Chapter 147 - 144

Domineering is called Liuzakura in Wano Country.

Internal destruction in advanced usage of domineering was first discovered in Wano country.

Therefore, in the outside world, the arrogance of "internal destruction" will be directly referred to as [Liu Ying].

But this kind of advanced domineering use method is not a bit difficult to learn.

Murphy is better at and proficient in the use of domineering than Kuina, but even so, he still can't control Liuying with ease.

Not to mention her.

Guina took a deep breath and put her hand on the lock.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Smoker said.

"Shut up and watch quietly," Murphy said.

Being reprimanded by a young girl, Smoker clicked his tongue.

Da da da--

Very faint footsteps.

Murphy closed his eyes and felt it.

"Someone is coming this way. It's about ten meters away from here."

Kuina recalled the teachings of the Warring States Period.

Liuying is a kind of flowing domineering, gathering them at one point...

Rather, when it is released, it is not a sudden breath, but to vibrate the domineering energy in the body first, and after it is released, it can still maintain the destructive state of the domineering energy.


Everyone saw that the head of the lock was hit by an invisible force and shook a few times.

Kuina reached out and pulled, and the lock opened automatically.

"Although it's only a little bit, it's still considered damaged," Murphy said.

"Wish I could change it for you," Guina said.

Kuina is having a hard time releasing Ryuzakura.

When Murphy uses domineering, he often releases Liu Ying unconsciously.

"That's because I, Dantao, are more proficient than you," Murphy said.

In the use of another domineering [Dantao], Murphy has a deeper understanding and is much more proficient than Guina.

"They should put the sword over there." Murphy said, "Is it really okay to use such a short sword?"

"Short point is also a sword." Kuina said.

"There is still a sword in my room. You can go and have a look. I bought it for you in Rogge Town."

"I see."

"Mengka the Axeman and Crowe from the Black Cat Pirates are not capable..."

"Shh." Kuina made a silent gesture, "The so-called battle is more interesting when I discover the enemy's ability by myself."

Murphy shrugged, "Well, I wish you a happy battle."

Kuina took out the weapon from the box, opened the door, and collided with a pirate who came to patrol. She knocked him unconscious with her backhand, and then rushed out.

If Da Siqi heard correctly, this guy actually laughed when he left.

She looked at the leaving figure and was very entangled.

"What did she just do?" Smoker asked, frowning, "That's not fruit power."

"This is the importance of having a good teacher," Murphy said.

There are many people with good talents, some even as good as Murphy, but they have missed good opportunities to practice martial arts due to various reasons.

Murphy is undoubtedly lucky.

Next, the three of Murphy and the others could hear various screams and fleeing sounds from above.

Murphy suddenly felt like he was experiencing the zombie apocalypse.

After about 10 minutes, two bloody guys were dumped on their side.

"It's them."

Kuina walked in, covered in blood.

Her expression remained unchanged.

For the navy, they are merciful, but these pirates are not so lucky.

And for a sword that has both sides sharpened, there is no such thing as cutting someone with the back of the sword.

"It's them." Murphy glanced at the two pirates whose life and death were unknown.

Asriel also walked in.

Da Siqi explained to Smoker in a low voice, "He is the third member, and he should be a person with the ability to goat fruit. I thought he left before, but I didn't expect that he came in as a goat."

"I'm not a human. I'm a goat." Asriel straightened the lapel of his suit and said seriously, "Guina, you are too murderous."

"It doesn't matter, I just broke their tendons and tendons, and they didn't hurt their lives. But they won't be able to do evil in the future." Kuina said, "But these two people may need first aid."

"Do we have a doctor on board?" Murphy wondered.

"Probably among those pirates." Kuina said, "But it's hard to say whether he can deal with his injuries."

Asriel stepped forward with the sea tower stone key, but Da Siqi was going to take advantage of this to sneak attack.

It was easier than expected, Da Siqi locked Asriel with the handcuffs on his hands, and he lost his strength when he touched the sea stone.

At the same time, a sharp knife rested on her neck.

"Think clearly." Kuina said.

Dashiqi didn't want to let go.

She was led by the nose by the pirates all the way.

And seeing this guy who looks exactly like him but has superior strength makes his heart even more complicated.

"Let go," said Smoker. "You want to disgrace the Navy?"

Da Siqi gritted her teeth and let go of the restraint.

Asriel undid Murphy's handcuffs, and the three pirates stood outside the cage, looking at the two of them.

"Okay, what should I do with you next?" Murphy said with a smile.
a few hours later.

In the calm windless belt, a plain naval warship sailed slowly from the sea.

Everyone hired by Murphy watched curiously as the boat full of pirate injuries gradually drifted away.

"Pray that they can draw a windless zone, so that the Neptunes don't discover it." Murphy waved his hand at them.

Mo Fei turned around and met the chef who was about to deliver the food.

She took the food and said with a smile.

"give it to me."

In the dungeon, Smoker and Dashiqi were silent to each other.

But they have all changed to a more comfortable way of locking.

That is, Hailoushi's handcuffs were fastened to the Hailoushi prison.

This leaves them with one hand free.

And the prison even added a lot of daily necessities, everything is available.

Kuina even followed Murphy's suggestion and hung curtains in the middle of the prison, which was regarded as a simple separation of men and women.

On the opposite side of them were Monka and Crowe who were bound like mummies.

Fortunately, among the few people Murphy recruited, there was a person with medical experience who barely saved their lives.

However, with their injuries, it is good to be able to get out of bed within a month.

Murphy handed the food to the two through the delivery port, she said.

"There are still about four or five days before I can leave the windless belt smoothly. During this period of time, I will wrong you."

"Why don't you just kill us? Is it interesting to watch us suffer this kind of humiliation?" Da Siqi said unwillingly.

"I said that I would not harm the righteous navy!" Murphy shouted, "If you can promise to stay on the ship honestly, I can let you out of the dungeon! But you may agree!"

Da Siqi bit her lower lip tightly and stopped talking.

"What you are thinking in your heart must be...if only I were stronger." Mo Fei chuckled, "But this is definitely not the first time you have this kind of thought...Since you have such determination, give it to me." I'm going to practice hard! It's no use just being unwilling!"

Every time he meets the Straw Hats, Da Siqi is not reconciled.After two years, she was still suppressed by Sauron.

Da Siqi has indeed grown up, but that is the growth of a normal person.

"The only way to keep up with monsters and become stronger... is to become a monster." Murphy said meaningfully.

Murphy knows that it is not so easy to become a captain, let alone the captain of Trafalgaro...

She must have the power to match the position.

So, she compromised with the Demon God.

(End of this chapter)

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