"...I don't know about Major General Smoker, but I'm interested in talking by candlelight."

"Thank you for letting us take the boat, but we need to rest now, and I'm afraid we can't accept your kindness."

After Smoker finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Guina didn't have a good impression of this aristocratic woman, so she deliberately walked around her, but she came closer.

When they passed by, she heard such a sentence.

"Guina, I'll wait for you in the machine room."

Kuina froze for a moment, turned her head in surprise, but the noble woman ran to the side of Sven Navy again, smiling and making friends with her.

It's like a slut who likes the mouth of the navy.


After a short rest, Kuina casually found an excuse to leave, and came to the mechanical room when no one was around.

And there, noble women have been waiting here for a long time.


"Don't be so uncertain. It's me." Murphy said, "I just narrowed my voice a little bit and pretended to be a little hypocritical. Don't you recognize me? It's really sad."

"I feel that you are naturally suitable for this kind of pretentious noble lady." Guina said, "I have succeeded in hating you."

"You...then I really thank you. It's a pity that I don't have that blessing. I'm a poor man." Murphy glared at Guina and recovered his original voice.

"I thought I was needed to help you get on the boat, but it seems my worries are unnecessary." Kuina said, "Then Smoker is useless and can be done away with."

She looked murderous.

"Hey, hey, I'm too interested, and I can't kill the donkey..."

Murphy hurriedly stopped someone.

"Besides, this ship is not that simple. We need Smoker."

(End of this chapter)

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