One Piece I want to go home

153 Chapter 150 - Coconut

153 Chapter 150 - Coconut
"Silver whirlwind!"

Holding a pair of scimitars, the man spun at high speed, swept everything, and rushed straight to Luo.

"ROOM, baton!"

Luo accurately caught the opponent.

The silver whirlwind stopped abruptly, and was slowly lifted high into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, with Luo's index finger shaking, he fell quickly.


He slammed into the ground hard, and his life and death are unknown.

Luo looked at the earphone bug that was smashed by the impact.

He tackles a "cadre".


Luo poked the green ring around the opponent's neck with Ghost Cry, making a metal-like crisp sound.

"This thing is pretty solid."

"Don't move! Otherwise this bitch will die!"

Luo frowned and turned around, only to find that Murphy was being held hostage.

The hostage-taker had a thin, withered complexion, cunning eyes, and a black-haired head with a particularly obvious strand of white hair...

In Murphy's words, it was a strand of white hair floating freely.

The other party's ears also have earphone bugs, but Luo obviously feels that the other party is a little stronger than what he just solved.

Although it is not strong enough.

"Murphy, now is not the time to make trouble." Luo said.

This kind of role should not be a problem for Murphy.

The former Cuibeard was a bit more imposing than him.

Even if Murphy hadn't advanced and retreated in the past few years, it wouldn't be impossible to deal with such a guy.

"Help me, save me...I don't want to die yet..."

Murphy's voice was crying.

She looked like she was definitely not joking.

But in Luo's eyes, Murphy's acting skills were a bit superb.

Does she have any plans?


Luo glanced to the side, and Cavendish shot Guina down.


Could it be that Murphy wanted to pretend to be caught, and then persuade Kuina to leave the Mad Bear Pirates?

It is indeed possible.

Then he should follow suit.

"What do you want? Let her go!" Luo said sharply.

"What do I want to do, hehe." The dumb-haired man grinned, unable to tell his stomach, "I know you all, you..."

The dumb-haired man's words stopped in half.

Then, without any intention of going on, he turned around and ran away.

Luo got confused.

What are they doing?
"Everyone! Retreat!" shouted another burly man in a silver mask, who also had earphone bugs in his ears.

All the members of the Mad Bear Pirates faded away like a tide.

Luo thought for a while, turned over and jumped, standing on a high place to look out.

He could see, the raised naval flag.

It seems that they saw the navy coming, so they left here.

Cavendish joined him and asked suspiciously.

"Why don't you leave?"

When seeing naval ships in the past, Luo usually took evasion instead of fighting head-on.

"It's a special design for naval warships crossing the windless belt." Luo recognized, "and that smiling face."

Cavendish took a closer look and found a clumsy smiley face painted with blue paint on the hull of the warship.

Murphy once mentioned that in order to prevent Luo from sinking their warship without saying a word, he is hereby marked.

That's the ship Murphy came here on, so there isn't a navy.

"Frost Moon Kuina looks a little strange." Cavendish said.

"It's not just her, all pirates are a little strange." Luo said lightly.

"what have you found?"

"not at all."

"But someone is chasing the secret."



Cavendish shrugged, "Are you at ease?"

"There is nothing to worry about. She is very smart." Luo smiled.

"Really?" Cavendish was quite proud, "It seems that even someone you can trust so much can't escape the curse of my beauty. Hey, is there no woman in this world who can resist my charm ?"

Luo looked displeased.

"Hey, please make room for me."

Shouts came from below.

Looking over, I found that it was the fat man who saved the boy just now.

"In the house under your feet, there is a person! If you don't help, get out!"

The fat man with a bruised nose and a swollen face was akimbo, furious.

Luo suddenly smiled, "Look, a woman who resists your charm has appeared."

Although it was difficult to identify, this fat man was indeed a woman.

Cavendish showed a disgusted expression, "Forget it."

The two turned over and jumped from the collapsed building.

"Hey, wait!"

The fat man came over.

"Talking about you, that bearded uncle."

Luo looked back with a sullen face.

This fat woman obviously looks older than her age, okay?

"I saw you using your ability just now, what kind of baton... Hurry up and help me!" The fat woman ordered.

Luo frowned, and his anger rose.

Who does this guy think he is?
"Uncle beard, hurry up and help."

Cavendish hid his face and snickered... the one who laughed was called a thief.

"Do you know who I am?" Luo Chensheng asked, full of murderous intent.

"You're the emperor, I'm fine! Hurry up and save him! Are you just watching him die?" the fat woman ordered unceremoniously, and even moved forward.

The fat woman didn't have much strength, but she pulled him by the neck and walked forward... because Luo didn't expect this guy to do this at all.

Cavendish laughed out of nowhere, it was the first time he saw this arrogant guy being dragged forward like a puppy.

"Hey, let go! You bastard... I know! I'm saving people! Let go!" Luo shouted.

Although Luo was angry, his life was at stake, so he couldn't just sit idly by.

The fat woman not only ordered him, but also ordered everyone with a strong tone.

And everyone was in panic after the war, and no one objected to her, but obediently obeyed her arrangement.

The battlefield that was filled with fear just a second ago is being handled in an orderly manner this second.

It wasn't until later that someone reacted.

It shouldn't be this woman commanding them wantonly here.

A guard stepped forward and glared at her.

"Coconate! Stop messing around here!"

Luo looked at the fat woman in surprise.

There was no trace of fear in the fat woman's eyes. Instead, she took a step forward and knocked the opponent staggeringly with her overly plump belly.

"Captain of the guard, you should look for trouble at another time. What were you doing when the pirates attacked the town?"

The captain of the guard suddenly felt guilty.

"If you don't want me to remind you what you did, go help someone."

The captain of the guard stared angrily, but he didn't have the slightest intention to refute.

"Koknat, if I have the chance, I will beat you up."

The captain of the guard uttered a harsh word and walked away.

"Thank you for taking care of me, and I will never forget it." A ruthless look flashed in the fat woman's eyes. She was grinning like an evil smile, but she pulled the wound on the corner of her mouth, and her face twisted instantly due to the pain...

One word.

eat lotus root.

Even Luo couldn't help but look away.

It's really unsightly.

(End of this chapter)

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