One Piece I want to go home

155 Chapter 152 - Fat Woman 2

155 Chapter 152 - Fat Woman 2
"Guina mentioned the Mad Bear Pirates, so he should be the mastermind behind it." Luo said, "I've heard that the other party should be from the fur tribe in the New World. Although I don't know why they came here, but he His strength cannot be underestimated."

"Strange..." Cavendish said, "Isn't that iron-faced Erion with a bounty of more than 9000 million, why did he bow down in his pirate group?"

"If there is only one person, maybe we can guess. But...these pirates originally had their own pirates, and now they all joined the Mad Bear Pirates?" Luo couldn't figure it out.

"You seem to know this Bepo, know what?" Cavendish asked, looking at the fat woman.

But the latter turned a deaf ear and just stared blankly at an open space.

She murmured, "It shouldn't be like's all my fault..."

"Hey, wake up!" Luo directly raised the volume, startling the other party.

"Huh? Call me?"

"What do you know, Bepo the Mad Bear?"

"Me? I don't know anything..." The fat woman looked at the wanted notice with dull eyes, "There must be some misunderstanding."

Beppo would never do such a thing.

"There is no time to lose, our companions are still in their hands. Please tell us what happened?" Cavendish asked.

"Companion? Is that Frost Moon Kuina?"

"Not only. And Basil Murphy. You know?"

"Huh? Her? She was also taken away?"

"I don't think I was taken away, but voluntarily..."

"That's a big trouble!" The fat woman looked anxious, "Although I don't know about Bepo the Mad Bear, I know what that green ring is!"

"Say it!"

The fat woman told them that it was a kind of ability called pet fruit, which could emit a green pet ring. As long as it was put on the other party's neck, the other party would become a pet and obey the owner's orders in everything.

And the solution is very simple.

"...See the earphone worms on their ears? That's what they use to give orders to them. As long as they destroy it, they won't be able to hear the orders from the capable users, and they won't execute them." The fat woman Said.

"Hey, you really know a lot." Cavendish looked at her differently.

"The devil fruit illustrated book doesn't have such detailed records." Luo said, the illustrated book only roughly recorded the pet fruit's ability, but did not record the restraint method.

"I'm knowledgeable, can't I?" the fat woman said directly.

Luo twitched the corner of his mouth, he would not believe it.

"In this way, I will know why Frost Moon Kuina and the guy with a higher bounty than him still obey him." Cavendish said, "Oops... I don't know if Murphy knows, if she is trapped Putting on a pet ring is also a troublesome existence."

Although Cavendish didn't know Murphy's strength, he knew from Bounty and Luo's reassuring attitude towards her that the opponent's strength was not inferior.

"There is indeed this possibility. It seems that we must find the whereabouts of the mad bear as soon as possible." Luo said.
Several people returned to the prison and found the imprisoned Silver Cross Greenover.

No one stopped them, because everyone knew they couldn't stop them.

Greenow just woke up, lying on the bed like a mummy, unable to move.

His injury is probably the most serious of all injuries.

Fifty percent of the bones in his body were shattered and thirty percent were broken. If it weren't for this, no one would be able to rescue him from the gate of hell.

Apparently he was under general anesthesia, and even his words were slurred.

" can't talk about it when you're hungry, and you can't make any Buddha-style vomits when you're hungry."

(I can't say we can't reveal his whereabouts in any way.)
"This is troublesome." Cavendish frowned.

Even Luo is at a loss. Are they going to search the whole island in the most stupid way?

But Cocoa Island is no small island.

Because this island is the origin of valuable coffee, and it is also the first island of the great sea route. There is a guard of the Coco Kingdom stationed in Coco City over there, and its strength is not weaker than that of the navy.

There are nearly ten small villages scattered around.

Cocoa Town where they are located is one of the smaller villages, but it also has a powerful guard...

If they face Greenover, they will all have the power to fight.It's a pity that their opponent was Kuina, so they were ruthlessly killed in seconds.

And beyond the villages, there are vast untouched forests and cocoa plantations.

Even if Luo wanted to find it, it would take several days.

"Well, a few." The guard at the door ran in and reminded them timidly, "The Royal Army of the Coco Kingdom is coming here soon."

To be honest, he didn't want the Royal Army to conflict with them.

Because you don't necessarily win.

"Let's leave here first," Luo said.

He likes to act in a low-key manner and doesn't like to make the city full of wind and rain.

Although Cavendish likes to be glamorous, he has been taught enough by Luo.

"Take him." The fat woman said.

Law and Cavendish don't know why.

A clue that can't be used, why do you have to bring it? Isn't it good to leave him to the Kingdom Army?Let the pirates go back to where they should go...the navy's prison.

"Hurry up!" the fat woman urged.

And she looked straight at Luo.

"Do you have a solution?"

"hurry up!"

Luo took a deep breath, persuaded himself that it was not time to be angry, and then directly activated his ability to transfer them out of the prison.

Only some dumbfounded guards remained.

"I rely on, teleport?"
As soon as he left here, Luo immediately asked.

"In what way?"

"I'll tell you," said the fat woman, "but you have to promise me one condition."

"My patience is limited."

"Take me with you. I'm going to meet that mad bear too."

The fat woman looked serious, obviously not joking.

"Yes, but we won't guarantee your safety."

"It doesn't matter." The fat woman said, "Because someone will protect me."

Both Law and Cavendish saw confusion in each other's eyes.

"Then what?" Cavendish asked.

"It's very simple. As long as the bearded uncle uses his ability, he can replace a pair of intact legs. Let him go home by himself." The fat woman said.

Luo frowned, why did he feel that this woman was more familiar with his abilities than himself?

"There are many suitable animals in the forest over there. Go there first. I'll take him back to his home and wait for's the red house over there."

Without waiting to refuse, the fat woman picked up Greenover and left.

"Huh? It's interesting." Cavendish touched his chin and said, "This woman is quite smart. Now I'm a little curious about how she looks after losing weight... Her facial features are not bad."

Luo didn't speak, just stared at the leaving figure, thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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