One Piece I want to go home

158 Chapter 155 - The Importance of Appearance

158 Chapter 155 - The Importance of Appearance

After hearing the news of Murphy's arrest, Kuina came to the basement immediately.

But in the basement, someone's groaning was echoed.

Seeing the scene in the basement, Kuina's face turned pale with fright.

She had always thought that Murphy already had her own heart, and Murphy was not such a casual woman.

"What are you two idiots doing!" she growled.

The two stopped their movements for an instant and hurriedly put on their clothes.

The handsome man grabbed his pants in one hand and his clothes in the other, and left in a panic.

"Cook, where are your earrings? Bepo has been looking for you." Guina said.

The two were taken aback, "Murphy" shook off his clothes, only to realize that he was involved in it at some point.

"I'll go right away." He snatched the earphone bug and left in a panic.

Cook found a small ball of paper on the way out.

There is no rubbish around here, and it is very clean, so this paper ball is particularly obtrusive.

Cook picked it up, and there was a sentence inside.

[As long as you don't hear the order, the pet fruit will not work. 】

Look what he found?
Really lucky today.
"Is there anything else you want to say?" Guina said.

"Murphy" was just arranging the hem of the skirt in a panic, not even daring to look at the other party.

Damn, why is this guy.

Kokonat knows the woman in front of her. She is the guy who came to this island with the original owner of this body. There is a bounty of 9000 million Berry. If the other party sees it, she will definitely be slaughtered .

"Where did you go after the party?" Guina demanded.

" know, the captain of the guard is very handsome, isn't he?" Coconut said.

That was the first time she tasted the sweetness with this body.

For a while, Kuina couldn't find any excuses.

She said that she grew up with Murphy, so why didn't she see that she had such a personality.

Could it be that she can only get in touch with one uncle on the trembling island, which caused her rebellious psychology?

She was silent for a long time, and said, "It's not convenient for me to deal with this kind of thing, but I hope you can restrain yourself and not delay the business. I will tell you the general process of the matter. Before you are bound by the green collar, you should be able to find a way .”

"Well, well... I will definitely work hard." Coconut said.

Guina gave her a puzzled look, and then told what happened.

But Kekonat was surprised after hearing about the pet fruit, "How can there be such a terrible fruit?"

Kuina stopped talking suddenly, squinted her eyes, and looked at the guy in front of her with a familiar face.

"who are you?"

Because of his ability to find his own fruit, Mo Fei read through the entire devil fruit illustrated book several times, knowing all kinds of fruits.

"I... of course Charles Murphy."

"She never introduces herself without a last name, and she prefers Basil." Guina said, "Ask me again, who are you!"

"I...that..." Kekonat hesitated.


There was a sudden noise outside.

Kuina raised her head in doubt, but before she could see what it was, Mad Bear's commanding voice came from the earphones.

He asked himself to gather in the lobby as well.

"Wait. I'll figure it out." Kuina left.

While Kuina left, Asriel was imprisoned in the same prison.

Coconut was frightened to death.

When landing on the island, Asriel was in the form of a goat, just to prevent the civilians from being frightened.

So Asriel quickly realized that the person in front of him was not Murphy.
cocoa town.

Luo carried a hunting elk and came to the door as promised.

Cavendish knocked on the door.

But the one who opened the door was not Keko Nat, but... a heavyweight.

The two immediately became alert.

Someone's voice came from inside.

"Relax, this is my guarantee." Murphy stepped out, "Do you need me to introduce you to each other?"

Luo said the other party's name accurately.

"The combatant under BIGMOM, Pokmus, has a bounty of [-] million."

"Why are you here?" Cavendish asked.

"Oh? You already know each other?" Murphy asked.

"It's not acquaintance." Pokmus said, "It's just a meeting on the island. Asked about some things."

"Lola the Proposer." Luo asked, "Is she on this island?"

"I don't know. We heard that there is a Kokonat called Marriage Proposal on this island. Maybe it's her disguised name. She has disappeared for a long time."

"Then it seems that you have found it." Cavendish said.

"What did you find?" Pokmus was puzzled, stunned for a moment, and then followed the eyes of the other two to look at Murphy.

"It's next." Murphy said reluctantly.

" never said that."

Yes, she doesn't act like a nympho either.

"I don't like hairy ones."

"Ah..." Pokmus petrified.

"You two handsome guys, don't you really think about marrying me?" Murphy said to Luo and Cavendish.

Cavendish refused, "I'm so sorry sweetheart, I'm a man whose heart is in the sea, and I won't stay for any choice."

Luo simply ignored it selectively.

"I'll fix his feet, and you're ready to go."

After a few minutes.

Rob helped Greenove fix the deer leg and was able to run quite fast.

But Greenoway regretted it, saying that he would not return to that place even if he was killed. The collar on his neck was still there, and he would definitely be enslaved after returning.

Mo Fei said lightly, "Of course you can choose not to go... Rather, this is what I'm looking forward to. Marry me!"

Greenover looked at the fat man with a bruised nose and swollen face, and then said to Luo.

"I gave my life to you, you must remember to save me. I'm leaving now!"

The sound of deer hooves echoed on the ground.

"Am I really that ugly?" Murphy said.

Cavendish patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, "It doesn't matter what a person looks like. The important thing is to have a kind heart."

"Do I have it?"

"Of course, honey, of course you do."

"Marry me!"

"This...cough cough, we must save our companion! There is no delay! She will be in danger at any time!"

Cavendish left in a flash.

Unfortunately, Murphy and Luo met eyes.

"With me……"

"ROOM." Luo unfolded his ability, then threw a stone, "exchange."

Pokmus said sincerely, "Actually, if you also have furs, I might consider..."

"So it's also impossible?"

She can't possibly have fur.

"Yes." Pokmus replied.

Murphy was confused for a moment.

She probably understood why Kokonat had to switch bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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